Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

When Feiyuyu is eager to find the cause of his exposure, the other side of the human and the beasts are only more eager to get angry than they are, and they are better than snoring. Look at a person, but human beings have to face thousands of violent aliens.

The content broadcast on the light screen of the capital star for three consecutive days is a way to appease the violent beasts. On the post of the optical network, humans also know the same mess in the distant stars.

Fortunately, there are three emperors in the town on the desert star. After the three emperors learned the situation, they banned the beasts under the fastest speed. Even so, there were many sudden attacks around the emperor. Trouble.

For this reason, Hong Maoyan also took a special impetuous killing of the human presidential palace and asked humans to solve the problem in the quickest way. In fact, he originally wanted to find Jin Yu, but he only turned around after learning that Jin Yu was seriously injured. When I arrived at the Grand Presidential Palace, I have to know that this temper is not very good, so it would not be nice to say it naturally – the president is not as good as a pet shop owner! How about letting you leave early? ! The face of President Bai Fuchi, who is angry, changed his face every day with the change of magic.

And when I was overwhelmed, I couldn’t help but think that it’s not a disaster for thousands of years! Why did Jin Yu’s biggest scour in history not appear yet! ! In the old sayings, there is no match for the misfortunes. If the human beings are still angry for the strangers, some people will tickle when they look at such a big fire. If you say that there is a fire, don’t rob you. It’s really sorry. Their own wolf heart! Such a good opportunity is to be used in any case, and the guy in the Qinglin is not there yet.

So at this time, the top ten families and some of the powers in the capital star began to move around and then acted from small to large. When the good guys worked hard for the safety of humans and animals, the bad guys grabbed the ground. Incomparably crazy, because some people do not care and think about the overall situation, so really let the bad guys take up some sweetness.

For example, the top ten families now have eight families who are obeying the orders of the dragon family, and even if they have a martial arts, they are supported by the martial arts, but many of the forces in the squad are swayed by Yuan Jingya. The name of Yunxiao was robbed back.

Even if these spheres of influence are not the focus of Yan Qinglin, they were robbed of the site, and the four doglegs of Boss’s men felt that they were incompetent and resentful and gloomy.

Seeing that the battle between Yuan Jingya and Yiwen was deadlocked, Yan Tiancong and Shan Qingzhe personally decided to embezzle the property belonging to Jinyu – the 138 pet shop in the dark street, and two A street hotel where food is gathered.

Because the latter has always been Long Changyi, the uncle who helped manage and manage, so the two levels are not enough to cause any substantial damage, but the 138 pet shop is a little troublesome, the owner is not, The beast is not there, it is a garden villa that is very well decorated and comfortable, so the two will send people to clean up.

First, let the younger brother harass, and if no one is determined, they will start to destroy.

Because B is a little busy and quiet, and subconsciously believes that no one will eat the daring leopard to provoke the dark street, so really let the two guys Qi Tiancong and Shan Qingzhe succeeded – these two Through a series of small movements, I finally got the title of the 138 pet shop to get my name, and then let people stay big.

So, the first time someone was in the 138 pet shop, the younger brothers who listened to the corner were collectively shocked.

After the shock, it was messy, and then the madman ran to his own boss’s room report: “Head! It’s awful, there is a stupid and unintentional residence in the villa of the gold boss!” “Boss boss! Kim Boss’ villa is lacking Give up!!” “Big sister! 138 was blacked out!!”… A variety of rumors spread in the dark street for a time, called the city, and these big newsmen who got the news The reaction of one time can almost be said to be the same with the heart! This is something that doesn’t last long and wants to come to the honest people who are harming us in the dark street! ! ! Even the most popular and most arrogant in the weekdays have fallen into the most beloved cups – Nima wants to die and don’t pull us! TM honest people! It’s not so easy to get along with the whale and the unicorn. This time, when people go out, they dare to take someone to occupy their house? ! The whales that had a bad stomach after their house was evacuated last time also let their own beasts squat outside and squatted all night, expressing dissatisfaction, and also spent money on the small hair in the dark street. The children shouted for a day’s ‘far relatives are not as close neighbors’! ! Isn’t Nima’s telling them that they are indifferent? ! If this time I see that their house is occupied and do nothing, the next time it is estimated that the beasts are directly on their ears! ! Therefore, under the dark street, the beards who blinked their eyes and always looked at the eyes of the big eyes began to act in unison, looking for trouble, finding troubles, winning land leases, telling secrets, digging pits, and then in new houses. The Lord led his own two heads – one night that Qi Tiancong and Shan Qingzhe came to inspect, and after a burst of smoldering, screaming, murderous and **** ‘entertainment’, Yu Tiancong screamed at the ghosts. Street, then returned home without stepping back.

