Daqin: Zulong Asked Me to Be the Prince

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Ying Zheng: I Will Be Your Backer! How?

“Haha, don’t be impatient.”

Seeing Qin Feng’s appearance, Ying Zheng waved his hands and said with a smile,

“It’s better…you cooperate with me.”

“Although I’m not a powerful person, but in this Xianyang city, I still have a head and face, and maybe I can protect you for a while.”

“When the business grows, it will depend on your own skills and abilities.”

No matter what, it is the most vulnerable when it is newly born, and it is very easy to die.

But as long as you get through this budding period and have a foundation, you may be able to resist the wind and waves in the future.

What Ying Zheng promised was the escort in this budding period!

Of course, in his mind, this is nothing more than a game – a small store doing business, and having King Qin as a backer? !

When the truth comes out, this young man’s expression will be very interesting!


Qin Feng looked at Ying Zheng suddenly, with a hint of excitement, but also a hint of hesitation,

“Uncle… can you really shelter me?”

“Even if you could…why would you help me?!”

For the first question, in fact, he did not have much concern. The other party can parade through the streets in the middle of the night, and he has an extraordinary momentum. He must have some confidence to say this!

But the two sides just met by chance, and there is no reason for the other party to help each other the first time they meet, right?

Of course, Qin Feng didn’t know that what he thought of helping Ying Zheng was just a thought.

He is the king of Qin, the first emperor of Qin who is feared by the six kingdoms like a ferocious tiger, and who dare not look up at the head of the world!


Ying Zheng pointed at the table in front of him and smiled lightly,

“It’s because of your meal! It’s been a long time since I had an upset stomach!”

“You boy, I look very pleasing to the eye, so I will help you.”

“Besides, I’m not helping you for free. No matter how big your brown sugar workshop is, the profits will be divided with me every year!”


Qin Feng looked at the smiling middle-aged uncle in front of him, touched his chin, and fell into thought.

After a while.

“Okay! Then we will cooperate!”

Qin Feng made a decisive decision.

The brown sugar shop has just started, and it really needs to be sheltered by a backer.

If the other party doesn’t have the strength to back him, then he will not be able to grow bigger, and he will even be threatened to cut him off. Naturally, there is no profit to talk about.

But if the uncle has the strength to be the backer, then he will grow rapidly through the backing, and the profit sharing should be!

In any case, the initiative is still in his hands, the profits are in his hands, and he will never be pitted!

“I produce raw materials, workshops, and finished products, and I am in charge of all technology and marketing. As for you, uncle, you are responsible for protecting the industry. Don’t let insidious people stumble us! We must not let our industry be taken away!”

Qin Feng said loudly,

“So, every year, the net profit of all costs aside, we are seven or three points! I seven and you three! Is it reasonable?”

When the words fell, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, and looked carefully at the uncle in front of him.

Generally speaking, the people who are backers are relatively dark, and many of them directly take 50% of the profits, or even more!

When Ying Zheng heard the words, he was noncommittal, showing no joy or anger on his face.

“…Actually, June Fourth, it’s not impossible…”

“…Five-five, five-five elements! If it goes lower, I will only make such a small profit after working so hard. There is no profit at all!”


Qin Feng saw that the uncle didn’t speak, thinking that the other party was not satisfied, he added more and more orders, with a bitter look on his face.

People in feudal society are not allowed to cut meat!

However, the corner of Ying Zheng’s mouth rose slightly at the moment.

“Young people are young people after all, I can’t hold my breath…”

He smiled lightly,

“Negotiation is not what you talk about. For a child like you, if I am a little serious, I can let you only get 30% of the profit, and I will enjoy 70% alone! I can even turn against the customer and let you be my subordinate, even 10%. No profit!”

“Negotiating, you must have enough confidence. When you make a statement that you want to rely on me, even if I don’t speak, you have already been led by me by the nose, understand?”

As the boss of the negotiating world, Yingzheng, the king of Qin who let the six countries cede the city and the land every year, he is teaching Qin Feng.

Qin Feng nodded obediently: “Understand, understand…”

I understand you asshole!

I just wanted to rely on you! Otherwise, how can I give up so much profit? !

However, Ying Zheng’s next sentence made Qin Feng’s grievances disappear, and even more surprises.

“Everything in the brown sugar industry is done by yourself. As a man, I don’t want to take more petty profits from you.”

Ying Zheng said calmly,

“It doesn’t have to be as much as 30%. How much you give depends on your heart.”

“At that time, if you think that I have contributed a lot, give me more; if you think that I have no contribution, you may not give it to me.”

Just kidding, as the King of Qin, even though the brown sugar industry may have huge profits, can he value that kind of money?

Just the money from fighting every year is an astronomical amount. Didn’t he spend it without blinking?

In the future, he will break through the six kingdoms and rule the world, then the world will be his!

To put it bluntly, Ying Zheng doesn’t care about money, what he cares about is attitude, and what he sees is whether the young man in front of him is worth socializing.

In the face of interests, brothers will turn against each other, and the word money and silk has exposed how many ugliness of human nature?

He was very curious, how the young man in front of him, facing the huge interests in his hands in the future, will deal with him as a “protected person”?

“This… good! Now I believe more and more that you are an energetic person, Uncle!”

Qin Feng was shocked and said solemnly,

“Since the uncle is not a person who values interests, naturally I, Qin Feng, can’t be too stingy!”

“Wait a minute, I’ll get the bamboo coupons, let’s make a contract, even if the two of us jointly opened this store!”

“The profits are settled every month, and I will not pay you less than 30% of the net profit every month! If you need to divert funds to expand the industry in the future, I will also discuss with you!”

When the voice fell, he entered the room and looked for a blank bamboo tube.

Only Ying Zheng sat there dumbfounded, his lips trembling slightly.

“Fu… Qin Feng?!”

“Is there such a coincidence in this world!”

Ying Zheng, who did not change his face even when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, was swaying in his heart at this moment!

Just because of this name, it reminded him of a past, a painful past buried in the deepest part of his heart!


Qin Feng opened the bamboo tube, held the pen and said:

“Uncle, I have already written the deed. Take a look at it again. If there is no objection, the signature will be valid.”

Ying Zheng lowered his head slightly and looked above the bamboo tube.

His mind was not on the content at all, but on the last word “Qin Feng”, silent for a long time.

“Uncle, is there a problem?” Qin Feng couldn’t help asking.

“No… no problem, no problem, very well written.”

Ying Zheng broke free from his thoughts, picked up the pen, pondered for a while, and then gently wrote three words.

Then, he suddenly got up and said:

“It’s getting late, I’ll go back to rest first.”

“In my spare time, I will come to you.”

Ying Zheng had one thing on his mind, and the flames of a bunch of old things were rekindled!

He is not a hesitant person, thinking of it, he will do it!

“Okay, good night, uncle.”

Looking at the figure of Ying Zheng leaving in a hurry, Qin Feng gave a junior salute.

Then, he turned his eyes to the deed.

At the signature, the ink of those three words was still wet.

“Yin Zhengwen.” Qin Feng nodded and said, “It’s a very polite name, and it doesn’t go well with the uncle… Is there a wealthy family with the Yin surname in Xianyang?”

He didn’t know much about the nobles of Qin, and he still stayed on the “Mengxibai” three nobles. No matter how many more, he would not know.

However, perhaps due to Uncle Yin’s temperament, Qin Feng has inexplicable confidence in him!

ps: The stable 10,000-word five-note update will start tomorrow. The old author is guaranteed to update, and it will explode when it is released. Thank you everyone, please support the flower evaluation ticket, thank you! ! *

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