Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 624

Chapter 618 died?

Looking at the strange face rushing towards him, Zou Heng only felt that at this moment, his ears were filled with countless vague babbles, as if they were verbal abuse from many people, and they seemed to be wailing in pain, and Countless sounds of curses.

These voices poured into Zou Heng’s ears, and in an instant they passed a lot of messy messages, scenes of joys and sorrows, scenes of love, hatred, and hatred, unfolding in Zou Heng’s mind. This is an experience that belongs to many people. .

Zou Heng saw a sorcerer who had cultivated his entire life, but had not been able to break through the Profound Profound Realm in the end, and yelled at the sky when his life was dying; he saw an honest farmer who could not support his wife and children under natural and man-made disasters, and finally held his wife Er’s corpse, heartbreaking wailing; seeing the originally happy couple, because of various barriers, had to be divided into sadness at the beginning.

There is little happiness in the world, but the pain is different, with all kinds of sorrow, all kinds of pain, all kinds of sorrow, and tears are still in tears.

These kinds of pictures made Zou Heng feel the pain of countless people at this moment, and saw the experience of countless people. At the same time, the shock of the mind at this moment also greatly affected Zou Heng and impacted his will.

All kinds of negative emotions made Zou Heng feel the same, but his will was not shaken by it, and he was still very firm and clear.

After breaking through to the realm of becoming a **** and truly mastering the magical powers, Zou Heng has already touched the deeper Dao, so even if he feels empathy at this moment, he won’t be shaken by the impact of this degree.

The sly figure rushed to Zou Heng’s face at this time, and the countless faces condensed from evil spirits rushed towards Zou Heng frantically.

The power in Zou Heng’s body circulated, and his body exuded a mysterious rhythm. He displayed magical powers of large and small, so that the masks that were close to him immediately began to shrink in size. At the same time, his hands were constantly waving, and the power in his body was poured into the mountain. On the hammer and the blood wood axe, the masks that had been reduced in size were shattered one by one.

In the process of constantly playing these masks, Zou Heng was also under a strong impact. His feet sank deeply into the ground, but his body was still retreating unconsciously, his legs plowing out on the ground. A deep gully.

In the process of retreating his body, Zou Heng grew a few more arms. While swinging his punches to smash the masks that were getting faster and faster, he used Fang Cun’s magical powers to face the treacherous face.

At this moment, the treacherous real body is hidden in the countless masks. Under the continuous attack of those masks, the other side’s figure is not revealed. Zou Heng feels that at this time, he is using the magical power of Fangcun Zhenfeng. It should be able to force out the true face of the tricky face.

As Zou Heng displayed Fang Cun’s magical powers, the mask that was constantly attacking him suddenly slowed down. With those masks surrounding the center, an invisible force was moving all the masks toward the center. Pull.

Seeing this scene, Zou Heng’s eyes flashed brightly, and then he suddenly exerted force under his feet. The mountain hammer and blood wood axe in his hand suddenly became several times larger in size, and then he attacked forward.

The two strange treasures were filled with Zou Heng’s power and suddenly fell forward. The masks that were still trying to block were smashed by the powerful force of the mountain hammer and the blood wood axe. In the end, the two strange treasures fell on The center of the mask hit Fang Cun Zhen Feng’s supernatural power.

Void couldn’t bear the terrifying power at this moment, and suddenly shattered, and in the countless masks that followed, the real body that was like an ink painting was finally revealed.

However, at the moment when the real body of the deceitful face was exposed, in the two hollow eye sockets of the other party, there seemed to be endless evil thoughts pouring out at this moment.

When Zou Heng saw the other party’s empty eye sockets, his spirit was in a trance inevitably at this moment, his consciousness seemed to be suddenly drawn into the endless abyss, and he was constantly falling into the abyss.

During this process, Zou Heng felt that he was experiencing scenes of tragic scenes. He seemed to have become a personal experience of all the tragic scenes. He experienced these tragic scenes personally, happened to himself, and felt that. Kind of anger and powerlessness, and all kinds of negative emotions.

