Demon Dragon

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Jin Lin wanted to escape from the water prison, but although he broke free from the ropes, the entire cell was reinforced with iron fences and a layer of restraint was arranged. He touched the ban several times and could only shake it slightly, but couldn’t break it easily. Furthermore, even if he can break through this layer of prohibition and escape from the cell, he can easily be discovered by the guards above, which is equivalent to bringing about one’s own destruction.

The only viable solution is the sewer under the water prison. Jin Lin had already checked, and at the bottom of the water prison, there was a circular hole, which he judged to be the sewer. The hole is now closed by a circular iron cover, to prevent the water from escaping from the water cell. Judging from the corpses floating in the water dungeon and the stench, the water probably hasn’t been changed for a long time, which means that the holes are probably closed for a long time. And now it also has a layer of prohibition on it.

Jin Lin decided to use this as a breakthrough port.

Jin Lin’s mana is not very high, and can only slightly shake the ban.

But once he made a decision, he became very persevering. If it doesn’t work once, then twice, if it doesn’t work twice, then three times!

Every time you use your demon energy to attack the ban on the cell, although you can’t break through it, you can shake it more or less a little bit. This kind of behavior can even be described as “grinding”. He just did that again and again, Heaven and Earth day after day. It was like grinding an iron pestle into a needle. Although the prohibition was much stronger than his strength, after the continuous “grinding”, the prohibition at the cover of the sewer finally became very fragile.

This process took him a month, and during this month, he lived by eating mice. Later, it seems that the mouse also realized that coming to this cell will go but never returned, and patronize less and less.

“Maybe in three or four days, it can be cracked!” Jin Lin thought to himself.

Although it may be discovered by the Monster King after escaping, as long as you escape, there is always hope.

When he went to use Yao Yuan to impact the restriction again, he felt a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, as if an earthquake had occurred. Of course, this is not an earthquake, and Chixia Island has not had an earthquake for many years. There should be some powerful people coming, this time it seems that some cultivator has made the Monster King Hall as the goal. Jin Lin could even hear the sound of houses collapsing from above, as well as loud shouts.

Because of this shaking, the already weak prohibition has become very unstable and may be broken at any time.

Great opportunity! Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jin Lin raised up the remaining demon energy in his body, and in a spurt of energy, the restriction was swept away! At the same time, his body slammed into the cover of the sewer, and with a “hong” sound, the cover that lost the restraint support was knocked open.

The water in the water prison quickly flows towards this hole, and it really is a sewer. Jin Lin didn’t have time to think, he took a breath and swam into the sewer quickly. His body floated along the current for a long time, until he could barely hold his breath, his eyes lit up and he was already outside.

After the underground water cell was closed for a long time, my eyes were not adapted to the light outside, and it was slightly stinging.

“Aha! Young Master, I finally escaped.” Jin Lin wanted to cheer loudly, but in the water prison, he almost drove him crazy.

The first single thought that escaped was that I was eager to go home. I believe the mother must have been worried for a long time. Unknown to Jin Lin at this time, Bai Susu has been under house arrest by the Monster King and simply did not return home.

Because it flows down the water, and the sewer is not very wide, Jin Lin keeps his snake form for the convenience of escape, but it is precisely because of this that he is noticed by a powerful person.

Heavenly Dragon daoist is a loose cultivator, his Sect is called Heavenly Dragon Sect, a little-known little Sect. However, this does not mean that the cultivation base of Heavenly Dragon daoist is not high. In fact, he is a rare expert in this little Sect for many years, and has reached the peak of Void Return, which is about to Transcending Tribulation.

Heavenly Dragon daoist has a mind method called “Heavenly Dragon Mind Method”, which is a partial cultivation technique handed down from Heavenly Dragon Sect, but the cultivation technique says it is the highest mind of Heavenly Dragon Sect Law. This cultivation technique requires the use of Dragon Clan’s blood to assist cultivation. This cultivation method is completely different from the orthodox cultivator’s method of absorbing Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, and it seems to have several points of magic. Because Dragon Clan blood is too hard to get, Heavenly Dragon Sect has actually had no cultivation success for so many years. How can an ordinary cultivator dare to hunt and kill Dragon Clan?

Because the Heavenly Dragon Sect is just a small Sect, this Heavenly Dragon mind method is basically unknown to outsiders except for them.

To be honest, the Heavenly Dragon daoist doesn’t really believe in this Heavenly Dragon mentality. After all, except for the Ancestor Master, no one in Sect has practiced it for so many years. But he is now almost at the Transcending Tribulation Realm, and he has no certainty about the Transcending Tribulation. Once the Transcending Tribulation fails, he will also have scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, leaving nothing in this world. The Heavenly Dragon daoist was very afraid of this, so he remembered the Heavenly Dragon mantra in Sect. The only successful Transcending Tribulation in the history of Sect is the Ancestor Master, who should have cultivated the Heavenly Dragon mentality. With this in mind, the Heavenly Dragon daoist was eager to try this cultivation technique.

Of course, given him ten thousand courage, he wouldn’t dare to hunt and kill Dragon Clan. If he messed with Dragon Clan, he would not die a thousand times. However, he heard that Flood Dragon also has some bloodlines from Dragon Clan, and on Chixia Island, there is a giant Jiaojing that reaches the Void Realm world. This kind of creature, Jiao, if the Transcending Tribulation is successful, it can turn into a Flood Dragon, even a fairy-level creature. This giant Jiaojing who returned to the Void Realm world, maybe its blood can be used?

For this reason, the Heavenly Dragon daoist went to Chixia Island to find this giant Jiaojing. However, when he sneak attacked the Giant Flood Dragon and got a drop of blood, he was disappointed that the Dragon Clan Bloodline of the Giant Flood Dragon was so thin that it did not cause any reaction to the cultivation technique at all, that is to say, it could not be cultivated. And with the giant Jiaojing there are two monsters from the Primordial Spirit Realm, plus there are countless monsters large and small. If he really wants to fight, even if he can win, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured. Of course he wouldn’t do this, so he destroyed several buildings in the Monster King’s hall, and after venting, he planned to leave in a hurry.

But just when Heavenly Dragon daoist was very upset, he saw a golden snake.

“The snake is the small dragon”, Heavenly Dragon daoist thought of this saying. The snake in front of the golden looks very unusual, there is nothing to gain anyway, just try one’s luck. With this thought in mind, Heavenly Dragon daoist caught the snake back.

What a shame! Jin Lin sighed, having just escaped from the water prison, but fell into the hands of the cultivator.

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