Daqin: Zulong Asked Me to Be the Prince

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Li Xin’S Expedition, Mohist Disciples Visit! (15)

On this day, the whole Xianyang atmosphere was solemn.

The King of Qin personally saw General Li Xin off, bestowed the sword, and wished him triumph!

“General Li Wansheng, Daqin Wansheng!”

“Great Qin Wansheng, King Wannian!”

The whole day’s shouting came into the city from outside the city, and Qin Feng’s ears buzzed.

“The morale of the Qin people is indeed the best in the Seven Kingdoms!!”

Qin Feng leaned against the doorpost and said with emotion,

“It’s a pity that morale alone is useless in wars, and it pays more attention to tactics and strategies!”

“Not to mention, there are only 200,000 people… With less fights and more, young generals are in command, how can they be unbeaten?”

As expected, the course of history has not changed, and Li Xin finally took the lead.

But this has nothing to do with Qin Feng, because he has already spent money to be exempted from the tax, and can do business in Xianyang with peace of mind…

After the expedition ceremony ended, the atmosphere in Xianyang relaxed, and the number of pedestrians on the street began to increase.

Qin Feng was about to return to the store when he saw several beggars in sackcloth linen shirts and ripped straw shoes hurried up.

“Dare to ask the store owner, is he the owner of Qin Feng?”

One of the leaders asked earnestly.

Qin Feng looked at a few people strangely, nodded, and said casually:


“What are you doing to me? Do you want me to give alms?”

In his opinion, these people looked like this, and Bacheng was a beggar who came to ask the shopkeeper to beg.

He has encountered many such people, and when he is in a good mood, he gives a little, and when he is in a bad mood, he walks away.

However, he has not seen hordes of begging.

This year, beggars also come in groups?


Among the beggars, a burly man showed anger, as if he had been insulted!

The one in the lead quickly appeased him for a while, and then showed a bitter smile, cupped his hands towards Qin Feng, and said earnestly:

“We are not beggars, we are Moziers.”

“The Mo family has a commandment, Mo people must go out in sackcloth and sackcloth, step on straw sandals, walk in the world with a simple attitude, and help the weak and resist the strong.”

When Qin Feng heard this, he suddenly realized!

Mo family disciple!

No wonder… Among the hundreds of schools of thought, the Mo family has always played the role of an ascetic, and wearing shabby clothes is their characteristic.

I don’t know, I really thought they were beggars!

“It turned out to be Mozhe, it was me who made a blunder.”

Qin Feng cupped his hands and asked,

“Why are you looking for me Qin Feng?”

He was still puzzled… It seems that he and the Mo family have nothing to do with each other, right?

“That’s right, the Mo family’s tycoon, the craftsman, Yunlin, passed away three months ago.”

The leading ink artist sighed softly,

“Before he died, Master Yunlin said his last words. He had a direct disciple named Qin Feng, who was doing a small business in Xianyang.”

“If our life is difficult, we can come to Xianyang to defect.”

Qin Feng was shocked.


The name is very familiar!

The thoughts in his mind began to churn, flipping through the memory of the former master, and suddenly remembered—

The distant room “Zhongfu” who settled him seems to be called Yunlin!

For a while, that dusty memory surged up, giving him a lot of information!

Including traveling around the world with Yunlin when he was a child, wandering around, he also remembered… Yunlin taught him some basic carpentry work! Even an organ technique!

However, the former owner had no interest in ingenuity, so in the end Yunlin did not force him to instill ingenuity, but only taught some basic craftsmanship.

Later, Yunlin seemed to have been invited by someone to come to Qin State, and finally settled him in Xianyang, and then turned to leave without a trace.

Just like that, after a while, the original Qin Feng was taken away…

“Could it be that Your Excellency Qin Feng has forgotten Master Yunlin?”

The leading ink artist saw Qin Feng’s strange expression, and said with some disappointment,

“If there is no relationship, then we are looking for the wrong person.”


After saying that, he will take people away.

In his opinion, Qin Feng was hesitant to see his group of people who looked like “beggars” defected.

That being the case, even if he really invests in his sect, I am afraid it will not be easy to live under others.

Why don’t you just leave and make a living!

“Humph! Master Yunlin is unkind to others!”

The burly Ink artist sneered and then left!


Qin Feng broke free from his thoughts and stopped them.


The ink artists stopped and turned around.

“Please come in!”

Qin Feng invited with a smile,

“Since he is a disciple of Father Zhong, then he is also a friend of my Qin Feng.”

“Xianyang has strict laws, it’s too dangerous for you to wander outside! Settle down with me first!”

He was still quite interested in the Mo family.

After all, this is a school that focuses on practice, and their hands-on ability is very strong, and the craftsmanship they make is also very spiritual.

It’s not a bad thing to have a group of ink practitioners around!

Maybe we can rely on them to invent papermaking, movable type printing and so on!

“……it is good!”

The leading ink artist stretched his brows and said excitedly,

“Dare to ask Your Excellency Qin Feng, do you have anything to eat? We are very hungry!”

He touched his shriveled belly and looked at each other with his fellow apprentices and brothers, all smiling bitterly.

After a long journey, they really had a meal and didn’t get off work, and they were miserable!

Fortunately… Master Yun Lin didn’t miss out, Qin Feng can really go!

“Yes, all, enough!”

Qin Feng greeted with a smile,

“Come in! I’ll cook for you!”

After a while, a large bowl of steaming bacon noodles was served.

“Come on, this is my unique dish – sunflower bacon noodles!”

Qin Feng pushed the big bowl onto the table and said with a smile,

“You can share it! There’s not enough in the pot!”

The ink practitioners smelled the fragrance, and their eyes almost flashed green!

Especially the burly big man, even the hala will flow down.

The rumbling of the stomach growled incessantly.

“Then… we’re welcome!”

The leading ink artist smiled, and then quickly said,

“Come on, face off!”

Swish swish!

In the blink of an eye, a large bowl of noodles has been divided cleanly, not even the soup base!

Chilling chirping.

There was a constant murmur in the room.

“Delicious! Delicious!”

“What kind of food is this? Is it special in Xianyang? I have never eaten something so delicious!”

“I still want to eat…”

A few brothers and sisters were full of praise while dancing with their hands.

Anyone who eats it will be addicted to the taste, even the King of Qin is no exception! What’s more, these “beggars” like hungry people?

Qin Feng smiled and said:

“It’s not a feature of Xianyang, it’s a feature of our store.”

“You are blessed.”

“If you change to another place, you will never be able to eat these!”

“Eat all the brothers and sisters, open up and eat until you are full! Enough is enough!”

These remarks are quite arrogant, and together with the above taste, the ink writers feel warm in their hearts, and even their impression of Qin Feng has skyrocketed by several grades!

Especially the burly and strong man, who was rude just now, and now he is just eating and enjoying the noodles. *

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