Devil Seeds

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 – Activate The Magic Seed (For The Last Book, The Storm War Will Add A Million Rewards

Chapter 13 Activating the Demon Seed (For the last book, the Storm War will add more rewards!)

“Excluding the expenses, the magic value has a total balance of 3,722 points.” Ke Xiaoliang looked at the data panel in front of him, feeling quite happy.

When Ke Xiaoliang discovered that in the Gourd Realm, killing the ‘consciousness’ of those who were drawn in could actually kill them and cause their souls to collapse, he thought about giving them compensation and rewards.

This discovery stemmed from the fact that when Ke Xiaoliang executed Xu Kai, he noticed that the opponent’s soul was beginning to collapse in time, and under stress, he wanted to forcefully break free from the Gourd Realm and return to his physical body.

If Ke Xiaoliang really wants to kill Xu Kai, then he can completely mobilize the power of the Gourd Realm, at the cost of consuming magic, to restrain the opponent’s soul, so that the opponent cannot break free, resulting in the “fact” of complete death in consciousness.

Of course, Ke Xiaoliang and Xu Kai have no personal enmity.

Cut the leeks, but not to the extent that he must be killed at a cost.

So Ke Xiaoliang took the initiative to stop the punishment halfway through.

The subsequent punishments for Liu Lu and Bailu also lowered the ‘standard’ accordingly. Although it made them suffer, it did not give them a ‘hint’ that they would really die.

“Survival is a human instinct, and it even surpasses subjective consciousness. The only thing that can suppress this danger warning is greed. Once the soul returns to the body, when it is pulled in again, the person who is pulled in actually has a choice. It is possible to refuse to enter the Gourd Realm through strong conscious resistance. The reason why it was easy to succeed the first time was entirely because of its unpreparedness. Even so, I threw out ten blood symbols, and those who were pulled into the Gourd Realm by me, There are only seven people. There are three people who resisted my first suggestion to pull them in. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the magic of Huzhong Realm, but it is by no means so incomprehensible, so absolutely tyrannical… at least Now it is not!”

“So, I want to cut leeks repeatedly, so I have to fertilize them occasionally. The end reward after a ‘game’ is to let them see and touch the benefits, and stimulate their greed. And those who are about to be The very miraculous and powerful magic weapons and magical skills depicted are like carrots caught in front of donkeys, which can be seen but cannot be touched, but it has attracted them to give up their lives again and again.”

“Of course, I was really in a hurry to cut the leeks this time. I showed my whereabouts and left some traces. If someone wants to investigate afterwards, they may think of something based on the incident of me selling the blood talisman. But this is also the case. There is no way, the available resources in my hands were too few before, and the time was too tight, I have to go through the current hurdle first. Fortunately, I still have the space and time to make up. The owner of the ten blood charms does not They were all pulled into the Huzhong Realm, this is my luck, and the remaining three people will not have the opportunity to enter the Huzhong Realm in the future, this may not be a loss for them. And those special identity cards , is also a trick. Next, I have to make another batch of blood symbols, and then flow them out through various channels. Clues.”

“I just need to not be suspected in the near future, then after a long time, no one wants to find out, no matter how capable he is, unless he can travel through time and space and go back in time. Otherwise, time will naturally cover up my existence Flaws, let everything hide and become perfect.”

On the panel in front of Ke Xiaoliang, pages are being spread out.

Words were quickly ‘typed’ on the page, recording Ke Xiaoliang’s inner voice at the moment.

After sorting out the logic of his behavior, as well as the flaws that he revealed in order to quickly accumulate magic points.

Ke Xiaoliang closed the panel and adjusted his state and mood.

Then activate the magical value accumulated in the body, and guide a small half of it into the heart.

Ke Xiaoliang had a small gray-black ‘dot’ on his heart.

And this point is the demon seed that has not yet been activated.

The origin of the demon seed is the core secret of the Ten Demon Sect.

At least as an outer disciple, Ke Xiaoliang doesn’t know what the devil seed is.

But its magic is beyond doubt.

It breaks the boundaries of roots and qualifications. As long as such a magic seed is planted on the heart, and then activated with magic points, anyone can get a similar starting point.

The only difference is that the moment the magic seed is activated, the little supernatural power obtained first.

When a thousand magic points flow into the gray-black ‘point’.

Between Ke Xiaoliang and the demon seed, a bridge was suddenly established, as if he had completely sensed its existence.

It is beating, the originally dead demon seed is rapidly absorbing and digesting the magic value at this moment.

“More! More! More!” The demon seed seemed to be urging Ke Xiaoliang, with a very greedy desire, just like a hungry stomach, which would also make a sound to urge the owner to eat.

“Don’t you only need a thousand magic points to activate it?” Ke Xiaoliang was puzzled.

Try to infuse more magic value into the magic seed.

The magic seed is beating more powerfully.

Ke Xiaoliang also understood the reason in his heart.

When the magic seed is first activated, the more magic points are invested, the stronger it seems to be born.

Of course, this kind of strength is not necessary.

The future cultivation and excavation will be the main body.

It’s just a stronger basic monster, which will be much more beneficial in the initial stage than a monster that only costs 1,000 magic points and is guaranteed to be activated.

“Such a fact may not have been deliberately concealed. However, the selfishness of the disciples of the Demon Sect has also prevented this fact from being widely circulated on the surface. The predecessor was an unlucky child who ran away from his father and mother. Waiting for me to take over the offer now is already considered pretty good, and it’s not surprising that I don’t know about such things.”

Ke Xiaoliang did not hesitate, and sent all the remaining magic points to the monsters.

The magic seed didn’t really absorb all of it, but when it absorbed about 2,000 points of magic value, it took the initiative to cut off and continue to absorb the magic value. From this point of view, at least in the initial stage, there is an upper limit for the absorption and transformation of the magic value by the monster.

You can eat as much as you give.

At this moment, the demon seed emits a faint light, swells slightly, and begins to ‘take root’ on Ke Xiaoliang’s heart, like a small sarcoma, attached to the heart, and slowly beats following the beating frequency of the heart.

It is like a cocoon that has not yet hatched, waiting for something to break out of the cocoon.

Even so, Ke Xiaoliang’s demon seed was successfully activated, and it was exceptionally strong.

At the same time, a kind of enlightenment welled up in my heart.

Ke Xiaoliang finally unlocked the ‘skill’, and mastered a part of it naturally, as if it was instinct.

This concept is like, basically everyone has hands, and people do a lot of things with their hands. However, because they have not undergone professional training, compared with those who have trained professionally, their palms are not as flexible as those shown by professionals.

Natural mastery does not mean going straight to the top. Instinct also distinguishes levels.

“It turned out to be my initial skill… that’s really good!”

“With this skill, I will be more liberated in my future actions, and I can start to practice more ideas.” Ke Xiaoliang couldn’t hold back the smile on his face, and his whole body looked radiant.

At the same time, a scorching, domineering true qi, based on the heart, began to flow through the qi channels all over the body.

This zhenqi very slowly improves Ke Xiaoliang’s physical fitness, and has some connection with the outside world’s aura, attracting the energy that exists in the natural world from the outside world into Ke Xiaoliang’s body, slowly increasing the magic door’s zhenqi quantity.

“True Qi was born, so I can be regarded as the first level of Qi training, and I have truly stepped into the extraordinary circle of this world, instead of being separated from the door, a short-lived species that lasts a lifetime.”

(end of this chapter)

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