Cultivator Who Travels Between Two Worlds

Chapter 250

Chapter 253

Then, no matter how Li Zhi asked, Zhou Yuan refused to say more about the two taboos.

Li Zhi thought that they were studying this because of their exploration of the nature of the world, but they did not know that this group of warlocks were studying this purely to find a daughter-in-law.

As we got closer to the banquet venue, the crowd grew.

There are many scholars and low-quality officials who can’t enter the main venue, but it does not prevent them from wandering around here and having a good relationship with some great characters who can enter the main venue.

The arrival of Li Zhi really attracted the attention of many people.

“This person….this person only wears a coat?”

“It’s insulting, it’s just insulting!”

” Don’t say a few words, didn’t you see people going straight to the main venue”

“Ah this… such a cool and unrestrained young lad!”

Too coquettish, the capital Famous mad students can’t wear such crazy clothes!

People outside don’t know Li Zhi’s identity, but as long as it’s a guest at the main venue, it’s not their fault.

After arriving at the main venue, most people can recognize Li Zhi. After all, he is the most popular fried chicken in Beijing recently, the future Prince Consort, so no one will mess with him, just There is no need for behind-the-scenes pointers.

“Zhang Shilang, look at our future Prince Consort, it does have the style of the emperor back then”

An official dressed as an old Confucian scholar said taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

The middle-aged man known as Zhang Shilang glanced at Li Zhi and shook his head coldly snorted

“abandon all restraint, insulting gentleness.”

What he said was Prince Consort, but in fact he was alluding to the emperor behind his back.

The ruler should be dignified and solemn. This kind of banquet held in the open air, if not for the name of a poetry club, is actually different from the banquet of Official Brothel!

The emperor is really old….he sighed in his heart.

Emperor Old Sovereign is a rare monarch.

This kind of political achievement is extremely rare in the imperial court of all dynasties.

But the situation in Qing State is in turmoil right now, alien races in the frontier begin to stir, and various vassal kings have ambitions.

All the peace and quiet,

seems to have all erupted within a year.

Zhou Shilang looked at the main seat at the top, and then looked at the northern sky, and his heart fell into a tangle.

After entering the venue, Zhou Yuan and Li Zhi pleaded guilty and went straight to Warlock’s small group.

Looking at his back, Li Zhi suddenly reacted

“Let’s just say, Qiu Que Poetry Club, why did you invite the warlocks??”

” What’s so strange, not only is the warlock here, but also the Martial Artist.”

A depressed voice sounded behind him.

Li Zhi turned his head to look, with a smile on his face, the owner of the depressed voice was Guo Jingyu!


It was an extremely suppressed laugh at first, and finally a sneer that became more and more piercing.

“You are a rude, what are you going to do here at the Qiu Que Poetry Club? Are you going to perform three mouths and one chicken!”

Li Zhi pointed to the banquet not far away.

The banquet is divided into two sides, one side is seated by name, there are single tables and four tables.

The single table is for high level officials, and the four-person table is for youngsters.

The feast on the other side is filled with all kinds of delicacies and wines, and there are no stools, because no one sits here.

Hundreds of beautiful and alluring maids waited by, waiting for the protagonists of today’s banquet to send.

The protagonist of tonight’s banquet is not the emperor, he is the master, and the talents who come to the banquet are the protagonists.

“Hey, be careful tonight, look after your old father-in-law.”

Seeing that the banquet was about to start, Guo Jingyu looked a little worried, pulled Li Zhi, and couldn’t bear it. Live and whisper.


“What’s the situation?”

Princess also explained repeatedly, and now it’s Guo Jingyu’s turn to explain.

Guo Jingyu looked around, making sure no one was paying attention, whispered

“You probably don’t know, from the day before yesterday to today, the emperor has been blessed with seven or eight concubines”

“Seven or eight!” Li Zhi was shocked.

It has only been three days since he used azure light to replenish the emperor’s life force, and he has more feelings in this day!

Suddenly, Li Zhi remembered that Concubine Shu, who looked familiar, and suddenly understood why she risked being attacked and went to ask Zhou Yuan!

Imperial Capital has such a ghostly appearance and still does not forget to favor the concubine, is this impure lust hungry ghost?

But just such a starving ghost who favored seven or eight concubines, but he didn’t favor her!

This is the rhythm of going into the cold palace!

Guo Jingyu noticed Li Zhi’s absentmindedness “What’s wrong with you?”

“Uh…I think of a poor woman, that Shu…”

“The banquet is starting~~~!”

Before Li Zhi could finish speaking, the previous partner had already sang loudly in a cadenced tone.

The emperor was the last one to enter the venue. The big companion’s shout was nothing more than a reminder to everyone below that the emperor is coming, so you should sit down quickly.

When everyone saw this, they hurried to their seats.

Although this is not a court meeting, it is also a banquet invited by the emperor himself, so there must be some respect.

Li Zhi didn’t have time to talk to Guo Jingyu, the two exchanged a wink, and he trotted all the way to his seat.

Guo Jingyu went in the opposite direction.

Li Zhi’s seat is on the right hand below the emperor, which is specially arranged by Princess, so that he can take care of the emperor at any time, and it is also convenient for him to follow the emperor.

Not long after arriving at the seat, the emperor came to the first seat with the support of two Court Eunuchs.

senile, maybe it’s the old man in front of him.

Although there is a rosy face that does not belong to this age, Li Zhi knows in his heart that this is the effect of azure light, not the physical condition of the emperor himself.

“Everyone, today we only talk about love and the moon, not about state affairs”

As soon as the emperor opened his mouth, he set the tone for today’s theme.


After he finished speaking, he held up the wine bottle and drank the fine wine in one gulp.

Seeing that the emperor was done, everyone below raised their glasses to do it, and Li Zhi was no exception.

Putting down the glass, he said silently in his heart.

This doesn’t fit the emperor’s stalwart image in my heart, but to be honest, it’s pathetic.

It’s not that the emperor doesn’t hold banquets at all, and it’s not that he doesn’t play girls. On the contrary, the emperor’s play is not so fast.

But Old Sovereign is different.

He had been lying on the hospital bed for a while, and as soon as he got up, the first thing he did was flip the sign, and the second thing was to hold a banquet.

It is conceivable that the Old Sovereign emperor is very fond of these two things.

But as far as Li Zhi knows, the Old Sovereign Emperor has never held a banquet like this one during several decades.

All held in the Imperial Palace, under the control of the rhythm of the Ministry of Rites, are relatively formal banquets.

Pretty, serious, old-fashioned, and boring are the themes.

On the other hand, today, the rhythm of the banquet has gradually become more enjoyable under the control of the emperor.

During the banquet, Shi Lang couldn’t bear it any longer. Panting with rage, he flicked his sleeves without even saying hello, and left the venue early.

With his departure, he also took away many diehard Old Guys.

The group of Old Guys also pointed out that the emperor can personally receive their group of humerus ministers, didn’t expect this scene.

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