Devil Seeds

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 – Elder Suishan

Chapter 14 Suishan Elder

Cultivation at the first level of Qi training cannot prolong life.

In fact, Ke Xiaoliang is currently in a rather strange state of cultivation world.

In the cognition of the predecessor Ke Xiaoliang, even those powerful practitioners who have broken the barrier between man and nature, they cannot obtain the extension of lifespan through cultivation itself, they can only maintain their own state at a certain level forever In a pinnacle concept.

What does it mean?

It means that a normal person’s 20-year-old is a physical condition, and 80-year-old is another physical condition. As the age continues to grow, the physical fitness will continue to decline after reaching the peak.

Practitioners with a certain level of cultivation can always maintain the peak physical condition of ‘twenty years old’, but in a sense, their daily life is still only about one hundred years old.

But as long as the gate of the extraordinary is opened, one can avoid death and prolong life through various means.

For example, practicing certain supernatural powers to avoid death, or reincarnating, accumulating blessings and prolonging life, changing the blood of the longevity species, swallowing life-prolonging panacea, etc…

There are many ways.

There is no one that can be 100% safe and without hidden dangers, but there is always one that can play a role.

In some anecdotes about the practice world that the former Ke Xiaoliang knew, it was recorded that Peng Yusheng, a monk who was only at the first level of Qi training, sneaked into the underworld to make friends with the judge and drink with the judge through the talisman. His own name was hidden in the crevices of the book of life and death, thereby avoiding death, and prolonging his life for more than 800 years, until he was discovered and his soul was taken away.

This Peng Yusheng did not break through the realm of Qi training and entered a higher level until his death, but he lived for more than 800 years, surpassing many practitioners whose cultivation base was far superior to him. And using various methods, the basis for avoiding death and prolonging life is to have true energy and mana.

A magic weapon needs to be driven by true energy and mana, a panacea needs true energy to be refined, and a supernatural power needs true energy to display.

The ‘true qi’ in the body is the key to the door to longevity and eternal life.

Without this key, you can only stand outside the door and stare blankly.

In the ten demon sects, because among the demon species, there are naturally four great supernatural powers: ghost clone, inner demon immortality, virtual reality conversion, and demon body change.

So the means of avoiding death and prolonging life mostly revolve around these four supernatural powers.

The phantom clone builds multiple clones, uses the clone to replace death, hides ghosts and ghosts, and thus obtains life extension, even hides the book of life and death, and is free from then on.

The immortality of the demons is to put one’s own soul in the hearts of all beings. If the demons are not eliminated, they can be reborn at any time.

Virtual-real transformation can also freely shuttle across the boundary of life and death, which is used to fool and deceive the detection of the underworld.

The usage of the ever-changing demon body is similar. Through the technique of transformation, one can obtain a longer lifespan or avoid death.

So, in this practice world.

Cultivating the root is as important as the technique used.

If there is no skill, it is water without a source and a tree without roots.

Where there is law but no skill, it is a tree with broken branches.

Without one side, it is difficult to survive.

Ke Xiaoliang activated the demon seed, which is a great joy for him.

But to others, it doesn’t matter.

Little Qicheng will never undergo any superficial changes because of Ke Xiaoliang’s breeding of demon seeds.

It is less than a day before the ten demon sect’s demon seed inspection.

Ke Xiaoliang secretly monitored the whereabouts of Wang Yu and others, and found that they were indeed observing and testing each other, but they had no direct contact, let alone publicized their encounters.

This is exactly what Ke Xiaoliang wanted.

This is also the reason why he chose to exchange some items for them as a ‘reward’ after the ‘game’ was over, with a part of his magical value.

With these rewards, everything encountered is majestically disguised as an adventure that everyone has experienced.

Wang Yu and the others either continued to fight among themselves, or took the opportunity to form an alliance to form a so-called union, waiting for the next ‘call’.

All in all, they are absolutely unwilling to publicize the matter and let more people know what they have encountered.

As for the ‘flaw’ left by Xie Ying, don’t worry too much.

First of all, Xie Ying’s experience is different from Wang Yu and the others.

Even Xie Ying’s elders can only guess that Xie Ying was framed by a fellow demon sect.

After all, there are individual cases, and there are always no common cases that attract attention.

Without Xie Ying’s harassment, Ke Xiaoliang’s small courtyard is still restless.

The people before set it up so well that there are always people who treat Ke Xiaoliang as a persimmon.

There was even an outer disciple who didn’t get all the magic points. On the night before the test, he rushed into Ke Xiaoliang’s yard with a majestic naked body wearing a mask, trying to pass some bad behavior. heart, causing eternal wounds.

Ke Xiaoliang can understand this kind of madness on the verge of the big exam.

Because of this, Ke Xiaoliang unexpectedly increased his magical value by dozens of points.


The sky was cloudless.

But a big gap suddenly exploded.

The clouds flowed, and the wind and thunder rolled.

A monster with an old man’s head, bushy beard and eyebrows, but dragging a long dragon’s body behind him, suddenly appeared in the sky above Qicheng.

“It’s Elder Suishan!” On the streets of Qicheng, a Mozong disciple shouted in a tone of reverence and fear.

Afterwards, a large number of disciples of the Demon Sect fell to the ground in unison.

A huge monster with a length of more than 100 meters, winding and floating in mid-air.

The head of the old man with his brows furrowed tightly, sprayed two streams of hot air from his nose, sweeping across the entire town.

“I am really disappointed that only eighty-two people activated the demon seed.” Elder Suishan said viciously.

Then he opened his mouth, creating a gust of wind.

In the strong wind, those disciples who hadn’t collected full magic points and activated the magic seeds screamed and begged for mercy and were swept into the clouds.

At this moment, Ke Xiaoliang seems to be able to feel their despair and the overflowing magic value when they collapse.

It’s just that these magic points belong to Elder Suishan, but they have nothing to do with him, Ke Xiaoliang.

But Elder Suishan opened his mouth and swallowed a large number of unqualified disciples, then bit his white teeth and began to chew.

The dark red plasma ran along his lips, dyeing part of his gray beard red.

The other disciples in the small town, including those who had activated the demon seeds, trembled along with them.

Ke Xiaoliang hid himself in the crowd and kept staring without looking up.

Trying to restrain his aura, so as not to show any brilliance and excellence.

In the Ten Demon Sects, without a strong backing, being inconspicuous, not lagging behind, doing one’s own thing well, and then growing and developing quietly is the core survival rule.

Whether it’s outstanding, or pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, in a place like the Ten Demon Sect, they are all looking for excitement by themselves.

“Okay! People who have activated the demon seeds, gather at the northern foot of Poisonous Centipede Mountain outside the city. Remember to arrive before dark, and the Bone Escape Light Vehicle will come before midnight. Little guys, you can hold on, the night Poison Centipede Mountain, it’s so interesting…hahaha!” Amidst the laughter, the Elder Suishan, who had a dragon body and an old man’s head on his head, tore through the sky again and disappeared over the small town.

The wind stopped and the clouds disappeared… It seemed that the scene just now was just an illusion.

In the next moment, all the disciples who survived and activated the demon seeds flocked to the market selling talismans, magic tools, various armors, and props for making.

There are also some people who ran home to count their belongings and try to increase their life-saving capital as much as possible.

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(end of this chapter)

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