Devil Seeds

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – Zigong Or Women’S Clothing? (Yi Luo, Who Was Rewarded For The Last Book)

Chapter 3 Self-dress or women’s clothing? (Adding updates for Yi Luo Qianqiu, who was rewarded in the previous book)


piercing screams, shuttle back and forth among the clouds.

The magical value arrives at… eight o’clock.

The magical value arrives at… six o’clock.

The magical value arrives at… six o’clock.

Ke Xiaoliang made a simple announcer in Huzhong Realm, which constantly reported his income to him.

Although the specific data has long been known, it feels really cool to be read out like this.

We don’t have a system, but we can make it ourselves.

We must have what others have, and we must not lose at the starting line.

After Xie Ying fell off the cliff for the thirty-seventh time, the magic point will no longer be generated.

Ke Xiaoliang discovered that Xie Ying had already fallen into a semi-trance state, and it was obvious that he was going to be bald.

Cultivators with the first level of Qi training have much stronger willpower than ordinary people.

The estimated upper limit of willpower is between 80 and 100.

That is to say, for a monk at the first level of qi training, the magic value generated in a single time can fluctuate up to the range of 80 to 100.

If this threshold is exceeded, the monk will collapse, become an idiot or become distorted and blackened.

In the fear of falling, Xie Ying never generated more than ten magic points at a time.

However, due to being masturbated too many times in a short period of time, the spirit fell into a trance.

Similarly, this method gradually became ineffective for him.

“It’s time to use the real topic.” Ke Xiaoliang had a thought.

Xie Ying finally ‘bottomed out’.

With the sound of splashing water, Xie Ying fell into the cold pool at the bottom of the cliff.

The cold pond and narrow valley were just built by Ke Xiaoliang.

It is the magical value obtained from Xie Ying.

Stimulated by the cold pool water, Xie Ying woke up quickly.

Looking around in confusion, Xie Ying’s pupils froze suddenly.

I saw a dark figure standing on the stone platform on the shore with misty water.

Xie Ying was shocked, realizing that she had nowhere to retreat, nowhere to hide, so she slowly swam towards the shore.

Wait until he climbs ashore in embarrassment, and then take a closer look.

Only then did I realize that the dark figure was clearly a stone statue.

On the stone wall behind the statue, words seem to be engraved.

“Yu Dugu has been seeking demons for three thousand years, and now he broke through the sky and left behind a volume of “Treasures of Demons and Demons”. Those who are destined to break through the thousand-layer back cliff and fall into this place will be Yu Geshi’s disciple, like a stone statue I kowtowed three thousand times before, and since then my divine power has manifested itself.” Xie Ying dictated the words slowly, although her face was still puzzled, she also showed joy.

Although it is not common… But there are indeed some adventures in this world.

“Could it be, did I hit an adventure? The circular fall just now was a test? And I have already passed the test?” Xie Ying cheered up, and then looked around.

The area around the stone platform is very clean, and there is no place to hide items.

Around the cold pool, not even a single weed grows, which is also very strange.

Xie Ying touched his bosom, and took out an evil talisman made of blood and ink with a pitch-black background, and mobilized the magic energy in his body to punch out the evil talisman.

Inside the evil talisman, more than a dozen pitch-black ghost images flew out.

The ghost shadow wandered and howled in the valley, and finally returned to the evil talisman.

Xie Ying seemed to be exhausted, panting heavily.

Although the evil talisman was specially prepared for him by his father, and he could barely use it with the magic energy, it was not mana after all, it was too much force.

“I didn’t find anything, do I really have to kowtow three thousand times?” Xie Ying hesitated.

Holding the attitude of giving it a try and coming, Xie Ying still gave in.

It’s just three thousand kowtows. If there is a shocking adventure, let alone three thousand kowtows, even 30,000 kowtows…he can also kowtow.

Xie Ying began to kowtow.

At first, it was pretty solid.

Later, it became more and more perfunctory.

