Cultivator Who Travels Between Two Worlds

Chapter 248

Chapter 251

Beijing Northern Part of City suburb, Xigeng Garden.

This was once a courtyard in the hands of the Old Sovereign Emperor. It was a place to call friends and play multiplayer sports. It was very famous in the capital.

Please note that this garden is not a royal estate, but a private courtyard owned by the Old Sovereign when he was still Crown Prince.

After opening, Crown Prince became the emperor, and this court has been put on hold.

A hundred and ten people were called to maintain the operation in the garden, but no master came to live there.

There is a saying that the autumn flowers are full of years, and the old people don’t come.

Hundreds of deaf-mute Court Eunuch and maids clean here, clean up the house, and repair the manor. Although there are many people, it looks like a haunted house.

Nowadays, this once haunted house is lively again.

The Emperor Old Sovereign didn’t know whether it was a flashback or something, but he insisted on holding an Autumn Que Poetry Party in this Xigeng Garden.

Not only the Imperial court officials were invited, but also the famous scholar in Beijing.

“Are you saying your father is crazy? A good old man holds some kind of autumn queer poetry party. Is this what he should think as an old man?”

Li Zhi was a little confused. understand.

Old fogey If you don’t take care of your health at home and live for a few more years, what a fool!

Besides, everyone knows why this poem will end. With your old physique, even if you are the emperor, you should not play or play!

Princess tilted her head back, “What nonsense are you talking about, it’s not that you have to give him that azure light Divine Ability!”

Old Sovereign The emperor is indeed dying, and it is really possible to give up and return to the West at any time.

As soon as the emperor dies, all Princess princes must be filial.

In order to express condolences, they are not allowed to have sex for one year, and not to marry for three years.

Princess and Li Zhi are at the top of the fire at the moment, they are really afraid that the Old Sovereign will let go, so they go.

That’s why Li Zhi used the azure light Divine Ability to add life force to the emperor.

The ghost knows that the effect of azure light is so good, it not only makes the Old Sovereign Emperor stand up, but also makes him stand up!

“Anyway, please take care of him, Imperial Father was also a talented man when he was young. After being the emperor for several decades,

he was a bit ruthless. Now that his time is approaching, he naturally wants to do something. Favorite things”

After finishing speaking, Princess carefully helped Li Zhi clean up, and her mouth was bulging when she got up.

“Elbow” she was a little slurred.

“Let’s go, let’s go, I’ll keep an eye on our father.” Li Zhi’s face was calm, as if he had seen through life.

Gudong, Princess swallowed hard, rolled him a glance, “Stinky man, he doesn’t recognize anyone when he puts on his pants, no wonder they all say…”

Li Zhi took a look Princess was about to complain again, so she stepped forward and blocked her mouth.

The two entangled for a while before Princess pushed him away, her face blushing.

“I’m going to the women’s family. Remember to keep an eye on the Imperial Father”

“Mmmmmm” Li Zhi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Don’t worry, I’m definitely optimistic about my dad, and I’ll never let any female assassin with a murderous aura in mind approach him.

at worst I will follow closely, but he has no strength, I can help him push P shares!

It’s no wonder that Li Zhi is so good-for-nothing, because the Old Sovereign emperor can’t really have an accident now!

If Princess wants to rise to power, she must either launch a coup or wait for God to create an opportunity.

But neither of these is the most suitable method, and each has its own hidden dangers.

The risk of the coup is too great, and it is not in the right position, and it is easy to send a dangerous signal to those who are interested.

It will be even more nonsense when God creates an opportunity. The Old Sovereign can’t last long, and the fake Crown Prince can only hide it for a while, but it can’t hide it forever.

There is only one way, not only the hidden danger is minimized, but also the candidates for the blame.

Let the Old Sovereign give way!

Emperor Old Sovereign is the head of the family, and his words may be disapproved by civil and military officials, but he cannot but take seriously.

If the court is divided into three waves, the situation becomes clear.

Valley Trap

The Old Sovereign Emperor wants the Zen throne to be given to Princess. There will definitely be a large number of people who object, but there will also be many people who will consider it carefully.

