Devil Seeds

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 – Up The Hill

Chapter 18 Uphill

“Although I’ve been here many times, every time I see the mountain of corpses, I still can’t help feeling its magnificence and the wonder of nature’s creation.” Xie Ying appeared next to Ke Xiaoliang again, dressed in a red dress, Under the reflection of the morning sun, it is indeed bright and charming. If you don’t know the truth, you may inevitably regard him as a goddess.

At least Ke Xiaoliang noticed a lot of sharp arrow-like gazes shooting at him fiercely.

Obviously someone was bewildered by Xie Ying, and looked at him jealously.

Those people, how do they know Ke Xiaoliang’s helplessness at the moment?

“Secretly tell you! My mother once said that the mountain of corpses may not be a mountain in the simple sense. It is the head of an ancient demon that fell on the shore of the North Sea and turned into a mountain after a long time. Our demon The seeds were planted in the belly of the corpse mountain…” Xie Ying said to Ke Xiaoliang.

Although he resisted Xie Ying’s intimacy, Ke Xiaoliang welcomed such a secret.

Of course…it is also possible that this is not a secret, it is simply because the position of the predecessor Ke Xiaoliang was too low, and no one taught him, so that he still lacked some ‘common sense’.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

The huge stone road spreads from the top of the mountain to the wilderness.

The new disciples standing in the front row have already started rushing towards the stone path and climbing up.

Xie Ying continued to whisper in Ke Xiaoliang’s ear: “This is the Way of Asking the Heart Stone, which was created by the Demon Sect after the Buddhist Heart Sect. Of course, the Buddhist Mind Sect’s Way of Asking the Heart, I don’t know what kind of heart it is asking about. But our way , asking about murderous and demonic minds.”

Speaking of this, Xie Yingyu said earnestly: “Brother Ke! I know you have always been kind-hearted, but you must not be soft-hearted if you are on this path. If you are too late in this assessment, you will be assigned to some not-so-good hills , even if I go to ask my father, I’m afraid it will be difficult to transfer you out. This matter is about life, so don’t be careless.”

“However, if senior brother has the ability, don’t try to be brave. The top few have already been selected by the superiors, but it’s just a formality. If you steal the limelight, it won’t be beautiful.”

Ke Xiaoliang nodded when he heard the words, then threw off Xie Ying, rushed forward, and went straight up the stone path.

Step out with one foot.

The first thing that rushed to the face was a large number of livestock.

These pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep all stared wide-eyed, looking at Ke Xiaoliang spiritually.

It’s like being kept in captivity at home for many years, with early spirituality and emotion.

It’s just that they blocked Ke Xiaoliang’s way forward.

So Ke Xiaoliang mercilessly pulled out the long knife that was kept in his waist all the time.

The knife is a steel knife made by Blacksmith Lu at Xijiekou, Qicheng, and it costs two taels of silver.

At this time, Ke Xiaoliang waved his knife indifferently, and the spiritual cows, sheep, pigs and dogs did not resist, but whined and dodged around.

After a while, he was killed by Ke Xiaoliang.

Go further.

Those who stood in front of Ke Xiaoliang became a group of innocent ordinary people.

They greeted Ke Xiaoliang kindly, and seemed to be familiar with him.

These ordinary faces seem to have been imprinted in the depths of the soul, in a warm and familiar corner.

Ke Xiaoliang paused for a moment, then… kill!

I knew it was an illusion, so what if I didn’t kill it?


Still moving forward, repeat dozens of steps.

Some faces that Ke Xiaoliang was really familiar with appeared.

That is the Ke family far away in the City of Bones….

haha… just in time!

Having a good time!

Ke Xiaoliang broke into the ‘crowd’ with a knife, slashed from left to right, and quickly killed people all over the place.

Keep going, keep going up.

Ke Xiaoliang seemed to have vaguely heard some people’s roaring and roaring, anger and struggle.

As a time traveler, Ke Xiaoliang has no feelings for the Ke family.

Even the former Ke Xiaoliang, and the Ke family, there were mostly rifts and no kindness.

So, Ke Xiaoliang got a bargain at this stage.

But more people are not.

Even the descendants of the disciples of the Demon Sect who have been educated about wolf nature since childhood, they are still living people with flesh and blood and emotions.

Cruelty is imposed on others, and they like it.

Cruelty imposed on themselves, they still struggle in pain, no less than others.

Further up, Ke Xiaoliang saw some figures that were actually quite vague.

They are the people who will become Mr. Ke Xiaoliang and fellow disciples.

Ke Xiaoliang stopped, hesitating whether to move on.

“Forget it! Just stop here!” Ke Xiaoliang thought, and the illusion in front of him dissipated.

At the same time, he turned around and looked around, only to find that he had already walked halfway up the mountain without knowing it.

There are still tens of thousands of people standing behind them.

Most of them are stuck in the level of family affection.

And looking up, there are hundreds of people moving on.

Family, friendship, mentorship, love, these seem to be unable to restrain their footsteps and make them stop.

The so-called teacher’s kindness, in fact, can’t restrain Ke Xiaoliang.

But he remembered Xie Ying’s explanation.

I think this pass is a good stopping point.

No matter how evil the Ten Demon Sects are.

As a sect, it has to pay attention to cohesion.

Disciples don’t have to think about the kindness of their parents, the love of relatives and friends.

But we can’t help but think of the kindness of the teacher and the love of the teacher.

This is a typical mentality of being strict with others and being lenient with yourself.

Ke Xiaoliang bet on this mentality.

Xie Ying overtook Ke Xiaoliang, walked to a place further ahead, but stopped at one place, and then suddenly looked back at Ke Xiaoliang, suddenly seemed relieved, and smiled.

Ke Xiaoliang had goosebumps all over his body, feeling that he was not feeling well.

Wang Yu held a copper axe, and kept moving forward and upward.

At this time, it was almost approaching the top of the mountain.

As for Liu Lu…he has already stood on the top of the mountain.

Two copper hammers, smashing whatever they see, a group of reckless ones.

About two hours later.

Mountain climbing is completed.

All… close to 30,000 people were transferred to a huge square.

A dark purple magic fire was burning in the square.

Some tall and terrifying figures were lingering above the magic fire, looking down at the trembling ‘little devil cubs’ surrounded by the magic fire.

“I want these few!” After the voice fell, a big hand was stretched out in a ball of magic fire, and with a single grab, dozens of people were taken away from the square.

“The old devil is quick, so I will accept these good seedlings.” The person who spoke seemed to be a woman.

After speaking, a magic claw came towards nearly a hundred people.

Ke Xiaoliang felt a strong pulling force.

It seems that there is a tyrannical force about to take him away.

“Old slut! These are not yours, they are all good seedlings, if you give them up, they will be ruined!” The sword light flashed, Ke Xiaoliang felt his body relax, and his body returned to freedom.

Xie Ying, who was standing not far away, seemed inexplicably relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he was taken away by the demon claw that swung before.

Before leaving, he waved to Ke Xiaoliang, mouthing to reassure Ke Xiaoliang.

But Ke Xiaoliang didn’t watch it at all.

With a flash of black light, Ke Xiaoliang’s painting style suddenly changed.

He left the square and entered a whole new place.

The atmosphere of solemnity and desolation came over us.

It’s hard to breathe.

There are still updates today!

(end of this chapter)

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