Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

No matter what the current situation is, the young Lin Boss and the Dragon always think about it. Anyway, at this moment, it is definitely not going to happen.

At this time, everyone also ate, and the butler of the Dragon House came up with a smile on the tray, and there were ten beautiful cards in the tray.

Long Lao took the card and waved at Jin Yu Xiao Yan, who immediately ran away.

The look of the dog’s legs looked like a dragon for a while, then turned around and looked at the four a-class beasts who were equally excited and added to the dog’s legs. Jin Laoton felt that the white card in his hand was a bit heavy.

… Nima, he would rather give these guys 100,000 purple gold coins, and I don’t want to hear from my shop that I’m going to close down because of the ‘beast eating white food!’ I glanced at the baby grandson who was silent and silent. Long’s boss understood that he had just looked at himself with Mao’s own grandson.

Suddenly I thought that Jin Yu’s kid had said that his grandson had paid the labor service. Long Lao couldn’t help but think that his grandson should not suffer much. How to say that my grandson is also a famous business singer in the capital star… I will never be planted in the boss of such a pet shop.

However, Long Lao thought this way, and did not notice the long-eyed eyes of Long Changyi and the sympathy of the big white bear.

You said that an old fox who has been in the mall for 80 years has been counted by the owner of the pet shop. The owner of the house has not had any experience yet. How could it not be pitted? Moreover, in addition to human relationships and thank you, the owner of his own family is faced with some small problems that can only be said to be unspeakable. Hey, if this is not a pit, then it is a strange thing! ! The big white bear ate the chicken legs secretly hidden under the claws and glanced at the opposite Jin Yu.

Then sad sigh – in fact, the gold boss is really very good, as the owner of the beast, it is quite hope that the gold boss can make a pair with his own owner … but this hope is estimated at a boss It can’t be realized in a lifetime… So, it can only comfort the host silently, praying for a boss to die.

what? You said that for the donkey dare to curse the big boss? Turn your bear’s eyes, what is your belly? ! Big boss has no mind reading! What is wrong with the owner? ! In the end, Jin Lao still reluctantly handed over the ten white cards to Jin Yu, and then it was too late. Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin and Buns also lived in the rooms of the Dragon Family.

The next day, they took breakfast for granted, and of course took a trip to the dragon’s garden, stole a lot of fruit and mixed up for lunch. After all, Jin Yu and four strange animals opened their eyes and laughed. In the same music, the collective skin laughs and laughs, and the dragon’s family tour is completed satisfactorily.

“Dragon old Let’s go back! You pay more attention to your body! Long ! After that, we are friends! If you have something, let you have a big deal, I will give you a 20% discount!” Jin Yu smiled and waved Sitting on the back of the snow.

And when he heard his words, Long Lao and Long Changyu, they all smacked their mouths. The old housekeeper of the Long family said directly to the master what they wanted to say: as long as you don’t come here, the lord The body will be fine! And the young master, even if there is something in the future, he does not want to take the initiative to be slaughtered! ! The back of Xiaoxue is very wide and comfortable, but it is a bit windy, and there is a danger of being accidentally dropped.

However, if a boss is present, then all the problems are not a problem – the boss can block the wind, the boss can be stable, the boss can do anything… So, the boss can also play tricks.

At this time, the big boss is playing tricks.

Jin Yu, because the toxins have not been completely purified, the body is still a little soft, and on the back of Xiaoxue’s back, it’s been seen in the eyes of the young Lin Lin.

Once it’s easy to get rid of it, plus the two people clinging together, a boss is not calm.

Directly put the hand into the Jin Yu’s clothes, and then start from the bottom up, a little touch, scorn, the long and powerful finger force just squeeze, let the gold boss call a suffocating! Nima, do you want to be so disappointing? ! Obviously, it was taken advantage of by people. As a result, because it is too comfortable to take up, he does not even resist. ! rub! It must be because he is physically weak now! He will never feel that he is such a boneless person! ! “Oh ah… um… that’s there, how much!… ah… um… comfortable !” From the mouth of Jin Yu, the flow of this kind of pick-and-shoot It’s a big boss. It’s very clear that there is absolutely no other good meaning, but it’s still picked.

An excitement, the hand that originally gave Jin Yu a massage body directly slammed the two points on the chest, and then, pinched.

“Hah!! What are you doing?! Let me stop for Xiaoye!!” The body was shaken by the strange pain. Some fish was finally struggling, but the fish was too comfortable before. The eyes are watery, the face is reddish, and with the last blame, the oil is directly poured on the fire.

“Oh… ah… um…” Until Xiaoxue landed in the beautiful yard of the 138th cute pet shop in a beautiful and elegant position, the boss of Jinda was still being shackled by the big boss. Hard to divide.

