Daqin: Zulong Asked Me to Be the Prince

Chapter 409

Chapter 409 A0Mortars Are Made! 20,000 Ammunition Preparations! (3 Orders)

outskirts of Xianyang.

Must be used at the most appropriate time to maximize damage!

Laozi has so much steel, why did he make cannon barrels?!

With the use of assembly line production, it is difficult to imagine this capacity!

Qin Feng nodded.

If you have a home, you will get it!

Qin Feng reluctantly touched his nose, patted Mo Lin’s shoulder, gritted his teeth,

Merlin laughed,

“The emperor has made a decision, wants you to go on an expedition?

“As for you? Don’t even think about going out with me!”

Qin Feng glanced at him, shook his head and said,

“If the Xiongnu doesn’t talk about martial arts, we have to give him a blitzkrieg!”

Qin Feng: “#¥…*@!!!”

“However, the iron ore mining in Weidi and Handi is too slow, and we have no iron ore resources in our hands, so… we simply used the best steel!

Follow the giant and have meat to eat!

A village that doesn’t care about farming and mulberry, but specializes in industry!

“To what extent are the raw materials consumed?” “?”

He also misses the days when he followed Qin Feng to conquer the world!

This place is like a new village!

20,000 rounds seems like a lot.

He has seen the power of mortars, it is truly earth-shattering, enough to make the scalp tingle!

“In such a short time…you all made it?!

To form a rolling fire suppression, at least bursts are required, right?

Merlin said happily,


This production capacity… is so terrifying!

After receiving the wages, I take it home and let my wife and children buy daily necessities, and along the way, they contribute to the new house.

“But this time, I must praise you! If the thousand mortars had not been built in time, I would have no confidence in the war!

he exclaimed,


He left behind 1,000 tons of steel and 50 tons of gunpowder!

“Back to the giant, it’s almost all consumed.”

Merlin stared,

“If it were normal, I would definitely beat you up!”

In Mo Lin’s eyes, a trace of passion ignited!

Good steel is used on the blade!

“What if they run away after a wave of bombings?

“The enemy is a fool, standing there like a mountain and calling you to fight?

“20 rounds?

“Make sure to give me more than 5000 rounds before I go out!”

Qin Feng frowned slightly.

Thousands of craftsmen have settled here with their families.

“Twenty thousand is still not enough, I still need the artillery regiment for training, which has to consume part of it.


Qin Feng looked at a thousand brand-new mortars that smelled of lacquer in the large warehouse of the factory, and his eyes showed surprise.

“Subsequently, as long as there are enough raw materials and enough manpower, it’s not a problem to make a lot of parts every day! Then you can assemble them! It’s very easy!””

He pondered,

“Just barely!

.||Is it barely?

“As for the gunpowder, with the pile you provided, plus the alchemist’s day and night refining, the shells that have been rubbed so far can basically ensure that each cannon can carry about 20 shells. 99

“So fast?!

With the increasing number of employed people in the industrial park, this wasteland that was originally barren and no one cares about it has become lively!

“Actually, the main reason is that the research and development process is relatively difficult, and after the finished product is manufactured, the production process will be skilled.

“Originally, the steel thing only needs to be used in key parts.

Qin Feng’s factory has become an industrial park after repeated expansion and development!

Qin Feng pondered,

During the day, I work in the factory.

(The king’s) Mo Lin’s figure was shocked.

But that’s enough for 20 rounds of launches.

“It’s you who said to be as soon as possible…”

A wave of artillery shells washed the ground, it is estimated that 10,000 rounds were sent!

“These thousand mortars are the first batch and the best quality batch! I hope they … can play their due effect! 39

“In addition to those molds, they were also built during the research and development process.”


“It’s just the past two days… After the sacrifice to heaven, let me lead the troops out of the customs!

“That’s enough ammo to blow up the mountain!”

Qin Feng snorted coldly,

Isn’t it just 1000 tons of steel? As long as we can win this battle vigorously, everything is worth it!

He couldn’t help but ask,

“You guys continue to work overtime and get all the craftsmen to stop what they’re doing and all come to rub the shells!”

“How is it? Giant, is this enough?”

“Cough cough…”

Merlin said honestly,

“After I leave, you will be the supervisor! Whether it is the imperial court or the factory, you are the one who caught me!

“Send more people to Han Sheng!”

Be nice!

“1,000 doors is 20,000 rounds!

“Waste it, waste it! This thing of steel… It can be made in the future when technology comes up!”

Qin Feng squatted down and touched the black barrel of the cannon. He couldn’t put it down.

“In this case, you have to use it sparingly and not waste it.””

“When and how many? Can I follow?”

“Don’t be alarmed, the giant, this speed is not too fast.”

It hasn’t been long since the development was successful, right?!

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