Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 238: That Nerd

The two made quite the impression as they entered.

The girl was graceful and poised, like the caring older sister next door. The guy, on the other hand, had a casual look—messy hair, heavy black-framed glasses, and an air that screamed "nerd."

But the real attention-grabber was his wheelchair. It was no ordinary wheelchair; it had a built-in table that held a flashy laptop decked out in 24-color RGB lights. Overkill? Maybe.

As soon as they walked in, all eyes turned toward them. The girl blushed under the weight of their stares, her head slightly bowed as she pushed the wheelchair up to the platform.

Meanwhile, the guy was glued to his laptop screen, typing away like a man on a mission, completely in his own world.

"Tian, Tian…" she called out softly, but he didn't even flinch.

Getting flustered, she gave the wheelchair a firmer push.

Finally, Tian snapped out of his trance, looking mildly irritated.

"What is it, Xiaolan? I already had breakfast."

Xiaolan's face darkened as she fought to keep her cool.

"We're in the classroom, Tian. It's your turn to give the lecture."

"Huh?" He blinked, finally taking in his surroundings.

"Why's there such a big crowd?"

"It's your turn to teach. I made notes for you; just read them."

"Notes? Oh, those. I left them at home."

"What?" Xiaolan's patience finally snapped.

"Xiong Tianguang! I reminded you before we left! I knew you'd struggle, so I stayed up all night writing those notes, and you left them at home?"

The moment his full name, Xiong Tianguang, was mentioned, whispers rippled through the students.

"No way, that's Xiong Tianguang, the captain of Team Hero? This guy is supposed to be a hero?"

"Seriously? I thought heroes were all tough and legendary, not… this."

The gap between what they imagined and what stood before them was massive. They had pictured the captain of Team Hero as some battle-hardened warrior, not a video game-obsessed nerd.

"A nerd as a captain? If he can do it, maybe I can too!"

Despite their murmurs, no one dared to challenge him, especially with Xiaolan around. They knew better than to judge based on appearances alone.

Sure, Xiong Tianguang looked like a lazy gamer and sat in a wheelchair, but being the headquarters' captain meant he had serious skills.

"Xiaolan, chill. It's just a lecture. I don't need the notes," Xiong Tianguang said, standing up from the wheelchair and tinkering with his laptop on the podium.

Only then did they realize he wasn't actually disabled.

So why the wheelchair? And the computer setup?—Clearly, it was all about convenience—gaming whenever he wanted.

Settling back down, Xiong Tianguang grabbed the microphone.

"Can you hear me? Whoa, this channel is loud." His voice echoed through the hall.

"Uh, I'm Xiong Tianguang, captain of Team Hero. I'm not here to talk about Specters or psychics today. I'm sure other captains will cover that. Instead, I'm going to teach you something different, something only I can teach! Heeheehee…"

His mischievous laugh didn't exactly win the students over; instead, it made them uneasy.

And their unease was justified. After a few more taps on his keyboard, the big screen behind him came to life.

It wasn't what they expected. It was a character selection screen from a video game.

"Today, I'm going to teach you how to reach the top rank in the game!"

The room fell silent.

Even though the psychics were a bit quirky themselves, they were baffled by this sudden shift.

'What on earth is happening?'

Just as they started thinking this might be some elaborate joke, Xiong Tianguang really began playing the game, live, in front of everyone.

At first, he even threw in some tips—explaining hero abilities, rune choices, and item builds.

But soon, he was fully immersed in the game, shouting out commands.

"Go in! Start the fight!"

"What are you scared of? You're the tank! Don't wait for me, the assassin, to dive in first!"

"Destroy the tower! Why are you diving? This game is about killing towers!"

"They're sending two to gank me, and you guys can't win a 4v3?!"

"Even a pig in the jungle could play better!"

The psychics were speechless again.

Finally, after about ten minutes, someone had had enough. A guy with a mohawk stood up.

"Hey! I came to headquarters for training, not to watch you play games!"

Xiong Tianguang, still engrossed in the game, shot back, "Haha, can you play? Can you? Five of you against one, and you still got wrecked?"

Mohawk guy fumed. Hearing the snickers around him, his anger boiled over. He grabbed a water bottle and hurled it at Xiong Tianguang.

What happened next was incredible.

On the big screen, the game character, who had been dashing forward, suddenly spun around and drew his sword.


A wind wall, formed from pure sword energy, materialized in front of Xiong Tianguang.

The water bottle hit the wind wall and exploded into dust.

Mohawk guy froze.

The entire room was stunned.

Fang Xiu frowned, deep in thought as he watched the wind wall vanish and then glanced at the game character.

'So his power makes games come to life? Is that Xiong Tianguang's ability? He's so obsessed with games that it awakened a game-related power?'

Xiong Tianguang remained completely unfazed. He never looked up, still lost in his game.

But the room had gone dead silent. The only sound was Xiong Tianguang's commentary as he played.

The others weren't foolish. They figured that next time, instead of just a wind wall, the actual game character might appear in real life.

And no one, not even the most arrogant psychics, thought they could take on a video game character brought to life.

So, everyone ended up spending the entire class watching Xiong Tianguang play games.

As soon as it ended, Xiaolan quickly wheeled Xiong Tianguang out, looking more than a little embarrassed.

After they left, the headquarters staff arrived to guide the psychics to lunch.

Everything seemed normal, like it was just another training session.

But Fang Xiu knew better. The real danger would come at night.

Big events often begin on days that seem perfectly ordinary.

Oh, and it's worth noting that Zhao Hao skipped lunch.

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