Demon School

Chapter 17 - Master\\\'s instructions

Lv Qiujian was very excited to see Wyeth now, as if he had seen Da Er Guan with a big sword, a carpenter saw Lu Ban, a reference writer on the street saw a fourth sister, and a duck saw Kato Hawk. , Full of admiration and yearning for the other party’s deep skills and great achievements, so he froze for a moment before replying, “It is an honor to receive your guidance, Mr. Jazz!”

Andrew Wiles was awarded the Jazz title by the Queen of England in 2000 because he proved Fermat ’s Theorem. It was a year later than the familiar Manchester United coach Ferguson. When he heard this name from Lu Qiujian, Wiles frowned. “You still call me a professor!” Obviously, his recognition of the title of professor is much higher than that of jazz.

“Come on, don’t be so serious! Let’s discuss the papers!”, Gals interrupted the dialogue between them. It has been a minute since Lu Qiujian entered the house, and he hasn’t started a discussion about mathematics. This is a waste of time! Professor Gals could n’t help but sit between the two of them, put the printed problem-solving process in front of them, and pointed to the third line and asked, “You ’ve made an ingenious change here, and this change is before No one has ever used it, how did you think of this solution? “

Ordinary people are more concerned about the answer to the problem, while scientists are more concerned about the process and ideas of solving the problem. The answer is like a golden egg, and the idea of ​​solving the problem is like the hen laying the golden egg; the mathematical genius mentioned earlier Tao Zhexuan wrote a book “Tao Zhexuan teaches you how to solve mathematics smartly” when he was fifteen. This book was very popular after the sale; the topics in the book are not difficult, that is, the intermediate level of the Olympiad, and it is even more than some. Professional Olympiad tutoring materials, but the outstanding point of this book is that he will talk about the same topic for a long time, explain in detail how many methods he tried when solving a problem, why should I try this way, Which can’t get through, which can get through. To sum up, the top mathematician’s way of thinking about solving problems is presented to you. If you can read these ways of thinking, you will get huge growth in mathematics.

Doing learning to reach the age of Gals, the way of thinking is mature, and the ordinary problem-solving ideas can no longer make him too excited, but the method used by Lu Qiujian seems to make him catch a flash of light, he vaguely feels that if he understands Lü Qiujian’s ideas will be of great help in solving a long-puzzled mathematical problem.

“When I saw this question at the first glance, I thought I needed to solve it with partial differentials. At the beginning, I tried Lax’s solution, but after a while, I realized that Professor Lax’s method was not suitable for this. The reason for the question is … Then I used Tao Zhexuan’s theory. Through his theory, I completed the first step of understanding the question, but it was not enough to go down, and then I came up with a new idea. , Is it possible to change his method a little bit! I tried to deduce and modify his formula … “, Lv Qiujian took out a pen and quickly ran it on the printing paper handed over by Professor Gals I wrote my own trial and error process, “So, after three failures, I got the correct answer!”

Lu Qiujian spent more than ten minutes doing the problem, but it took them more than an hour to explain the problem-solving process. Fortunately, the two in front of the mathematics are Taishan Beidou-level characters, as long as he As soon as they describe it, the two can understand his thoughts. If it is put in a general university classroom and can be used by those students to understand this for a year, the principal should give Lu Qiujian a medal.

“Cleverly thought!”, Goles touched his chin, “But there seems to be a more concise method in the third step!” After he finished, he handed the pen to Wyeth, a narrow smile on his face.

Lu Qiujian saw his naughty performance and not only shook his head, Gals apparently already had an answer. He handed the pen to Wiles to see if he thought of the same method as himself, which made Lu Qiujian Thinking of Zhou Yu and Zhu Geliang writing in the palm of the hand before the Battle of Chibi, Gals and Zhou Dudu are just as arrogant!

“Simply in terms of partial differentials, your solution to the problem is already perfect.” Wiles took the pen with a smile and wrote a simple formula next to the third step. “But mathematics is not just partial differentials. Other differential formulas can simplify your steps! Of course, this does not detract from your genius idea. I can think of this just because our two old men are involved in more fields! “

Lv Qiujian was pleased and convinced that talent can solve many problems, but experience can help people find a more convenient way. The two seniors have taught themselves a lesson, but he is not dissatisfied with this. Does n’t entering Princeton just want to learn from these predecessors?

The two spent another hour detailing the matters to be noted in the writing of the paper for Lu Qiujian, and then called an intern editor of the “Annual Mathematics” to tell Lu Qiujian about the papers in the “Annual Mathematics”. Format requirements. UU Reading

The writing of mathematics professional papers is more demanding than the format of social science papers. First of all, the strange mathematical symbols and formulas in mathematics papers are enough for ordinary software. If you do n’t believe you can try the word software The problem-solving process of a freshman-high-number problem will definitely make people have the urge to smash the keyboard; therefore, a computer scientist named Leslie-Lambert wrote the LaTeX typesetting system, which is designed to deal with Complex mathematical formulas and charts are particularly good, so a large number of mathematical journals require contributors to use papers written by this software.

By the way, this Leslie-Lambert is also an amazing scientist. He later became the chief researcher of Microsoft Research, and was an academician of both the American Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering. Award Turing Award.

Secondly, each journal also has strict requirements on the wording habits of the paper. If no one directs, he hurriedly writes a paper according to his own ideas. He is likely to be deleted by the editor even if he does not open it. . Now with the help of the editor of “Annual Mathematics”, Lu Qiujian will not make such mistakes.

After thanking the editor, Lu Qiujian returned to his dormitory and began to write his thesis according to the instructions of the two professors. He still does not have enough funds to buy a computer, so he can only write a copy first. Converted into electronic files, as for the funds needed to buy a computer, he hopes to be resolved this weekend.

Thanks for one-third of the quick reward. There is one more in the afternoon

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