It’s either the Crown Prince party or the diehards who oppose it, don’t think about it for now.

It is natural to set up Sect after careful consideration. Most of these people are really working for Imperial Court.

Princess is expected to be a Grade 3, and she is also able to take the Grade 3 as an emperor. Naturally, it is worthy of serious consideration for the good ministers of the Wu Kingdom.

As for the last group, they are the emperor’s die-hard fans. This group of people will definitely agree, and this group of people has already been under the command of Princess.

At present, what Princess wants is to set up Sect. As long as they don’t turn to the opposition, they can say anything.

As for the opposition, it doesn’t matter anymore, the new emperor must be in power, and the best way to establish his prestige is to kill.

As long as the forces that can be dragged into Princess’ hands can easily keep the Imperial Court running, that’s the best time to do it.

With the addition of the Old Sovereign, everything seems so where water flows, a canal is formed.

……After Princess left, Li Zhi walked towards the manor where the party was held with a spring breeze on her face.

Xigengyuan is said to be a separate courtyard, but it is actually a combination of several Zhuangzi.

Not only the manor where the party is held, but other manors as well.

Let’s not talk about it, at least people with three, six or nine identities are divided by manors of different levels.

Li Zhi was wearing silk trousers and a white robe on the upper body. There was no crown on his head, but a ponytail at random.

“It’s chilly….” He didn’t wear underwear, above and below.

Princess just tore his shirt, that is, Qiuyi, he also saved the trouble of putting on the white robe and buttoning a few buttons at will.

It’s really cool, but it’s easy to show the pectoralis major muscles if you’re not careful, but fortunately today is not a very formal and outdated party, but a party of talented and beautiful women, you can’t be a little bit wild considered what.

After walking a few steps, there was a burst of laughter from the corner not far ahead.

Li Zhi heard it familiar, and when he got closer, he saw that an azure clothes was being surrounded by a group of women, and a woman in palace dress was standing not far away.

“Young Master Dige, I know you have something good, so take it out and show us it~”

“That’s right, Master Dige is so shy, don’t let it go. I’m hiding it!”

“Xiaosheng, I’m really gone, not a single drop!”

It was no one else who was surrounded by women. It was just a few days ago. Zhou Yuan, Zhou Dige, who had a face-to-face meeting with Li Zhi.

At this point he was surrounded by a group of many enchanting females, battered and exhausted.

Li Zhi watched it for a while, and probably understood what the situation was.

Today, there are not only the emperors, but also many concubines.

These are the maids of a certain noble concubine in the palace. They are now surrounding the Zhoudi Pavilion, begging him for a potion called ‘Hongyanzhu’.

This potion is a beauty serum, just a warlock version.

Li Zhi saw that Zhou Yuan was a little overwhelmed, and stepped forward to try to help him out.

“Little..Dige, what happened?”

Zhou Yuan saw Li Zhi coming, his eyes lit up, and he cried out for help

“Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, I’m here!”

“Brother-in-law?” Several palace maids looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering which Zhou Family’s son-in-law Li Zhi was.

The maids did not recognize who Li Zhi was, but the women in palace dress who had been silent all the time did.

She took a half step forward and gave a salute from afar, “My concubine has seen Prince Consort”

It stands to reason that she is the emperor’s wife, and Li Zhi is the emperor’s son-in-law, her son-in-law. Junior, naturally Li Zhi should salute her.

However, the situation is stronger than people. The Great Princess herself is favored, and she is also a rare female Grade 4 Martial Artist in the world. Li Zhi naturally follows as the tide rises, the boat floats.

As soon as she opened her mouth, several palace maids also reacted, and hurriedly knelt down and saluted.

“Hmmmmmm” Li Zhi replied vaguely, and nodded greeted him.

He didn’t know who the other party was, he just felt a little familiar.

“Let’s go, it’s time to go to the emperor’s side.” Zhou Yuancai ignored the actual situation and hurriedly pulled Li Zhi away after getting out.

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