Directly let the strangers who have long smelled their smell and know that they are coming back and stood in the yard to watch a good show.

Keke! Hey? The buns tried hard to cough twice, and then they didn’t understand how to get closer to Jin Yu and boss.

The result was rolled a few times by the boss, and then the boss was kicked back to the original shape by the gold boss (in fact, he changed back, the appearance of the beast is better to eliminate the hate value).

When Kim Yu arrived at this time, he also knew that he had just been pitted by a **** boss, but the guy dared to go back directly to Kirin and let him have no place to send a fire.

Looking at the group of strangers who looked at their own from childhood to old with all kinds of envious, jealous and ignorant eyes, the golden boss was not calm.

“Look at Mao! Look at the wounds and hurt the wounds!! Look at it and eat them!!” So this sentence was exchanged for the collective laughter of the beasts, the buns are rolling on the ground, the boss is angry and angry. Opportunity! Too little! And seeing a yard of nearly a hundred different beasts all kinds of laughter and selling Meng, although knowing that these guys are absolutely not malicious, Jin Yu can not stand it.

Just screaming, suddenly it was calm.

“Let’s laugh and have no food to eat.

“In an instant, all the beasts that are laughing and rolling are abruptly stopped.

Then the loud wolf howl dog snorted in the yard.

! [Ha ha ha ha in public, hahaha is insulted! ! 】……? [… How suddenly is it so quiet? The two black squats who laughed on the ground and smiled a bit and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Then they looked up and saw the buns, white and white, and so on. The animals in the same yard looked at themselves with an unusually sympathetic look.

…no…”Two black, you don’t have to eat this evening and tomorrow morning.

Good janitor Well, I remember it seems like there was a heavy rain this evening, oh, remember not to catch a cold.

“Jin Yu said that he did not pay attention to the whole black stay, and walked straight into the store.

Then the beasts headed by the buns, like mourning, walked one by one to the side of the second black, and patted its shoulders heavily.

Uh… [Brother, two to your level, let’s go down the wind] [Night sly secretly gives you a meal… but you are known by the boss and the little know, he and it Can’t afford it! After a long time, the boss of Jinda, sitting on the rocking chair on the balcony of the second floor, heard a mourning from the heartbreaking downstairs in the courtyard downstairs – ! !! ! 】puff! With a sigh of relief, Jin Yu’s tea was sprayed on the face of a boss who was selling it.

Then the latter silently watched Jin Yu for a moment, went downstairs, and prepared to pack two goods.

Looking at the black unicorn’s fading back, Jin Yu sighed and thought, Nima, this year, too, the second is very dangerous, the little life is not guaranteed… Finally, it is late at night, the whole dark street is very ‘ The civilians ‘normal’ lights off and washes and sleeps.

No. 138, the beast and cute pet shop is no exception.

Of course, the second black that pulls the ear at the door is not counted. At this time, it is trying hard to lick the bones at noon without a bit of flesh, while the eyes are staring at the gate of the garden.

Grinding teeth and bones.

It is best to come to a messy and ignorant person who wants to rob, the king is in a bad mood today, and he urgently needs to fight and vent! ! At this time, the weather at night is as bad as the mood of a mine dog. After the crazy wind and howling, the raindrops of the beans are like pouring directly into the pots, and the rapid fall of the cockroaches rises and rises high. Water flower.


[Nima, the house leaks all night.

This king is a sleeping hall… Who has the old man to force! ! 】 Two black at this time, even the lazy, and decided to look at the date tomorrow, set today as their own disaster day.

————Booming rumbling!! ! After the thunder and heavy rain appeared, the lightning and thunder appeared on the scene, and the purple electric awning that cut through the sky was brought to the attention of the second black focus of the thunder.

Originally, if there was no one who was bothering at this time, perhaps the second black would suddenly become an epiphany like the martial arts master because of this lightning and thunder, and then embarked on the **** road of the king who dominated the beast world, but God thought this It was a routine for the blood of the thunder, so the second black did not have an epiphany. Instead, it illumined the thunder of the earth in that moment and saw a petite figure that fell to the ground and shivered.

? [Is there really an intruder? But this product is too weak? 】 helplessness should have harvested a love of the second black two is very good, so did not understand the meaning of the day to arrange it for the thunder dog blood drama, but not thinking about the style, this product is too weak.

If it wasn’t for the dog and the rescue dog at the same time in the house and the second black, the poor little guy would really hang up.

Went? Barking -! Hey Wang! [Come on a beast! ! There are serious injuries at the door! ! 】 The author has something to say: cough, gave a little broth, make do with it! It really feels good to not card Who has two black two!

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