Three thousand ringings, he kowtowed for three hours.

If it weren’t for the protective body protected by the magic door’s true qi, he would have been unable to hold on.

The stone that was placed in front of Xie Ying’s forehead suddenly cracked after he kowtowed three thousand times.

revealed the scroll hidden inside.

Looking at the exposed scroll, Xie Ying’s expression changed several times, his precarious body couldn’t hold on any longer, and he fell limply to the ground.

“The magic value has arrived… 50.” Ke Xiaoliang’s data broadcaster rang in his ears again, and the sound of recharging into the account was particularly intoxicating.

Ke Xiaoliang looked at the self-made attribute panel.

On the panel, after deducting the magic value of expenses, there are now a total of 223 magic points.

Xie Ying panted, rubbed her red, swollen and bruised forehead with her hands, turned over with a grin, and pulled out the scroll from the crack in the stone.

Then slowly unroll the scroll.

“If you want to practice magical skills, please leave the palace first.” The first sentence of the opening sentence shocked Xie Ying.

Although many strange and evil skills have various requirements, it is not too uncommon to practice ‘from the palace’.

However, Xie Ying was still a little reluctant to accept such a result.

So, he further unfolded the scroll, wanting to see what kind of magical technique it was, and whether it was worth the sacrifice he made.

“If you don’t come from the palace, you can wear women’s clothes.” The second sentence that followed made Xie Ying almost choke to death with a mouthful of old phlegm.

He looked up and looked around, trying to figure out if someone was playing a prank, joking with him.

But after thinking about it carefully, it is impossible for ordinary people to have the ability to throw him in the air and fall repeatedly, but those who have this ability… and there is no need to embarrass such a small Qi training first-level monk, Xie Ying settled down again. Ready to move on.

“If you don’t come from the palace, and you don’t wear women’s clothes, you need to use thousands of years of yin water and ten thousand years of cold ice as supplementary training to control the sun fire, so as to prevent the evil fire from attacking the heart and burning the body to death. That’s the case. Every day at two o’clock in the afternoon, everyone should suffer from the scorching heart of the evil fire, and need to use seven to forty-nine kinds of Yin spiritual medicines, refine them for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, make pure Yin pills, and take pure Yin pills to suppress evil spirits. Huo, maintain a stable state of mind, before the magical power is perfect, you must not approach women.” The third sentence shocked Xie Ying’s heart, and he began to feel that there might be something really wrong with this volume of magic power.

After all… the first two strange requirements, when you see the third sentence, it seems that you have given a ‘reasonable’ explanation, right?

“It’s a bit embarrassing to be in the palace, but women’s clothing… As long as you secretly dress up as a woman and practice magic skills, how will others know that I have such a past?” Xie Ying turned her head and looked at the reflection of her face in the pond.

Although her forehead was bruised and swollen at this time, her appearance was feminine and her skin was fair.

Maybe it looks good in women’s clothing?

“The magic value has arrived… 60 o’clock!” Ke Xiaoliang heard the voice of counting again.

The scroll continues to turn down.

Text paused.

What appeared in front of Xie Ying’s eyes was a series of detailed women’s clothing tutorials.

From the choice of clothing, to the hiding of certain male organs, to the delicate and softening of the skin, to the feminine makeup of the face, and finally… How to disguise yourself as a woman with a man’s body, and have indescribable **** with men factual relationship.

“The magic value has arrived… 70 o’clock!” The voice of the counting continued.

The rising value is undoubtedly revealing what kind of mental shock Xie Ying is suffering at the moment.

“The purpose of women’s clothing is to transfer the evil fire in the body, and transfer the evil fire to others in a way that men and women can communicate. This kind of transfer cannot happen between men and women. Women are yin in nature, and the evil fire enters the body and turns into yin evil Poisonous fire, pour it back and turn around, and there will be no redemption.” The scroll once again gave a seemingly convincing explanation.

(end of this chapter)

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