Devil Seeds

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 – Break Through 1000 Points

Chapter 9 breaks through 1,000 points

Ke Xiaoliang’s explanation seems deliberate to everyone.

But two facts, always in front of us, cannot be ignored.

First: Ke Xiaoliang… the Faceless Man in the eyes of everyone. He is the maker of the rules of the game and the interpreter of the rules. He holds all the initiative. So what he can say is what he is. Others cannot refute it, nor can it ignore it.

Second, no one can truly be honest with each other, let alone truly trust each other, so that seven people are of one mind.

These two facts cannot be disproved.

So no matter how many loopholes are found in the game, no matter what method is thought of, it is actually invalid and useless.

All they can do is play games with each other and dig holes for each other.

It’s like when a group of people are attacked by a tiger in the wild, if they can’t fight back, all they can do is try to run faster than their companions.

At this time, Ke Xiaoliang’s ears not only continued to report the number, but also the amount was larger than before.

The total number of magical points is about to exceed 700.

It is not far from the thousand magic points required to activate the magic seed.

“Trust me, I’m not… I’m really not!” Xu Kai placed his card on his chest, and even raised his head high.

Everyone saw the three characters of ‘hypocrite’ written on his card.

However, they couldn’t believe their eyes. They believed the words of the ‘Faceless Man’ and denied the ‘truth’ they saw with their eyes.

Things have come to this, and we can only trust Bailu first.

No one interrupted to say anything more.

Because if it wasn’t for Xu Kai, the one who would be identified at this moment would be any one of the remaining people.

All fingers were aimed at Xu Kai.

The chain stopped shaking.

The bright and cold iron hook is hanging above everyone’s head.

A turntable that looked extremely simple, with some interesting children’s drawing paper on it, appeared on Xu Kai’s right hand side.

“Come on! Turn the wheel in front of you and choose your punishment.”

“This is the price you should pay for being kicked out.” Ke Xiaoliang’s malicious voice rang out in the hall again funny.

Xu Kai was trembling all over, and set his eyes on the roulette.

On the roulette wheel, large and small areas are fan-shaped, and almost every area corresponds to an extremely cruel punishment.

However, Xu Kai and the others still found that in the extremely small gaps, there was still ‘life’ mixed in.

Not only are there options such as free release, but there are even rewards for the Hundred Poisons Killing Immortal Sword, Heavenly Thunder Divine Fire Shield, Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa, and Heavenly Remnant Divine Art. This seems to be a very powerful award at first glance.

It’s just that the scope of their appearance is too small, too small.

is so small that it seems to be negligible.

Even so…everyone could not help but have their minds fluttering, and had some lucky thoughts.

Xu Kai was not as scared as before, instead he was a bit more ruthless than a gambler.

The roulette wheel that I didn’t want to turn even if I was killed, seems to have a little more courage to turn it now.

Stretching out his finger tremblingly, Xu Kai vigorously moved the pointer on the turntable.

Crash la la…!

The pointer rotated rapidly, and everyone’s attention was focused on the turntable.

Gradually the pointer starts to slow down.

Move a little bit.

Thousands of ants eating the heart, thousands of arrows piercing the heart, and thousands of cuts all slipped past.

Wu Ma Shi Shi and Tong Luo are not far ahead.

And in the middle, there are two extremely subtle but quite tempting options: release from punishment and divine power.

“The magic value has arrived at one hundred and thirteen.” In Ke Xiaoliang’s ear, a pleasant voice came again.

And the one hundred and thirty magical points, almost one hundred points, were provided by Xu Kai.

The pointer moved slowly, as if it had stopped at the option of Tiancan Shengong.

Xu Kai’s face clearly burst into extremely intense ecstasy.

But everyone around looked at Xu Kai with envious and greedy eyes, and they were already secretly thinking about various poisonous schemes in their hearts.

But the pointer didn’t really stop completely.

It jumps forward one more space.

“It’s five horses to divide the body…haha! It’s five horses to divide the body!” She is tall and thin, with high cheekbones, but her eyes are small, and her mouth is wide open.

Sometimes, the saddest joy of human beings is to laugh at the misfortunes of others.

Opening his mouth wide, he interpreted this kind of sadness vividly.

The despicableness of human nature is undoubtedly revealed.

“The magic value has arrived… one hundred and eighty!”

Ke Xiaoliang’s magical value at this moment has completely broken through one thousand.

Basic small goals have been achieved.

Among the 180 magic points added, at least 100 points were provided by Xu Kai.

His nerves seemed to have broken amid the ups and downs.


The big iron hook hooked Xu Kai and pulled him into the invisible darkness.

In the hall, only the remaining six people remained.

“The righteous hero is still here, the game…continues!” Ke Xiaoliang’s funny voice sounded at the right time after processing.

However, this funny voice fell on the ears of everyone, but it was so terrifying and eerie.

“Who! Who is the righteous hero?”

“Who are you?”

“I don’t want to die…I don’t want to die, please…please stand up for yourself! I don’t want to die yet, I still have a great time, my great-grandfather is the elder of the Mozong, and I am his favorite great-great-grandson One of them. I will become a high-ranking member of the Demon Sect in the future…how can I die here? In this way? Don’t be kidding…! You guys hurry up and die!”

“Anyway, you are all rubbish. You are going to die. Even if you pass the outer door assessment, you won’t live long… Why don’t you all die now! Let’s all die!” Before that, he seemed to be a bit of a leader. Wang Jue, who showed strength and demeanor, became the first guy to collapse in this game.

He doesn’t seem to be as good as he thought.

Wang Jue grabbed Wang Yu’s hand.

Then he said in a pleading tone: “Wang Yu! It must be you! It must be you!”

“Tell me, the hero of righteousness is you?”

“Huh? It’s you! It must be you! Please… tell me, it’s you!”

Wang Yu shook Wang Jue’s hand away like shaking his nose.

“Yes! It’s me!”

“Then identify me!” Speaking of this, Wang Yu took out his own card and stuck it generously on his chest.

The three big characters of ‘hypocrite’ are written on the card.

Another hypocrite.

If Wang Yu’s card is real, and the remaining two hypocrites know each other’s cards, and can trust each other honestly, they will understand it in their hearts.

In this game, there is no ‘righteous hero’, they are all cheated.

However, this is only a hypothesis.

There is already distrust and mutual suspicion between people. What’s more, these demon sect disciples, the education they have received since they were young, and the people and things they have come into contact with make it extremely difficult for them to trust others.

“If what we see is fake. So is he a righteous hero or a real villain? This is a choice between the two, with a 50% probability… What should we do? Do you want to vote for him?” The two remaining The hypocrite below, at the same time, such thoughts emerged in his mind.


The bell rang for the third time.

This time, the one who rushed up to the second floor first was the man who had **** off Wang Jue before.

And after he went up, it seemed to indicate that others would no longer have the opportunity to go up to the second floor to find clues.

There is more!

(end of this chapter)

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