Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

In the experience of the dragon who lived nearly a hundred years old (the world is about 180 years old), he has been very serious and firmly believes that the beast is a good partner of hunters and explorers, and is the home of ordinary residents. A good helper.

As for what they eat and how much they eat, they can’t be counted when they are young and young, but they can’t calculate it. When Long Lao’s family was born, his beast partner was also fed to the butler. Time calculation.

Therefore, Dragon Father is very naive and kind, thinking that the beasts of the beasts are at most two, three to three times.

Only when Dragon’s father saw that the Manchu full seat, which was originally full of a table, was instantly divided by four beasts, he suddenly felt a little heart twitching.

And quite calmly thought that his alien partner died a little early, is it because of malnutrition and starved to death? ! Did he starve to his partner almost at the beginning? ! This kind of thought directly makes Long’s father look at the big white buns. Their four eyes become strange, and the look of Xiaobai’s eyes is even more eager to dissect.

Xiaobai, who saw it, felt that the new fish from the mouth of his mouth was a bit difficult to swallow.

“Master?” Jin Yu looked at Long’s face a bit wrong, opening.

At this time, the plate in front of him was full of two dishes of food, of course, there were three dishes in front of the boss.

The food in front of them is a very tacit understanding of the four beasts, but they are not courageous to grab – the big boss staring at it, if you dare to grab the boss’s food, they will eventually become the boss’s food without explanation.

They will be very responsible for their feelings, and they will never go one step further.

“… ah oh oh, nothing is ok, the chef in the kitchen is still doing, even if it is the ten tables we also offer!” Long Lao also knows that he is somewhat ill, and quickly vented.

However, after he finished, he couldn’t help but look at Xiaobai. He couldn’t help but say: “Xiaojin… Your family is so small, how many things are you eating? Will you accumulate food?” I came over with a smile that I didn’t care about: “You have to worry about the old man, and the white food is big.”

It is a food item… it’s just a little bit of food, and it’s not in the eyes.

“Dragon father heard a change in his face and continued to ask: “Is that all the beasts are as big as they are?” “But he has to ask this anyway, knowing that he is quite concerned about the premature death of his beast.”

Hearing the dragon father to ask, Jin Yu was surprised that he would ask such a question.

However, this is a guest at home. Since the owner asks questions, he also has to answer.

However, I haven’t waited for Jin Yu to answer, sitting next to Long Lao and looking at my grandfather’s face. I basically guessed that Long Long’s squatting was the first to open: “Grandpa, I can answer this, the most beasts have the most food. Can reach ten times human.

However, this means that they release the results of eating. Under normal circumstances, if you do not need to store energy or the conditions are not allowed, the food intake of the exotic animals can be reduced.

At the lowest point, their food intake can be half that of humans.

Of course, this will definitely affect the strength of the beast more or less, but it does not matter.

Under normal circumstances, the food that the beast eats every day is only 2-3 times that of human beings.

So, after hearing the grandson who was explained by his grandson, he finally let out a sigh of relief and put down the hanging heart. Before his most difficult time, he was the same as his beast. When he finally retired. However, it is delicious and good to drink. I want to come to it early death. It should be the time before the struggle, tired… I think the dragon master couldn’t help but sigh, and then I looked at the commissioner’s cursing look. Buns Xiaoxue, they are big and sturdy, and they can only eat all kinds of liquid food, and they are greeted by the big white bear. After reading it, they are facing their grandchildren: “Hey, ah, Baiwei can take good care of it, but it has saved you several times.” .

Long Changyi heard that he naturally nodded, and then intimately put a chicken leg that his own big white bear did not know from where he came to put it in his bowl, and put a bowl of porridge in front of the big white bear.

Faced with the big white bear who was forced to the extreme, Long Chang said: “Bai Wei, you can’t eat meat now, you have to eat liquid food.

“The big white bear heard the angry slap in the claws and flew a chicken bone that was accidentally thrown by a steamed buns. Then he cursed in the heart and cursed the doctor who told him that he could only eat liquid food. He could only eat liquid food for a lifetime.” In addition, let the four schadenfreudes in front of it, the guy who is mad at the bears, are killed by the bones!! Nima! In the face of the sick beast, the meat is still full of mouthfuls, and the belly is round and round. The beast is not kind!! Just no matter how the big white bear curses, or can’t stop the white and white, they are crazy.