As for Shan Qingzhe, when the goods woke up, they found themselves in a towering tree! Lying on the top, I was scared to do it without scaring myself: This Nyima came from such a tall tree, I never saw it! ! ! And how can this go down for the hair can not use the potholes! ! Then the house No. 138, which was cleaned up by the big streets, was calm and calm, and the big people gathered in the restaurant to gamble: “Two! I said, will we be too embarrassed? Well, that is also the home.” And the people of the mountain family.

“”bump! you’re so dumb? It’s not so obvious now that the station is standing! The grasshoppers in the autumn are set out. Now, the serious thing is to study the antidote of the spiritual contract and suppress the violent beast! Who has the heart to think about those who jump? “” Nine barrels! Hey, it’s also said, but now the situation is not very good, it’s almost a month, and the military hasn’t had a little bit of movement, but the Feiyu’s but it’s a good place to stand up and go to heaven! It is said that there are already many forces on the capital star. The most obvious thing about this side is that there are hundreds of A-class violent animals! Nima does not say A-class beast now, even the B-class intact beast is only afraid of less than one hundred, this person has more than one hundred A-level violent beasts, it is said that a few days ago Also destroyed a military base! Now we are at a disadvantage! “” Bar! Are you two? I said that I don’t have time to pay attention to the clowns who jumped, even if this jump is bigger, but we haven’t acted here. They are waiting for the antidote. I think that person wants to control the beast and kill the right. So, once the antidote comes out, can he still marry? The ones who can’t see the way are all kicked by the brain.

80,000! “”bump! Can let Laozi touch it! I agree with what Lao Zhang said, but the question is, when will the drug be developed? If it is a few months later, human troubles can be big. According to my family, the kid began to study the S-class violent beasts, which is equivalent to the existence of ten aircraft carriers. If he succeeded, he would succeed. The position of the president is likely to change people! 90,000.

“” One color is nine thousand Hu! ! Rub, do you want so much hair? I want to say that all the problems related to the beasts are not a problem in front of a whale! ! Even if the antidote is not studied well, as long as the whale comes back, Lao Tzu gambles that he can not find the wild animals to the north! And there is no Kirin town house, afraid of what is afraid! The ambition of ending the kid of Feiyu is just a moment! Hey, do you think you are the great emperor? That person is playing invincible in the world, what is the flying jade? A bad stomach? Not yet that prehistoric fish black! “”……rational! “”rational! “” Reasonable! The other three big men nodded.

“There is a fart! Hurry up and save money? I am self-touching!! Don’t want to give me away, hey, Lao Tzu, but the famous Yan can pull out the hair!!” Hearing this The three big cockroaches can only smoke their mouths and corners, and some of the big cockroaches who are used to wearing pants are also paying money while swearing: “Nima, this has played a total of five laps, and I have never had a **** at once?! “This big man’s original intention is to complain, so he never thought that someone would pick him up, and it was a familiar and somewhat unfamiliar voice: “Well, I saw a circle around me. Have to say that your card skills are really bad…”! ! “Who! Who dares to say that Laozi’s card skills are bad!! When Lao Tzu is young, he is known as the gambling king!!” The crotch yelled at the table while roaring. As a result, after seeing the vocal person, he couldn’t get up. …… “Golden gold and gold …!” “Hey, how do we say that we are neighbors for more than a year now, saying, how do you see me talking more and more stuttering?” Jin Yu smiled and looked at the fight There are a few big mobs in the mahjong, while the latter is a ghost-like look at the goods and the door **** that always exists behind him. The brain quickly calculates whether there is anything that should not be said.

Behind the people is really… dangerous! Fortunately, a fish is seriously ill and the spirit is not bad, but the words of these people have made him feel very pleasing to the ear, so the lethality of the decline has increased the affinity of the pants and smashed the shoulders of the pants: “Don’t care, don’t care, We just flew the wrong place. By the way, I heard a little bit of news. Well, distant relatives are not as close as neighbors. You have thrown Shan Qingzhe into the unmarked forest. It is very good!” “Hehehehehe, polite, far away Neighbors!” “Everyone really understands! After I have finished the peace of the kid world, I plan to have a dark street party, and everyone must show their faces! We can definitely redeem the entire capital and the stars. “When I looked at the back of Jin Yuxiao, the four big brothers began to silence. It just looked like they heard something very strange, so that there was a rather strange aversion to wandering around.

“… Dark Street Gala Amusement… What is it?!”

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