Devil Seeds

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – The Underdog Is Out, And The Game Continues (One And A Half Chapters From The Previous Book)

Chapter 10 The weak are out, the game continues


The bell rang for the fourth time.

The terrifying big iron hook fell down again.

On one of the iron hooks, there seemed to be blood left by Xu Kai.

The man who walked up to the second floor walked back unhurriedly under the force of the big iron hook.

Crash la la…!

The iron chain continued to fall slowly.

The man who came down from upstairs said: “I saw a sentence, ‘The ax of justice splits the filth of the world’.”

When he said this sentence, the man’s eyes naturally fell on Wang Yu.

Wang Yu’s whole body was tense, and his hand was already on the big ax at his waist.

He will not sit still, no matter who wants him dead, he will fight back fiercely.

“But I don’t believe this sentence. The senior who created this small world and set up this game is just playing with us.”

“Since what Bai Lu saw was the wrong clue, Xu Kai died in vain. Then the clue I saw may not be true.” The man said.

Opening his mouth wide, he heard the words and looked at the iron hooks that kept falling from above his head. With cold sweat on his forehead, he said, “But, we must quickly identify someone. Otherwise, we will all die.”

The man smiled strangely.

“Actually, there is another way. When it is not possible to determine who is the ‘righteous hero’, we can at least exclude those who will mislead the derivation of the correct answer in the future. That is to say… Those who are smart but not courageous enough cast it first.”

“What do you think?” the man asked.

Almost all eyes were on Wang Jue and Zhang Dazui.

The performance of these two people is indeed inferior to others.

“Interesting, this person…is his name Liu Lu?”

“I have to get rid of him first. Whether he’s smart or not is another matter. At least he’s calm and calm enough. If he’s around, it will affect my harvest of magic points. Then… wait until the next round! Next round , to give a decisive evidence. For this game, first do some ‘misleading’ and plant the foreshadowing.” Ke Xiaoliang kept his eyes on the movements in the gourd world, and Liu Lu was as smart as he was, so he refused to provide more He is naturally regarded as a thorn in the side of a guy who has a magic value but causes damage.

“Is it an elimination system for the weak?” Egret actually smiled.

“I agree!” Egret said.

Wang Yu naturally has no room to object, because if he does not abide by this rule, then everyone will follow the ‘clues’ and eliminate him first.

There are six people in total, and three people have expressed their opinions.

That is to say, as long as one more person is involved, they can decide arbitrarily, and the remaining two people will live or die.

At this time, it is more alert to open your mouth wide.

He said first: “I agree too! Get rid of a person who can’t help, but will become an obstacle. Maybe you can find the right owner by mistake!”

At this moment, everyone’s eyes fell on Wang Jue and the last person whose name was unknown.

The last person has not spoken since entering the building.

Didn’t even see any emotional ups and downs on his face.

He was always cleaning the sword… cleaning the iron sword in his hand, no matter how you looked at it.

This person’s composure is even better than Liu Lu’s.

It’s just that he didn’t speak, and he didn’t spread this calmness.

“Choose him! Choose him!” Wang Jue pointed at the unknown man and shouted frantically.

Not yet selected, Wang Jue was on the verge of collapse.

Although Wang Jue yelled fiercely, Ke Xiaoliang’s magic value here increased, but it wasn’t too drastic.

Perhaps it was because Wang Jue’s upper limit of willpower was too low.

The same is the first level of Qi training, and different people have different upper limits of willpower.

One finger after another, under Liu Lu’s guidance, pointed to Wang Jue.

Liu Lu, Bai Lu, Zhang Dazui…their fingers all pointed to Wang Jue.

Wang Jue saw that more than half of the people who chose him had already passed, so he immediately pointed his finger at Zhang Dakou.

At this moment, he can be regarded as quick-witted.

Knowing that it is useless to target that nameless person again.

On the contrary, it will stimulate the nameless.

Once four of the six people choose him, he will never have another chance.

While Wang Jue pointed his finger at the gaping mouth, he also looked at Wang Yu with pleading eyes.

As long as Wang Yu and him stand on the same line and identify Zhang Dazui together.

Then he still has a chance.

If he persuaded the unknown person again, or asked Bai Lu and Liu Lu to change the target, then he would have escaped a catastrophe.

Zhang Dazui obviously realized this too, so while provoking and provoking with words, he turned to Wang Jue even more fiercely, trying to overwhelm Wang Jue in terms of momentum, and let Wang Jue obediently die without resisting.

Wang Yu looked at Wang Jue who begged him like a dog.

There was an imperceptible pleasure in his eyes.

But after all, he sighed and pointed his finger at his wide mouth.

He did what he could, but was not so polite to Wang Jue.

But you can’t really watch Wang Jue die like this.

It has nothing to do with family friendship, it is entirely because of Wang Jue’s identity, which is indeed different.

If he died for no reason, Wang Yu, who was from the same clan, would be the first to be blamed and implicated.

People in the Demon Sect do things without paying attention to evidence and reasoning.

I often feel that someone is wrong, so I deal with it first, and I don’t care if it’s wrong or not.

Seeing that Wang Yu finally chose to help himself, Wang Jue began to have Bailu and Liu Lu.

Maybe it was the first time to identify and miss it. Bailu didn’t act according to his own ideas this time, and completely followed Liu Lu’s footsteps.

While Liu Lu pointed at Wang Jue’s finger, he was extremely firm.

The gazes of the crowd circled around and fell on the unknown man again.

The nameless man put down the sword in his hand and glanced at everyone.

Then he pointed his finger at Wang Jue indifferently.

“No…! No! It’s not like that!”

“I… no!” No matter how much Wang Jue resisted, the roulette suddenly appeared beside him.

“Idiot, stop screaming! Look carefully!” Liu Lu said coldly.

Wang Jue trembled and looked at the roulette.

But found that on the roulette wheel, the part that belongs to punishment has decreased, and the part that belongs to reward and acquittal has increased.

It seems to be telling everyone that as the game continues, as the number of people continues to decrease.

Even the risks on the roulette wheel start to decrease and the opportunities increase.

This is also vaguely providing everyone with a new direction of thinking.

Wang Jue was already completely desperate, but at this time, like Xu Kai before, he suddenly had a little courage.

Under the urging and even siege of everyone, Wang Jue had no choice but to turn the roulette.

The pointer of the roulette rotates rapidly.

Through all kinds of cruel and harsh punishments, it is a pity to miss the magical skills, magical methods and powerful magic weapons that are incredible at first glance.

Finally, in the middle of the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon Mask and Mo Ke’s Infinite Kung Fu, he chose ‘Exemption from Punishment’.

Wang Jue didn’t know whether he should be happy or regretful at this time.

He took a last look at the people present, as if he wanted to remember their appearance firmly and engrave it firmly in his heart.

It is chilling to see how it shows that there will be revenge in the future.

Afterwards, Wang Jue disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes, as if he had been kicked out of this world.

(end of this chapter)

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