In the end, the four foods totaled a total of half a month’s food prepared by the butler. Even so, when the four goods were warned that the storage freezer had been warned, the eyes still flashed a pity look – say they Also intend to pack and take a little to the guys in the store to eat! Although the food made by the scent of the beast is also very delicious, but this is a high-quality ingredients, the guys in the store still rarely eat.

Father Dragon looked at these four ways, but he was still speechless.

Turning his head and looking at Jin Yu asked a question he was very concerned about.

“Xiao Jin, how do you have four a-class beasts? I just listened to your conversation with your nephew. Are you opening a pet shop?” Jin Yuwen wiped his mouth and quickly nodded: “Yes, I have a special strength in animal husbandry and caring for different animals, and I especially like the beasts, so I want to take care of the abandoned animals and take care of them. Let them stay in the store and do something. Or if they have the owner of the phase, they will receive the adoption fee. Those who are not well cared for, I don’t want them to expose the deadlands, they want to bury them or cremate them.

When Jin Yu said these words, his look was quite serious and even with a trace of sacredness.

I saw the heart of the dragon, I was very sad.

In fact, he is very aware that there is a very big problem in today’s world, that is, to abandon, kill or abuse the beasts at will, but in the face of this problem, in the case of a lot of different animals, he just saw the sigh, and I won’t go to really do something.

Even if it is faint in my heart, if I continue to do so in the future, when there is a big problem with the reduction of the beasts or the sudden collective resistance of the beasts, the Dragon Father does not want to do anything.

After all, such a situation has been around for at least a few thousand years, and there has been no change in the world. So how do you know that this kind of disaster will happen in their time? In addition, the current situation of human beings not paying much attention to the beasts is already ingrained. If nothing big happens, human beings will never change. Most people don’t change, they do it again. More, there will be no obvious effect.

However, although Dragon’s father thinks this way, it does not mean that he opposes or looks at Jin Jin’s attitude and what he has done.

Father Long also believes that the existence of Jin Yu is precious. At least in such a world, there are people who are doing things that are good for the beasts. Such people may be in conflict with strange animals and humans in the future. In the disaster, it plays an extremely important role, even if it is only a little bit, is there a seed with hope? Dragon Master looked at the white and white four looking at Jin Yushi’s reliance and trust, and then thought about the more and more cold eyes of many beasts looking at humans, sighing slightly.

At least, the beasts who have been in contact with this kid will always leave a glimpse of humanity in their hearts, and will not enemies in the future.

“Oh! Just say that your kid is very good! This kind of pet shop is good It turns out to be a treasure and can take care of the disabled and beasts. Grace, the boy will try his best to make the shop open, and the beasts will be with you. Blessed!” Jin Yu listened to the praise of the dragon’s father, some of the rare blush, sly smiled twice, and then held a variety of white.

The young man who sat next to him saw the look of his partner’s eyes as dark. Well, he felt that the look of his partner was only good for himself.

Then Boss took another look at Long Lao, who just felt the fear of Long Lao about certain things, and expressed quite a sneer at the old ‘the disaster does not necessarily happen in our time.’

What must not happen? The beasts have been enslaved by humans for nearly five thousand years. What kind of terrible treatment did they suffer in these five thousand years? There are even a lot of exotic animals that have been extinct like ancient animals because of human capture! There are also unbearable beasts, all of which run into the wild stars and struggle to survive.

The beasts are not the simple animals without thoughts and thoughts in the ancient world. They are intelligent and powerful. Even the beasts have the wisdom and strength that exceeds the majority of the king. ‘Existence, when these kings are awakened by the anger of human behavior, or when the blame of the human beings reaches the highest level, the beasts, which are almost ten times the number of human beings, will bring humanity for thousands of years. The most terrible beasts are devastating! Think of the beasts in the depths of the wilderness, their existence is the most direct expression of resentment against human beings.

What is impossible? If humans don’t want to be forced into a desperate situation by the combined counterfeiting of alien beasts and beasts in a few years or decades, then it is best to treat all the human beings like Jin Yu from now on.

Just, like this kind of thing, do you think it is possible? Speaking out, I am afraid that even the brains and beasts do not believe.

The author has something to say: cough – can not send out – 0 – a few minutes late.

Said that the main line came out of the bird… the beasts of the beasts, a few very cute.

When tens of millions of hundreds of millions of people lick your teeth, it’s not cute, but stunned…

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