Dark God: I Was Treated As A Supreme God

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

003 I Saw God! The Temple and the Holy Maiden!

“Where is this place? Why is it so dark that I can’t see anything?”

When Mia waited for the cat-ear girl to crawl on the ground, Lin Feng’s voice sounded from the star in the sky.

After the star blinked, Lin Feng felt that the stars on the star map seemed to have changed.

After he focused his attention on the star, he felt that he seemed to have come to a whole new place.

Inside, is a spherical space.

The perimeter of the space is filled with soft light, radiating in all directions.

Around, there is endless darkness.

Can’t see anything either.

When looking down, Lin Feng felt that there seemed to be something below, which looked like land.

However, because the distance is too far, the light from the stars is not particularly bright, and Lin Feng can’t see what is underneath.

After looking at it for a while, Lin Feng didn’t notice anything. He blinked and saw that he was back in the bedroom again.

As if he had just entered that place, it was just an illusion.


“Mia, did you just hear the voice of God?”

On the ground, more than a dozen cat-eared girls were still crawling on the ground, and the cat-eared girl Irene asked in a low voice.

“Well, it’s the voice of God, majestic and grand, it must be some oracle from God, but I didn’t hear it clearly.”

Mia is a little frustrated.

God sent an oracle, but she didn’t hear it!

“I didn’t hear it clearly, Mia, don’t be discouraged. Since the gods have come to the world and brought us light, they will definitely protect us. Great, we don’t have to live in darkness in the future!”

Erin was a little happy.

In this way, after crawling on the ground for a long time, finally, a cat-eared girl cautiously looked at the sky from the corner of her eye, and found that the figure in the stars had disappeared.

“Mia, God has left!”

The cat-eared lady whispered.

“Come on, let’s go back to the tribe.”

After Mia discovered that the figure in the stars disappeared, she said to the other cat ears.

The cat ears quickly got up and walked through the forest.

After more than an hour, they appeared in another forest.

In this forest, there are more traces of human activities, and you can also see some fenced land with some crops in it.

Although there is no light in this world, plants can survive because of some special energy.

In this way, soon, they came to a stockade.

Around this stockade, there is a thick wall made of stone, and outside the wall, there are some sharp woods to resist the attack of the dark beast.

When more than a dozen cat ears returned to the stockade, they found that all the clansmen had gathered in the large square behind the gate.

There are a lot of cat people in this tribe, and the cat people tribe is obviously stronger than women, and most of the warriors in the entire stockade are cat women.

At this time, thousands of cat people are looking at the stars in the sky.

The entire area of the cat people tribe was also illuminated by the rays of light from the stars.


“Mia is back!”

“They were injured, and the fire was not brought back. It seems that they encountered a dark beast!”

“It is the greatest blessing to be able to come back alive!”


Seeing Mia and the others coming back, the cat people whispered.


At this time, a catwoman who seemed to be in her forties came out.

This is Mia’s mother and the patriarch of the entire cat people tribe.


A cat-eared girl who looked somewhat similar to Mia walked out and said happily.

This cat-eared girl is Mia’s younger sister, Mi Wei, who is a twin with Mia.

“Mother, I see God!”

Mia walked up to her mother and said.

“Mia, I saw it too.”

Mia’s mother looked at the stars in the sky with awe, and said.

“Mother, this star is a gift from God. God has brought us light, and we must respond to God!”

Mia Road.

Mia’s mother nodded: “Mia, you are right, I have discussed with a few elders and plan to build a temple for the gods according to the ancient records!”

“The temple?”

When Mia heard her mother’s words, her eyes showed firmness: “Mother, then let me preside over the temple for the gods!”


As a result, the cat people tribe started with all their strength.

In just three days, a shrine made of wood, although crude, was the tallest building in the entire tribe.

After the temple was built, Mia, the cat-eared lady, entered the temple wearing a long white coat woven from some plants in the forest.

According to the ancient book of the cat people tribe, a god should have a saint who is responsible for communicating with the gods and presiding over the temple for the gods.

The saint is the most faithful believer and must maintain her lifelong purity!


When the temple was built, all the cat people gathered around the temple to worship and pray to the star in the sky.

Express your gratitude and faith to the gods! *

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