Devil Seeds

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Who Is The Hero? (For Yin Feiyang’S Reward For The Last Book

Chapter 7 Who is the hero? (Adding more rewards to Yin Feiyang in the previous book)

“Today I met a fool who sold the prisoner’s soul blood talisman on the street. It’s my luck. It’s a pity that I was a little slow to start, and I only grabbed one.” Wang Yu had a steel ax hanging on his waist, and his eyes were like copper bells. Da, looked at everyone passing by with a ferocious look, as if he might pull out his ax at any time and start killing.

Like Xie Ying, Wang Yu also activated the demon seed, which gave birth to the true energy of the demon sect.

And the magical powers he obtained are of the flesh type.

Mainly improved strength and explosive power. In a small place like Qicheng, if there is a head-on collision, Wang Yu is confident that few people are his opponents.

So he relied on his physical strength to run amok.

If you are in power but not rampant, then what are you doing as a disciple of the Demon Sect?

This is Wang Yu’s life creed.

Grab what you like, and chop with an ax if you don’t like it. It’s simple and straightforward.

Take the Prisoner Soul Blood Talisman to the **** shop for identification, to prove that it is really genuine, and there are no traps or secret doors behind it.

Wang Yu then mobilized his own magic energy to constantly exaggerate and occupy the Prisoner Soul Blood Talisman, and established contact with it in this way to manipulate it.

If you have mana, it will be much simpler.

You only need to mark your own mana directly on the Prisoner Soul Blood Talisman, and then you can use it.

In the middle of the night, Wang Yu finally finished rendering the prisoner soul blood talisman.

As long as some wandering spirits and ghosts are captured and sealed in this blood talisman, the sealed ghosts can be manipulated.

Suddenly, Wang Yu felt deeply sleepy, and then a familiar and warm feeling enveloped him.

He felt as if he had returned to the arms of A Cui’s sister-in-law in his hometown. The smooth and moist feeling has left him with endless aftertaste.

Only he knows that although Mrs. A Cui is ugly and has a big red birthmark on her face, her figure, skin and strength on the bed… are all unique.

Chi slip!

Wang Yu took a sip and then stabilized his mind.

“Where is this?”

“Why am I here?” Wang Yu looked at the yellow sand all over the sky, a little confused.

There is a stone road at the foot, looking forward… but seven or eight steps away, there is a dilapidated, old, and withered stone building.

Wang Yu tried to walk around, but found that he couldn’t ‘go out’ at all.

He seems to be limited within a certain range.

He could only go forward and walk into the stone building.

Tightening the stainless steel ax in his hand, Wang Yu straightened his back and walked in energetically.

In the stone building, there were already several people there.

“Xu Kai, Liu Lu, Zhang Dazui, Bailu?”

“Are you here too?” Wang Yu greeted the acquaintance in surprise.

The four people whose names were called did not pay attention to Wang Yu, but their faces were pale and panicked, and they seemed to be a little disturbed.

Looking in the direction where everyone glanced at, Wang Yu also got goosebumps all over his body, and lost his composure in an instant.

Diagonally across from the stone furnace, there are several big iron hooks hanging.

There are more than a dozen skinned corpses hanging on iron hooks.

The corpse was roasted by the flames, and the corpse oil was constantly lying down.

Wang Yu discovered that the whole stone building seemed to be filled with a strange smell of meat.

Although he knew he shouldn’t look at it, Wang Yu couldn’t help it, so he took a few more glances.

After a while, he lowered his head, held back the vomit that had reached his mouth.

He recognized it, recognized the identity of one of the ‘corpses’.

That person is considered his fellow villager, and they visited the secret door together two days ago.

The atmosphere in the stone building is weird.

Someone tried to leave, but found that there was no way to go.

The road to the upper floors of the stone building was also blocked by invisible forces, making it impossible to go up.

After a while, two more people appeared in the stone building.

Following the arrival of these two people, the gate of the stone building was suddenly shut with a bang.

The building was pitch-black, only the fire was still flickering, but the burnt corpse hanging on the iron hook was even more horrifying.

The burnt aroma in the air is even more embarrassing.

“Welcome to my world, I am a faceless man.” A voice interrupted everyone’s contemplation.

Wang Yu didn’t say anything else, he swung his ax and slashed in the direction of the sound.


He smashed a table, and the ax slashed heavily on the stone wall, scraping out sparks, but did not leave deep marks.

What scares Wang Yu the most is that the cut stone wall grows like a living thing at this time, and the ‘scar’ is quickly repaired.

A strange man with no face, round figure, and wearing a black cloak stood in mid-air.

He is like an illusion, under the swaying fire, there is no shadow of him.

“Old Wang! Calm down.” A voice stopped Wang Yu’s impulse.

Then the owner of the voice clasped his fists at the faceless monster and bowed: “Senior, we are all disciples of the Ten Demon Sect. If you have any orders, we will do our best to serve you.”

The faceless monster ignored it, and just said with a strange smile: “When you come to my world, you must abide by my game rules.”

“From now on, a card that records your identity will appear in each of your arms.”

“Among you, there will be three real villains, three hypocrites, and one righteous knight. And the clues about your respective identities will appear on the upper floors of the stone building. After each bell rings, you can go upstairs one by one , looking for clues. The next time the bell rings, you must vote to point out the ‘righteous knights’ you have identified.”

“There are four or more people, and if one person is recognized as a righteous knight, then the person who is recognized will be eliminated from the game, and a penalty will be randomly selected from frying, roasting, insect bites, and knife.”

“After the number of personnel is reduced, the ‘Righteous Knights’ designated by the majority will be eliminated.”

Speaking of which, the Faceless Man waved his fat and short arms again.

A wall on the left suddenly rises.

On the other side of the wall, there are more than a dozen magic weapons that are different but blooming with precious light, as well as a mountain of spiritual stones.

“If the righteous knight is successfully eliminated, the hypocrite and the real villain will win, and the living people will share this batch of magic weapons equally. If the righteous knight survives to the end and becomes one of the last two remaining, then other than the righteous knight One person will be automatically eliminated, and righteous knights will monopolize all magic weapons and spirit stones.”

“How is it? Is my introduction very simple and clear?” The faceless man asked everyone in a funny tone.

The seven people present were not at all amused by this funny tone.

At this moment, their hearts were all up and down.

Nervousness, fear, excitement, and greed are integrated in one place, which is complicated and difficult to understand.

Ke Xiaoliang, who turned into a faceless man, is very happy at the moment.

Because of the self-made system voice, he is constantly reminded of the rapid increase in magic value.

Those magic weapons and spirit stones are of course fake.

It was just an illusion created by him, just like the image of the Faceless Man.

Ke Xiaoliang knew the disciples of the Ten Demon Sects very well.

Most of them are greedy, selfish, cruel and vicious.

Such a deadlock that is doomed to mutual suspicion and mutual calculation, they will not have a winner.

What’s more…Ke Xiaoliang also played a trick.

Because of the identities of seven people, there are four hypocrites and three real villains.

There is no righteous knight at all.

The identity of a righteous chivalrous man did not exist from the very beginning.

And these little devils, in order to obtain more personal benefits, at the beginning, they must not find out the “righteous knight”, but first confirm the identity, and then squeeze him out to reduce competitors , to monopolize the last benefit.

(end of this chapter)

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