Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Searching and rescue dogs, a small dog, a dog, a dog, it seems so small in this rainy day.

When the bang hit a thunder, it directly covered its voice.

Next to the two black looked at the small k that eagerly caught on the fire, scorned and turned a blind eye, a d-level auxiliary animal, but also want to fight against the a-class battle of different animals than the door? Funny? Look at you for a great one! ! So when Xiaok rushed to the front door to smash the strange beast at the door, the two blacks took a deep breath and then – – – Wang! ! [Get up! There are dead animals at the door to come and see the field! ! 】The sound is definitely not lost to the thunder, plus the content of this squeaking, when the time goes up, the ups and downs of a house, the big and small beasts squatted straight, and even a little guy was shocked. Too embarrassed, directly hit the wall, and completely fainted.

And since the beasts are all awake, then a fish on the second floor was naturally stunned by the snoring and sat up from the bed. Jin Yu was wearing a bird’s nest with a burst of cold light. In this way, the boss who was preparing to eat a tofu next to him also hesitated to stop the hoof.

Looks like your own partner has gotten up? Still lack of sleep? Well, fortunately, the second of the two black goods stepped on the thunder in advance, he will take less detours in the future.

When he slammed the quilt out of bed, Jin Yu went downstairs wearing a white silk pajamas.

When I went downstairs, I put a small vase next to the stairs and watched it. Looking at the fierce light in the eyes of Jin Yu, I thought about it, but the vase is worthless, otherwise the fish will definitely be tomorrow. Will be distressed to die.

But with two black vase hit the guy, in addition to hand the pain of broken vase, estimated also lacks effect, might as well let it beat its own cargo meal yet.

Sure enough, when the boss was thinking about going downstairs, a crisp sound came out from the corridor outside the door.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the vase, there is also a scream of grievances, and I think it is the second black goods.

“So, where did you see a dead beast, and still come to the scene? Well?” After the completion of the vase, Jin Yu apparently the mood has basically returned to normal, but the so-called basic, well, that is to say at this time The sinister and cool smile that is undisguised is really nothing. Don’t look at the portrait of Sven Winton, the boss of Jinda in the weekdays, but it is really dangerous than it is now.

Uh… [Hey, look at it, is it dying, and in the middle of the night, it’s not coming to the scene…] The second black is wronged, it’s really dead today. Keeping a big rain under the gate does not say that it has attracted such a disaster star… I want to kill this little thing! ! So the second black low head, looking at the murderous little beast that was only half a meter back from the small k.

As a result, the little beast that passed out at the moment was unfortunately opened his eyes. The pair of black and fierce eyes, stayed for a while, then continued to faint.

Snapped! As soon as Jin Yu started, he gave a slap in the head of the two blacks. Can you find something more for you? After the filming of the two black gold, I looked at the hair that couldn’t be seen, and the scarred beast sighed and sighed at the side of the beast: “Small k gave me back, the broom went to the end of a basin of warm water.” Wash it with the mop, well, this hurts a bit, I will give it a life, wait until the day is light, go to the old hospital, please come back to a different veterinarian to see it. It can’t be restored by itself.

“Several beasts who were named have nodded, and then quickly went to action. Xiaoxue looked at the sky, but he went back to the house. It’s still more than five hours from the dawn. The guy is the boss. Hey, come back, life should be okay for a while, just don’t know what the injury is, how to look very heavy. The problem is, is the alien beast still not adult? Let the adult beasts go to the battlefield, but it is very different. One thing about the beast.

After waiting for dozens of strange animals to scream into the house, and the second black is hidden behind the buns, Jin Yu sat on the sofa and watched that it was being broom and mop (the two are living animals, The specialty is to clean up, because the performance is excellent and the boss decided to use it himself.

Washing white, cleaning the wounds of the beasts, ready to let Xiaobai go to the big animal dictionary.

But before he even said that he was open, he boss and sat next to him and thought about it: “B-class fighting animals, mountain wolves.

Wolf family dog ​​family.

It is a difficult animal to be tamed, but like the black-horned thunder dog, it will be quite loyal to the owner after tame.

The main skill is the mountain, but the physical strength is not good, the defense is also weak, the attack is not bad.

Jin Yuwen turned his head and glanced at the boss next to him. The latter placed his head directly on Jin’s thigh, and then blinked and no longer spoke.

Just now he has seen what he wants to see from his partner’s eyes. Well, now he doesn’t care what he wants.

Jin Yu looked at his head and was speechless, but he did not push it open.

Turning his head and looking at the mountain wolf, suddenly opened: “This is still a cub?” [back to the boss owner, this product is not a cub, is a half-crib.

】 “Half cubs? Is it a young adult, but there is no adult beast? Is it a human youth?” Jin Yu frowned.

