Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel

Chapter 210

Chapter 210: 【210】Reincarnated Emperor

Chapter 210 [210] Reincarnated Emperor

The land of the cathode is a very rare existence.

And all things in the world have the possibility of giving birth to spiritual wisdom, and the land of the negative pole naturally also has this opportunity.

It’s just the place where the negative pole of intelligence was born, which will be rare among the rare. If he is allowed to exist, it will definitely become the most terrifying existence in this world one day.

And right now, the cathode spirit possessing Tianjun Ningxiu’s body is just a prototype that has just been born.

If this can be caught, no matter what it is used for, it will be of great help.

Ning Xiu stretched out his hand and held it, Tianjun Ning Xiu’s body was immediately restrained, and the whole person shrank into a ball.

“You dare to restrain my body, courting death.” Ning Xiu snorted, and forced the action to use the ability of the Heavenly Dao Realm to extract the thing in Tianjun Ningxiu’s body.

Although the spirit of the cathode is very rare, it is not very powerful before it takes shape.

Ning Xiu took the cathode spirit and immediately observed it carefully.

This is a mass between mist and liquid. It can be clearly felt that it contains extremely powerful energy. Ning Xiu stretched out his hand to hold it, and this energy automatically wanted to drill into his body.

Ning Xiu had initially understood Xie Tiantong, this negative spirit could not succeed at all, he could only be isolated by Xie Tiantong’s ability, and Yu Ningxiu’s palms were spinning.

“I’ve only heard about the spirit of the cathode, but I’ve never seen it before. This thing is not simple. If you can move it, it will be the greatest help you have in the future.” The Evil Dragon King looked at Ning Xiu’s hand. The spirit of the cathode could not help but say.

There is a land of cathodes and a land of anodes in the world. Now Ning Xiu has a huge source of blessings, and he has obtained the spirit of cathode. If there is a chance to get the spirit of anode again, if the two combine, what will Ning Xiu look like at that time, Evil Dragon King Unthinkable.

But he quickly threw this bizarre thought out of his mind.

“The spirit of the cathode is a rare treasure that I don’t know how many times I have seen, let alone the spirit of the anode. I think too much.” The Evil Dragon King secretly said.

“How are you feeling now?” Ning Xiu asked Tianjun Ningxiu, holding the spirit of cathode in his hand.

“How long have I been trapped, but Dashang is still…” Tianjun Ningxiu suddenly remembered something and asked Ning Xiu quickly.

The reason why he left at the beginning was that he had been ordered by Ning Xiu to go to Dashang and give the method of how to avoid the evil tide to Emperor Shang.

I haven’t been to Dashang yet, so what kind of fate Dashang will face in the face of the tide, Tianjun Ningxiu is completely unimaginable.

Knowing what he was thinking, Ning Xiu said indifferently: “It’s okay, Dashang is still there, this time I’m going to leave Dashang and go to a farther place. We are three in one, and if we cultivate the right path, we can go a step further, so I came here. Xunyou, since it has been found now, don’t delay, set off immediately.”

“Your body.” Looking at Ning Xiu’s body that collapsed in order to save himself, Tian Jun Ning Xiu frowned.

“Small thing.” As soon as Ning Xiu finished speaking, his arms that had already turned into bones began to grow flesh and skin, and two completely new arms were formed in a short while.

Although the Heavenly Dao Realm is still unable to achieve immortality, but the body is injured, there is no problem in using the power of heaven and earth to quickly repair one’s body.

So why is the Heavenly Dao Realm so powerful, unless you can completely destroy them in a flash, you can’t kill a Heavenly Dao Realm at all.

This is a group of people who are closest to the Dao of Heaven, and when they truly become the Dao of Heaven, they are Heavenly Humans, qualified to explore the ultimate end of this world.

“Let’s go.” The Evil Dragon King loaded Ning Xiu and his two clones and continued on the road again.

lost the control of the two Heavenly Dao Realm, but the huge earth ball suspended in the sky could no longer hold on, and immediately fell to the ground, covering the earth.

Passing through the territory of the Great Merchant and the Outer Territory, at the speed of the Evil Dragon King, you can fly out of the thirty-six states in half a day. Ning Xiu has not been idle on the road, and quickly shared with the Demon Buddha Ning Xiu and Tianjun Ning Xiu. the power of his own feelings and thoughts.

The most important thing at the moment is to help the two of them achieve the dragon elephant first, and then enter the interior scene. It is not so fast to get together, so there is no need to worry so much.

Demon Buddha Ning Xiu and Tianjun Ning Xiu and Ning Xiu are one body, so if Ning Xiu shares the power of their minds, it is basically the same as sharing it with himself. In the interior scene, the situation that the holy realm can no longer be broken through occurs.

