Daqin: Zulong Asked Me to Be the Prince

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Qin Feng, Where Did Your Title Come From? ! (45)

With a creak, the store door opened.

Ying Zheng rubbed his hands, walked into the store, sniffed lightly on his nose, and said with a smile:

“Kid Qin Feng! What delicious food have you made?”

He clearly smelled a fragrance, and it was a very strong meat fragrance!

Suddenly, his appetite opened again!

“Oh, I cooked noodles, sunflower bacon noodles, it’s delicious!”

Qin Feng hehe said,

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep your share, and I’ll cook a bowl for you later!”

“By the way, look at me first, what’s different about me!”

As he spoke, he stood up straight, with a straight posture, quite youthful.

When Ying Zheng heard his words, his heart was inexplicably warm.

This kid even left him a meal!

Although in Zhangtai Palace, there are people remembering his diet all the time, but it is just doing his job well, and he will lose his head if he does not do it well!

But Qin Feng was thinking about him, but he didn’t mix any interests, just like entertaining friends, very cordial.

“Have a heart.”

Ying Zheng smiled and then looked at him.

Under Qin Feng’s urging, he looked at it carefully, then stroked his beard and nodded:

“Well, yes, quite a bit heroic! It’s a bit like when I was young!”

Not to mention, just a cursory look at the candlelight, this kid’s eyebrows are actually somewhat similar to Ah Fang! It’s a bit similar to me too!

Ying Zheng’s heart skipped a beat!

Is this also a coincidence? !

He felt more and more that there was no such coincidence in this world!

It’s a pity that it’s not daytime now, otherwise he must pull Qin Feng into the sun and take a closer look!

“No, no, I didn’t tell you to watch this!”

Qin Feng shook his head again and again, and said,

“You didn’t notice, what’s different about me?”

Ying Zheng was taken aback, looked left and right, and finally shook his head: “I can’t see it.”

He really didn’t think Qin Feng had changed. After all, he hadn’t seen each other for a few days. What big changes could there be?

“Hey! I’m not careful!”

Qin Feng complained, and then said rather proudly,

“Look at my turban! I’m wearing a brown scarf now, which means I’m a gentleman now, and I’m a noble man! I’m no longer a Qianshou!”

Ying Zheng looked indifferent: “…Oh, then I want to congratulate you.”

Qin Feng stared, “Don’t you think this is something worth celebrating? I bought bacon on purpose to reward myself!”

As he said that, he pointed to the steaming noodles on the table, which was covered with reddish-brown bacon, dipped in the soup and exuding an oily sheen.


Ying Zheng’s eyes suddenly lit up and he walked towards the table.

To be honest, getting the title is something worth celebrating for Qin Feng, but for Qin King, who issued the title, it is really a trivial matter.

From his hands, the marquis has awarded a few!

1st class gentleman? Just kidding! What is the difference between this level of title and ordinary people? Look at it for you!

It’s not as good as the bowl of noodles in front of him that can arouse his interest!

“This bowl is mine!” Qin Feng cried when he saw this.

“Wouldn’t it be over if you cook another bowl? Go, go, cook another bowl!”

Ying Zheng snorted lightly, took Qin Feng’s seat, picked up his chopsticks and started eating noodles.

A piece of bacon soaked in soup was sent into the mouth with a mouthful of delicate noodles.

The mellow aroma and strong taste collide on the taste buds, giving Ying Zheng an experience he has never had before!

What the hell!

what am i eating?

What the hell! Delicious!

With just one bite, Ying Zheng fell into this bowl of noodles! Next, there was a snort of face sucking!

Qin Feng: “@#¥%…*@”

After giving Ying Zheng a contemptuous look, he finally returned to the back kitchen and made another bowl for himself.

Fortunately, the ingredients are ready-made, and the pot is still hot.

In less than a quarter of an hour, with his steaming face, he sat across from Ying Zheng and began to chug his face.

“Juewei, it’s too delicious! You kid should be the royal chef!”

In a short time, Ying Zheng had already killed most of the bowl of noodles, and while drinking the noodle soup, he gave a thumbs up and praised,

“I want to eat here with you every day from now on!”

“There is no such food in the palace!”

After eating Qin Feng’s noodles and recalling the so-called Ding Shi in the palace, Ying Zheng felt disgusted in his heart.

Can that be called food? That’s just swill for pigs!

No wonder he broke his stomach, this is definitely the responsibility of the imperial kitchen, full responsibility!

Qin Feng heard the words, but waved his hand humbly and said with a smile:

“How dare you compare with the royal chef in the palace? Their ingredients are precious! I’m just tinkering with it, and I… I like to study new dishes to satisfy my appetite.”

“If Uncle Yin likes it, he will come to eat with me in the future, no problem! I won’t bring you the same food for ten days!”

When he first traveled to the Qin Dynasty, Qin Feng was actually quite uncomfortable, mainly because he was not used to eating, drinking, and living.

Later, he slowly got used to wearing sackcloth and using toilet chips, but when it came to eating… he couldn’t accept it.

Qin Chao’s food was either dumplings made of bitter vegetables, or sunflower vegetables that were boiled in water and eaten, without the slightest taste.

As for meat?

I’m sorry, where can ordinary people afford meat to eat!

Therefore, in order to prevent his taste buds from being tortured, Qin Feng found someone to make an iron pot, and then devoted all his life’s learning to cook by himself!

Oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, mix and match!

Finally…the taste is surprisingly good!

Since then, he has started his career as a cook, and now, he can be considered a small success!

That’s why he dared to boast with Ying Zheng that he didn’t carry the same thing for 10 days!

“Okay! With your words, I will try my best to come to your place for dinner!”

Ying Zheng Fuxu laughed and hummed,

“Those royal chefs can all die!”

“You have the best ingredients, but you are not as good as a brown sugar seller. What a waste!”

Qin Feng’s heart moved, and he said, “Uncle Yin, have you ever eaten the imperial meal in the palace?”

Ying Zheng smiled mysteriously: “Naturally I have eaten it! And I also know that the imperial meal is actually very hard to eat, and it can’t compare to your bowl of noodles!”

He knew that Qin Feng was exploring his own bottom.

However, Ying Zheng didn’t mind, and revealed a little bit.

After all, as a backer, you have to show a little energy to make this kid feel at ease!

Sure enough, when Qin Feng heard this, he immediately smiled and cupped his hands:

“Uncle Yin can come in and out of the palace! It’s that kid who has eyes but doesn’t know Mount Tai!”

“With Uncle here, our business can rest easy!”

Ying Zheng’s remarks revealed two points of information, which made Qin Feng extremely excited.

First, those who can enter and leave the palace are not ministers, but dignitaries, who must have a background!

Second, those who can eat imperial meals in the palace are by no means ordinary ministers! At least it has to be welcomed by the King of Qin, otherwise why can you get the reward of the imperial meal?

From these two points, it can be concluded that Uncle Yin’s power and status must not be low!

“That’s natural! It’s not me who blows it. I want to enter the palace, I want to go out, I can come and go!”

Ying Zheng smiled slightly, then put down his chopsticks, hiccupped, and said with emotion,


“By the way, Qin Feng kid, you haven’t said yet, where did your title come from?”

“I remember that if you want to get the title of duke, you have to behead one class, or you have to steal one! You haven’t joined the army… Could it be that you have arrested and stolen these two days?”*

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