“I remember reading a different animal protection clause before. It seems that I don’t allow underage animals to participate in the battle. There is no place in this guy who is good. Is the owner’s brain squeezed by the door?” “Da Bai heard the words and looked down at the mountain blue wolf beast. The emotions were a little low and snorted.

[Master, although there are such provisions on the protection of different animals, but because the punishment is very light, and no one is checking, most of the fighting animals have been thrown into the wild star to fight in the absence of adulthood.

Because adult beasts are not very tamed, and they need a certain amount of mental power to sign a contract, most people will choose to use mental power contracts directly when they are beasts or cubs, and then wait until almost half a cub. At that time, it will be taken out to do the task… However, most people will take good care of the contract after the contract of the beast. They can only say that the owner of the little wolf is afraid of the life and death of the beast… …] The voice of the white is falling, and the surrounding beasts are a little bit painful or powerless. They are the abandoned beasts… the master, but it is not.

Jin Yuwen also silenced for a long time, then sighed slightly, reached out and grabbed some ignorant beasts who scratched their chins. “Small taste, they have been bullied by their owners before. Anyway, they are awake now.” Can’t sleep, you can do some nightingale for everyone.

Comfort their little hearts that are hurt.

“Knowledge beasts heard the words of their heads, watching a group of guys who are alive and kicking on weekdays are very silent at this time, the cat’s eyes flashed a trace of fighting spirit.

Hey It’s going to be a delicious nightingale that makes the beast happy. Well, although these guys are very annoying in their daily routines, they are more annoying, but compared to that, this heavy atmosphere is even more I don’t like it.

Then the scented beast ran into the kitchen with a golden chef’s hat. In a short while, there was a scent that made people feel warm.

“Oh, well, what is sad, isn’t it good now? And your days will be better, and you will be ready to eat supper!” Responding to Jin Yu is a happy beast.

At this time, the wound on the mountain wolf had been cleaned up by the broom and the mop, and the first-aid medicine was wiped off. The water was changed back and forth several times before it was made.

This kind of toss has also tossed for more than an hour.

Jin Yu looked at the sky at this time, and there was heavy rain outside the house. He helped the little wolf to put a blanket on the sofa and lost some chaotic energy. Jin Yucai and Qi Qinglin went together. Second floor.

When I left, I knew that the beast had been carrying a plate of food on the plate, and the gang of beasts had a slobber.

“This group of food.

Jin Yu looked straight and shook his head, but the look on his face was finally better.

“Qinglin, the reason why human beings can control the beasts is because of the spiritual contract?” Sitting on the lounge chair on the second floor balcony, Jin Yu looked at the heavy rain and whispered.

Suddenly, a pair of hands stretched out Jin Yu to the past, and restored the adult-shaped Yu Qinglin looked at the inexplicable look of Jin Yu and thought: “It is said that the spiritual contract suddenly appeared tens of thousands of years ago. This contract, as long as it is a spiritual person, can control the alien beast… The emergence of this spiritual contract is called a huge leap in human history.

But for the beasts, I am afraid that this is not the case.

“Yeah, for the beasts, the appearance of this contract is only the root of all the disasters they are now… Because human beings have limited mental power, they will be used when a different animal is seriously injured.” Discard, and until then, their contract will disappear? Therefore, the different beasts in my shop do not have a spiritual contract, so there is no old master to come to the door… Hehe… I have illusions before I feel that their owners will suddenly discover their conscience. To bring back their own beasts, they have been abandoned so thoroughly from the beginning.

“Jin Yu’s voice is quite low, so Yan Qinglin couldn’t help but tighten his arms.”

He looked at Jin Yu’s look and said: “You can rest assured that when I deal with the things at home, I will summon the family’s ten major families with the blood of the beasts. If possible, I will do everything I can. Abolish the spiritual contract.

Encourage human beings to gain the loyalty and trust of the beasts through their own efforts, rather than being forced.

“Jin Yuwen said that his body was stiff, and then he grasped the arm of Yan Qinglin tightly with both hands. He opened his eyes for a long while: “How did you live in the family?” I have never heard you say anything about your family.

Have you been good? Does anyone bully you? Before… Before you can become a human being, is there… impossible, then how do you say that you are also a minority of the Kirin family, how can someone dare, what? ! “Jing Jin Jin was forced to pull down the lounge chair by a huge force. The next moment he turned around was a kiss with a slap and a toughest.”

Jin Yu, who was still surprised, felt the pain in the opposite side of his heart. He then let Qi Qinglin’s bite and reached back and hugged the opposite person.

… I’m afraid that before that time, your days are not good… but now I have, I am, you are no longer a person.

The author has something to say: -0-.



It means that the mountain wolf has a master–, Minger came to find it.


In addition, Minger has a new character debut, um, guess who is has been unable to spit jj’s pumping.




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