With the help of the two clones, Ning Xiu’s comprehensive strength in going out this time will become even more terrifying.

At sunset, a huge figure appeared on the skyline, blocking the sky and the sun, directly blocking the end of the earth, so that people could not see the side of the figure.

“This is it!” When Ning Xiu saw the figure, his expression couldn’t help but stunned for a moment, and at the same time he got up to check, his eyes were slightly shocked.

On the ground, there was an extremely huge body lying on the ground. Due to its size, it was difficult to see what species it was.

This body is like a mountain, sitting on the ground, hidden in the clouds and mist. If you can’t fly, it will take ordinary people at least several months to climb over this body.

“Senior, this is.” Ning Xiu couldn’t help asking.

“The corpse of heaven and man died here for some reason.” The Evil Dragon King said indifferently.

Above the Heavenly Dao Realm is the Heaven and Human Realm. Those who can walk on the Heaven and Human Road are not the most top-notch geniuses of that era, and their talents are excellent.

Ning Xiu could never have imagined that a deity would die in such a place.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but feel a little curious about the city of heaven and man. If every heaven and man were so huge, how wide the city of heaven would be.

Although the   Evil Dragon King was imprisoned in the depths of the East China Sea by the Great Emperor Zhenyang, he had obviously seen the corpses of heaven and man before, so he was acting so indifferent now.

flew over the corpse of heaven and man without hesitation, Ning Xiu quickly took advantage of this opportunity to stretch out his hand to blow away the white clouds in the sky, and lowered his head to look down at the whole picture of the corpse of heaven and man.

This is a humanoid existence with six arms. He is lying on the ground. The bumps between the arms and the torso are mountains and ravines. Because I don’t know how many years I have been lying here, the body is already covered with mud. Overgrown with shady trees full of undead heads.

I don’t know if it is because of the relationship between the corpses of heaven and man, that these undead things grow exceptionally strong.

And there are many features that Ning Xiu has never seen before.

Ning Xiu’s body suddenly moved, and a bloodstain split open on his shoulders, revealing his inner world.

On the giant tree whose surface is completely human face, the golden giant egg is about to move, and a crack quietly emerges.

A suction force spurted out of Ning Xiu’s inner world, absorbing the undead that grew on the corpses of heaven and man.

The heads of the howling undead were sucked into Ning Xiu’s body, merged into the body of the giant tree, and then became the nutrients for the golden egg.

With so many immortals added, Ning Xiu could faintly feel that the golden egg was about to be born.

The Evil Dragon King glanced at Ning Xiu vigilantly, the breath wafting from the other party’s body at the moment made him feel strange.

What it is?

Ning Xiu’s internal world’s suction is getting stronger and stronger, and finally, the body of the corpse of heaven and man is gradually involved, shaking the mountain in an instant.

Compared with the undead, the corpse of heaven and man has a different level of nourishment. The giant tree growing into the sky grew bigger and bigger, and finally gradually grew out of Ning Xiu’s body, extending from the stigmata on his shoulder.

Kaka Kaka!

The golden egg trembled wildly, and the cracks on the surface became more and more, and finally broke completely, and a golden light shot up from it and flew out of Ning Xiu’s body.

When the golden light appeared, the entire sky was instantly illuminated with splendor, and the golden light disappeared directly into Ning Xiu’s Black Baby Life Star.

The two immediately began a violent fusion reaction.

“How could this be.” Although Ning Xiu knew that there was such a thing in his stigmata, he didn’t know what the role of this golden egg and the giant tree was.

Since the last time it was formed, there has been no response in the stigmata, so that Ning Xiu almost forgot about it.

But it’s really puzzling that this happened suddenly today.

After    successfully merged, what will happen to your life star?

Ning Xiu’s life star was originally pitch black as ink, but after the golden light was integrated, it has now become golden light, like a golden body hanging in the air.

As for whether there have been any changes in other aspects, Ning Xiu didn’t feel it for a while.

Watching Ning Xiu’s Black Infant Star turn into a golden appearance, the Evil Dragon King fell into some kind of contemplation for a while, and the memories from the too long ago gradually emerged in his mind.

The memory of one incident made the Evil Dragon King’s entire complexion change.

“Why do you have a certificate of reincarnation as a reincarnated emperor!”

“I didn’t understand what senior said.” Ning Xiu looked puzzled.

What is Reincarnation Great Emperor, what is reincarnation certificate, this is the first time he has heard.

