Demon God

Chapter 214: Healer

Desire, Jarina, and Amelia were able to reach the dining hall of the Lord's mansion pretty quickly.

And what was waiting for them in the dining hall was Ryu and the guy who referred to him as boss in the Lord's room.

And when they got there, Desire and Jarina immediately sat at the chairs lined up with the dining table.

The dining table was very long, and it had some very unique designs, as expected of a Lord's mansion.

The dining hall itself was pretty extravagant as the designs of the whole place were just superb.

However, the main point was the chairs themselves. The chairs looked something like even a noble wouldn't be able to afford.

And Desire was sitting on the most impressive chair that was stationed at the very end of the long table, which is the chair where the family head usually sits on.

Jarina was sitting right beside him, where she...was eating. It was weird that she was eating at a time like this, but well.

There was food in front of her, and she didn't know when she would be eating again in this situation since Amelia has mentioned that they have already called in a healer or something like that.

Desire was...he was sorting things out with the Unknown. He was rereading it again to make sure that he didn't miss anything at all.

However, when Desire heard Ryu speak, he stopped reading it.

"Young master, you should eat as well..." He said as he looked at Desire's food that was getting cold.

It was cooked by the chef that went with the Black Hand's members so Ryu was pretty sure of its taste.

He wanted to make Desire eat it as Desire just went through a horrible experience with the Representative.

However, Desire didn't plan to eat at all since this situation was so urgent right now.

He needed something else, and that was...information.

That was why Desire ignored Ryu and spoke to Amelia, who was standing by the side.

"Amelia. Do you have what I wanted you to get?" He said with a sharp voice.

Well, Desire was getting visibly irritated by the Monster's Way since it was really just so sudden.

What's more, this situation was really time-limited for Desire as Desire would have to go back to Jakart in a week's time since he has to attend the Pista or whatever one calls it.

He was supposed to know about Dungeons and the monsters here, but now he was given more tasks such as eating a Monster Lord or forming a Mana Heart.

Those tasks were time-consuming, and it would be pretty hard as well since Desire...couldn't possibly eat a Monster Lord to become a Monster or something like that.

That was why Desire was getting irritated and wanted to finish this Monster's Way as fast as possible.

"Yes, young master. Shall I inform you as you eat your meal?" Amelia suggested.

Of course, this made Desire turn his eyes towards his meal.

It was soup, some meat, and rice. It was pretty alluring as well as the food's aroma was great.

However, the one who nailed the coffin for Desire was Jarina as she spoke while cleaning her mouth with a cloth.

"Why don't you eat, Desire? Eating now would definitely save you some time later, you know?" She suggested.

It seems that Jarina has noticed that Desire was getting irritated and she was even able to guess that it was because of time.

Well, this was because Jarina just knew Desire that much.

"Hmm...I guess so," Desire said as he picked up the spoon and fork.

He then proceeded to eat the meal as Amelia then began to tell Desire what she got - the information about the city, merchants, auction, the Lion Clan.

Various information flowed out of Amelia's soft lips and it was all heard by Desire as he ate the food.

Of course, Ryu, who suggested for Desire to eat, had a satisfied look on his face when Desire began eating.

Even his subordinate on the side...though, he also looked like he didn't care.

And this was the situation in the dining hall until someone...broke this.

"Boss Cap'n! We got the healer that you wanted!" A voice shouted out loud, and this made all heads turn towards the source of the voice.

Of course, it was down the hallway, where the open door leads.

That was not all they heard as several footsteps also resounded out in this place.

"Ah, it seems like they got back now," Ryu said as he grinned.

After all, he could now see his subordinates escorting a stranger in white clothes.

There were a total of four people, with the three being Ryu's subordinate and the other one is the healer.

"We got the best healer that you can find in town! This, this woman is the best healer in town and a merchant team let us borrow their healer, which is this woman, Boss Cap'n!" A man said as he saluted to Ryu, and to...the young master, Desire, who was eating.

"Nothing makes us more glad than seeing the young master fine and healthy!" He said as he bowed his head, but that was not all as he continued.

"However, to make sure, please let this woman see your wounds! The young miss, as well."

However, he wasn't able to say anything more as Ryu...waved his hand as the signal of dismission.

Of course, when the men saw this, they...immediately saluted to Ryu with their hands and began to walk away from this place.

Silence...overcame the dining hall until Desire spoke.

"Ryu, you told them my identity?" Desire said as he then put away the spoon that he was eating with and just looked at the air.

Of course, he was looking at the screen while having his ears perked up as he waited for Ryu's answer.

"Yes, young master. As you have said, your identity will soon be revealed in Pista, so there is no need to hide it from my men. I believe this is something that you would want me to do as well, which is why I acted on it." Ryu said as respectfully as he could.

Even though Ryu was a bit slow in the head, he could still understand that Desire was not in the mood today.

He could tell that Desire was somehow pissed off, even though he was controlling himself well.

What's more, Desire's aura was getting heavier and his aura just takes the breath of the people away, and that was a clear sign that Desire didn't like something.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Ryu would try to pry on it. Even Amelia has not said anything about it. He wasn't that stupid, after all.

"Hmm...I guess that's fine," Desire said as he then turned his eyes towards the woman, who was wearing white clothes.

The clothes that she had were...fitting of a magician, and her face was covered by a hood as well.

It was pretty amazing as to how she was still able to wear baggy clothes like that even though she was in front of a VIP.

After all, baggy clothes can sometimes hide...dangerous objects that can lead to injuries and death.

"So, you are a healer? Have you been told what you are going to heal?" Desire said as he tried to converse with the healer.

However, the healer was not responding at all. She just...stared at whatever she was staring at.

But because of the hood that was covering her face, Desire didn't know what she was staring at.

It was then that Ryu's subordinate, Rick Roll, shouted out loud with a pissed-off look.

"Oy! The young master is talking to you! You better respond or your merchant lord or whoever you are with would be getting harsh punishments!" He said.

And no one stopped him. Ryu didn't stop him, and not even Amelia, who usually says something in situations like these stopped him.

And that was only natural. It was the truth that the young master of the Lion Clan was talking to her, yet she didn't respond.

That is something unforgivable, and the dignity of the Lion Clan is not something a mere commoner can just smear over.

However, even though Rick Roll's voice was sharp and harsh, the woman still didn't respond.

The atmosphere was getting tense, and the aura was getting heavier as this was just...pure disrespect.

After all, who would dare do something like this in front of the mighty Lion Clan?

Even crazy bastards would have to think twice before disrespecting the Lion Clan.

And that was why...Ryu was forced to step in as he released his mana.

He released his mana and the pressure around the air and the atmosphere was getting heavier and heavier.

And it was with this kind of pressure that Ryu spoke as his eyes sharpened.

"Now, what kind of crazy bastard would dare disrespect the young master of the Lion Clan like this?"

"Do you want your whole family to be killed, huh?!"

"Answer the young master now!"

Ryu's mana suddenly burst out and made the whole Lord's mansion shake, but even then...the healer didn't reply.

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