Demon God

Chapter 217: Mother & Daughter

When Desire found out about the existence of the person who came with the elf, he ordered Ryu to lead him to that place.

Of course, Desire never let go of the elf and just grabbed her head while walking.

It was amazing how he could do that, but well. Desire's strength was something else now that he grew up.

However, what was more notable in this situation is that...the elf never complained about Desire's rough treatment.

She just had this nonchalant look on her face as she let Desire drag her around, and it was really weird to see something like this for the other people present in the Lord's mansion.

After all, who would expect to see something like this in this place? No one.

It's not like the elf is Desire's slave or something like that, so this situation was totally weird.

However, they just let it go and didn't ask Desire about the elf since Desire...had this scary look on his face.

Due to Desire's sudden growth, his face was already naturally scary. However, there was something else that tells other people that he...was not in a good mood while they were walking.

Even Jarina didn't ask Desire at all as she just...walked beside him. There was no way that other people would be able to ask Desire if Jarina, the closest one to him, didn't even ask him.

And it was in this silent and heavy mood that they were able to reach their destination.

Right now, Desire was currently sitting in a chair in the guest room.

The elf was...she was sitting across Desire, and there was a table between them.

However, there was another person in this room, and that person was another woman, who was wearing similar clothes that the elf wore. She was sitting right beside the elf.

It was obvious that this person was a woman because of two bulging mountains in the chest area.

But Desire wasn't able to see the face of this woman because she had a hood over her face.

Anyways, that was all the people present in this room.

Desire ordered Amelia and Ryu to stay outside, and he asked Jarina to also stay outside to wait for him.

Well, there was nothing he could do about this. After all, Desire cannot let Amelia or Ryu know about what they were going to talk about in this room.

Although Jarina was his woman, Desire...didn't want Jarina to know of this, yet.

He was planning to tell all these things to her, but only when he is confident enough that he would be able to destroy most people.

And since Desire was not confident that he would be able to do just that, he couldn't afford to tell Jarina.

That was why he asked Jarina to stay out for now.

And now, Desire spoke again not to the elf, but to the other woman directly.

He didn't want to waste time on the elf who was stupid as fuck and couldn't follow conversations.

"Do you know how to speak to this elf?" Desire cut to the chase, but he was not done.

"No, I'm sure you know how to talk to this elf. After all, you are with her. Since you know, you better tell me or you are never going to get out of this place alive."

Desire then raised his right hand, which was still black. It seems that Desire didn't want to waste any more time than he already had to as he was even threatening the innocent woman.

What's more, the pressure that Desire was naturally producing was getting heavier by the minute.

With the power of the cracks, that pressure just multiplied right now.

However, not the elf nor the woman reacted to his threats. The elf was, as expected, unfazed and just had this nonchalant look on her face.

And the other woman didn't say anything at all. 

This made Desire think, 'Damn it, is this woman the same case as this...elf? Fuck this shit...'

However, before even Desire could say something else or destroy the table with his rage, the woman...moved as she removed the hood covering her head.

And as soon as she did, Desire's eyes widened as a word came out of his mouth naturally, "Huh?"

Desire then looked at the elf and the woman back in forth with confusion in his mind.

Why? It was because...the woman and the elf...looked exactly the same!

The other woman had the same long and pointy ears, the symbol of the elf race, and the same braided white hair as well as white eyes!

The other woman was the exact duplicate of the elf who received harsh treatment from Desire.

No, Desire could somehow tell that the new elf that appeared was more mature and much older than the elf that was hard to talk to.

And it was because of this that Desire had a thought, "Mother? You're her mother?"

Right, it was only logical for Desire to end up thinking that these two were related and that the elf with bulging mountains was the mother of the younger elf.

If that was not the case, then...clone. However, Desire knew that cloning oneself was practically impossible.

That was why he came to the conclusion of them being mother and daughter.

And it seems that he was right as the woman spoke.

"That's right," she said solemnly as she nodded her head gracefully, "I knew that it would end up like this."

She then continued, "Your men didn't listen to me when I asked them to let me follow her, but well. Since it came to this point, it should be fine, I guess."

The way that the woman spoke was refined, and Desire didn't expect this outcome at all.

However, Desire was able to reel himself back in and asked, "First, what's your name? And this woman, too. I don't want to get confused between the two of you. You guys look too much alike."

"Ah, my name is Aerith Ixthmonia. My daughter's name is Aeri Ixthmonia."

"It is my pleasure to meet you, young lord of the Lion Clan." The woman...Aerith said as she bowed her head.

And surprisingly, her daughter followed suit as Aeri also bowed her head in a respectful manner.

But Desire didn't pay any attention to Aeri since...he knew how it was to deal with her.

"Oh? How did you know?" Desire said as he raised his eyebrows.

He was impressed that Aerith knew that he was the young lord of the Lion Clan. Although it was still a secret at this point, Desire didn't mind it too much since he was going to that Pista anyway.

"With your men going in and out of the mansion and shouting young master, it was obvious," Aerith said, but she was not done as she continued, "Anyways, I'm sure you're not here for that."

"I assume you're here to ask how to talk to my daughter, yes?" 

Desire then nodded his head as he pulled back his right hand. The cracks on his right hand naturally disappeared and his right hand returned back to normal.

Desire was able to get what he wanted; someone who could talk to him and to the elf, so he wasn't that angry anymore, but...should this discussion go down the path Desire didn't want, then...he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers again.

"I understand that it's hard to talk to her. She's a bit slow in the head, after all."

"So what does my daughter have to heal? Tell it to me, and I shall tell it to her in our mother tongue." Aerith said those words as she looked at Desire.

However, her eyes...soon started to quiver when she saw something change in Desire.

She didn't know what exactly changed in Desire, but she could tell that...the change was dangerous.

'W-what is this...what is this man...' Aerith thought as she could feel her breathe stopping. The atmosphere became suffocating, but she was not even allowed to react.

Although Aerith could definitely force herself to breathe, she just felt would be wrong of her to do so in the current situation.

Why? It was because...Aerith could see Desire's red eyes...looking straight at her white eyes.

Because of those red eyes, Aerith knew that if she did something in this situation, she...would face wrath greater than any wrath she has ever faced before.

And it was in this situation that Desire spoke again with a heavy voice, "Ask her what she meant when she said Monster's Way in front of me."

'Monster's Way...? Why is he asking about that...' Aerith thought as she knew about the Monster's Way.

After all, she was the one who told her daughter about the Monster's Way.

However, since Aerith could feel that Desire was...a human, it came out as weird for her to see a human asking about the Monster's Way.

Aerith was an elf, and an elf is considered to be a monster race.

That was why...she didn't understand this situation.

"Monster's ask?" She murmured as she squinted her eyes.

And it was then that Aerith let out some sort of aura that battled against Desire's pressure.

She then spoke in a dignified manner.

"I'm sorry, daughter or even I can't tell you that." 

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