Demon King Priest

Chapter 34: Leisure Time (1)

In the early morning, Ulysses was lying in bed enjoying the warmth and comfort of the luxurious bed. Although the big bed was very suggestive, its comfort was still first-class. Ulysses had never slept in such a comfortable bed in his life. Sleeping on it, he hardly felt that he was lying on a bed, he felt like he was lying among soft clouds. In addition, the stability of this Titan Poseidon was far greater than that of ordinary ships. Although it was sailing on the sea, he didn't feel the turbulence of the waves at all.

Under the influence of these factors, Ulysses got up late for the first time.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" But the Supreme God seemed to not allow Ulysses to get up late, and a loud knock on the door broke Ulysses's dream.

"Coming!" Although reluctantly, Ulysses had to get up from the comfortable bed. Because in this place, there was only one person who could knock on his door at this time, and he couldn't ignore her.

"Big brother, good morning." After opening the door, as expected by Ulysses, it was the little noble girl, Cherie, who knocked on the door.

"Ah. Good morning, Cherie. Didn't I tell you not to call me big brother anymore? Just call me Ulysses. Why are you looking for me so early?" Ulysses yawned and greeted Cherie absent-mindedly.

"But big brother is big brother! Didn't you say on the note that you are the big brother who will guard me forever? And you have promised me that, today you will show me around this ship?" Cherie pursed her mouth and looked dissatisfied.

"Uh..." Ulysses gradually remembered that it seemed like he had indeed made a promise after sending Cherie back to her room yesterday...

Last night, when he had just walked out of the door of his room with Cherie, he found that the old butler from Cherie's house was in the corridor. He was pacing back and forth in the hallway like a headless chicken while saying,

"Miss Cherie, where are you. Oh god, I hope she is safe. If anything happened to her, I will never be able to forgive myself."

"Butler! I'm here." Cherie, who was holding Ulysses's hand, saw that the old butler was so worried. She felt sorry, and greeted him quickly.

"Ah! Miss! Thank God, you finally came back safely. Who is the man next to you?" Seeing Cherie's safe return, the old butler was finally relieved. But he was a little curious about the young mage who was holding his miss's hand. If it wasn't someone Cherie liked very much, she would never let anyone touch her hand. From this point of view, the young mage shouldn't be the service staff sent by the mage guild to the ship. So, who was he? As far as he knew, this young mage did not seem to be among those who knew her well.

"Do you mean Big Brother? He was the one who rescued me from the killer that night! Butler, you probably don't know although Big Brother is still so young, he is already a..." Cherie was excited.

"Cough! Cough! Hello, I'm Ulysses, I am a level four light mage and a level six swordsman." Seeing Cherie was about to expose his secret to others, Ulysses hurriedly interrupted Cherie, and he tightened his grip on Cherie's small hand.

"Yeah! Yeah! Big brother is so young and so amazing!" When Ulysses tightened his grip, Cherie felt that Ulysses didn't want her to reveal his true level for some reason, so she immediately changed her words.

"Ah! You are the hero who wiped out the killer! On behalf of the Count family, I would like to express my gratitude to you! If it weren't for you, miss, miss..." After knowing that Ulysses was the one who saved Cherie, the old butler immediately changed the tone and said to Ulysses respectfully. Thinking of the tragic image he and the Count couple saw on the street at that time, the old butler actually burst into tears.

"Ah! Cherie, I suddenly remembered that there is something else I need to do! I have to go to the deck!" Ulysses really didn't know how to deal with this kind of scene, so he made up an excuse to leave.

"Then, big brother, you have to promise Cherie that you will show Cherie around this big ship tomorrow!" Seeing Ulysses leaving, Cherie let go of his hand reluctantly.

"Okay! Then I'm leaving!" Ulysses who was anxious to leave casually agreed to her, and fled in a hurry...

‘Alas! I should've said that I don't have time today!' Ulysses had this thought more than once when Cherie was holding his hand and running around on the ship.

However, even though he was forced by Cherie to show her every part of the ship, he was still shocked by the luxury and spaciousness of the Titan Poseidon. Unlike the crowded and sweltering interior of ordinary ships, the interior of Titan Poseidon was so big that he didn't even feel that it was in a ship. Banquet halls, billiards rooms, restaurants, and other entertainment venues were all available, and the size was no worse than those in the aristocratic castles. Moreover, under the action of some unknown magic device, the temperature in the entire ship was maintained at the most comfortable level.

"By the way, Cherie. There is an important thing to tell you." As he walked, Ulysses suddenly remembered something that must be told to Cherie.

"What is it? Big brother." Cherie stopped.

"You can't let others hear this! Bring your ears over." Ulysses looked around. Although there were not many people and no one was paying attention to them, he decided to proceed carefully just to be on the safe side.

"Okay, big brother." Cherie knew that what Ulysses was about to tell her might be a secret that could not be heard by others, and obediently moved her ears closer.

"That is, no one other than you should know about my level seven power. Since letting others know about this matter will cause unnecessary trouble for me, please treat it as a little secret between the two of us. Okay?" Ulysses whispered in Cherie's ear.

"Thump! Thump! Thump!" When Ulysses approached her ear to speak, Cherie's heart jumped like a deer involuntarily, and her face turned red like a ripe apple. Since Count only allowed her to play and be friends with girls since she was born, it was the first time she was this close to a boy. This fresh experience made her feel the excitement that she had never had before.

"Yes, big brother. Cherie won't tell anyone." After speaking, Cherie covered her little mouth tightly with her little hand, as if she was afraid that the secret would accidentally come out of her mouth.

"Haha! Then let's go to the deck!" After solving Cherie, this ticking time bomb, Ulysses was in a surprisingly good mood. Previously, he had been worried that she would accidentally leak out the fact that he had level seven power! Although the seventh-level power was barely achieved by him with the help of the demon sword Judgment of Abyss, it was indeed a real level seven power.

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