“There can be no mistake, forcibly attaching to other people’s life star, coexisting with it, waiting for another day to use the life star to forcibly reincarnate, this is the method of the reincarnated emperor. Yes, Ning Xiu, you are in trouble this time.” Evil Dragon King Lian The tone of the speech became serious, and the expression was very dignified.

Hearing what he said, Ning Xiu naturally took this matter to heart.

Those who can be called the Great Emperor must be the same as the Great Emperor Zhenyang, who has walked the road of the Great Emperor, and his strength is far superior to his current self.

Hearing the Evil Dragon King talk about forcibly reincarnating with the help of the life star, you know that it is definitely not a good thing. If you don’t take it seriously, you might have a big problem.

“Shouldn’t the emperors all died in their era? Why is there another reincarnated emperor now?” Ning Xiu couldn’t help asking.

“The Great Emperor Reincarnated is known to be the weakest emperor, but he is also the most difficult emperor. He has a method of reincarnation that he has comprehended, and he can use other people’s life stars as the host after death. , after absorbing the life of the master of the life star, he will reincarnate through the body and live a new life, and now his reincarnation certificate has been completed, Ning Xiu, you have no way to reverse it.” The Evil Dragon King sighed.

Ever since it was recorded, the despicable Dafa of Reincarnation, the Great Reincarnation, has been like a shadow, shrouding everyone’s heart.

After all, no one wants to have their body taken away and become the reincarnated body of the reincarnated emperor.

Therefore, many Heaven and Human Roads have gathered to discuss this matter in various eras, hoping to discuss a method that can make the certificate of reincarnation never appear.

What was the specific result at that time, the Evil Dragon King is not clear, but in recent times, it is true that there is no evidence of the reincarnation of the reincarnated emperor.

“Leverage my body to live a new life.” Ning Xiu frowned, he didn’t expect things to turn out so bad.

Even if the strength of the reincarnated emperor is weak, it is still easy to capture his body in the realm of heaven, and there is no difficulty.

By that time, Ning Xiu’s hard work for so long had turned into making wedding dresses for others.

“Why did the proof of reincarnation appear in my stigmata.” Ning Xiu looked puzzled, and he himself was confused and very confused about the appearance of this golden egg.

“Perhaps only by rushing to Tianren City, there is a chance to save it. It was discussed by the old guys in Tianren City at the beginning. If the certificate of reincarnation appears again, they will be very panicked for a while.” As soon as the Dragon King’s voice fell, his entire body rushed out at a faster speed, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

The corpse of heaven and man went a hundred thousand miles further, and the terrain situation gradually matched the information Ning Xiu got from Feng Jiukuang and Jiujing’s insights.

There is a country called Qiucheng Kingdom, which is sheltered by a strong man in the realm of heaven.

People call that person ‘Shanchuan Venerable’. This one exists in Feng Jiukuang and belongs to the same force, but unlike Feng Jiukuang as a human race, Shanchuan Venerable is manifested by a mountain spirit, a monster or the like. .

Contrary to what the Evil Dragon King said, if Ning Xiuzhen wanted to solve the trouble of the certificate of reincarnation, asking for help in Heaven and Human City was not the only way out.

With the help of the proficiency panel, becoming a great emperor is also a way for Ning Xiu to save himself.

If you want to achieve this step, you can only keep proving the Tao by killing, killing those strong in the realm of heaven, and then grow wildly.

Once Ning Xiu starts this act, perhaps for a powerhouse in the Heavenly Dao Realm, his level of terror will be far higher than that of the Reincarnated Emperor.

After all, the Great Reincarnated Emperor only needs one person’s life at a time, but Ning Xiu is indiscriminately taking everyone’s life.

The Evil Dragon King looked at Qiu Chengguo on the ground, carrying rolling black clouds all over his body and advancing rapidly. He had no intention of concealing his breath at all, just to let the Venerable Mountain and River feel his arrival.

Since you want to kill, you don’t need to cover up.


Underneath the earth, a muffled hum suddenly sounded, and then Qiu Cheng saw a ravine in the foreign plain, and a huge stone arm stretched out and held it high.

The palm of his hand suddenly split open, revealing an eyeball.

Although he did not know why the Evil Dragon King came, Venerable Shanchuan expressed his vigilance for the first time.

At the stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm, basically nothing is lacking. Resources, treasures, and exercises are all useless things.

The powerhouses of this realm only want to pursue a higher realm, heaven and man.

Therefore, if it is not for the last step, the powerhouse of the Heavenly Dao Realm will definitely not easily fight for the life of another powerhouse of the Heavenly Dao Realm.

This is simply a waste of energy, and the moment the arm is just stretched out.

The earth was suddenly pulled by a huge force, trying to uproot the entire Qiu Chengguo.

(end of this chapter)

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