No one else can empathize with all his own pains, but Zou Heng at this time really experienced these pains. This experience is not the empathy after seeing it once, but the real personal experience. The pain in it.

After just a few times, Zou Heng’s heart has been aroused by negative emotions, pain, anger, sadness, powerlessness… all kinds of negative emotions are mixed together, and Zou Heng feels that he has a gradual change. Crazy trend.

In the course of such experiences again and again, Zou Heng found that his own will was constantly eroding and became less firm.

There has never been any power in this world, it is truly invincible, even if it is a firm will like steel, there is a way to destroy it.

The easiest way to destroy a person’s will is to reverse the concept. Through repeated experience, one’s concept can be reversed. In this way, even a firm will as strong as steel will be disintegrated little by little.

But everything has two sides. The process of destruction is not a process of tempering. Those hardships that cannot destroy you will eventually make you stronger.

Zou Heng felt that in an instant, his consciousness experienced many pictures, tasted a lot of pain and weakness, and his will was shaken.

But after experiencing pain again and again, Zou Heng always tightened a string, and did not allow himself to succumb to these pains, so even if his will was shaken, it was not truly disintegrated. On the contrary, it was In the subsequent painful experience, Zou Heng’s will became more and more determined, and he could easily bear the pain in the world, as well as all kinds of negative emotions.

This kind of negative emotions and painful experiences made Zou Heng feel that time has passed for a long time, but in fact, all these things happened in a moment. When Zou Heng broke free from these experiences, he saw When it comes to the sly real body, the body that looks like an ink painting has already arrived in front of his own eyes.

The facial makeup formed by the condensed evil spirits around the sly face has already grown up, with sharp fangs exposing from the mouth, which bit on Zou Heng’s body, while the sly face’s true body is exuding from his body. The black light came out, wrapping Zou Heng in it, while isolating everything from the outside world.

At this moment, after Zou Heng reacted, he also raised his arm. At this moment, more than a dozen arms on his body grasped the silly face in front of him.

Really coming into contact with the body of the deceitful face, Zou Heng felt the deceptive power of the deceitful face even more. He felt that there was another self in his heart that was splitting. That was the evil side of his own human nature. After all, No one is truly without a trace of evil thoughts.

The crooked face caught by Zou Heng also grew his mouth, like a black hole full of infinite suction, trying to swallow Zou Heng’s whole person.

Fully running the power in his body, Zou Heng resisted this powerful suction while swinging the mountain hammer and the blood wood axe in his hand, and attacked frantically at the strange face in front of him.

The power of the Mountain Breaking Hammer does not seem to cause much harm to the real body of the surreptitious face at this moment, but the power of the blood wood axe left a shallow wound on the real body of the surreptitious face, and followed Zou With a horizontal attack, the size of the wound is still expanding.

At this time, the sly plane seemed to be aware of the danger, so the infinite suction in its mouth suddenly stopped, and then a terrifying force erupted from the sly plane’s mouth, as if the infinite suction just now was just for this rage One blow is accumulating strength.

A dark ray of light spurted from the mouth of the treacherous face. The moment the ray of light rushed up, Zou Heng’s figure was carried by this powerful force and rushed towards the distance fiercely, wherever he passed, A deep gully appeared on the ground, and then the deep gully broke apart.

The black light stretched out for no idea how far, until the black light disappeared, there was still a faint black trace in the air.

The surroundings were quiet for a moment, and after this moment of silence, a sound like thunder suddenly sounded!


With the sound of this sound, an extremely huge axe suddenly fell from the void. The size of the axe seemed to cover the sky. The moment it fell, I felt that the entire earth seemed to be here. Under the hit, it was directly cut in half.

At this time, Zou Heng had already exerted his supernatural powers to the maximum that he could do, and at the same time, he had fully activated his square-inch magical powers at the location of the treacherous face.

It seems that because of the powerful blow that has just been delivered, the sly face has not had time to dodge, Zou Heng’s Fangcun’s magical powers actually acted on the sly face’s body, and its body like an ink painting is constantly compressed into a fist Among the big and small balls, even the masks around them were all sucked in.

However, after Fangcun’s magical power was sucked in by Fangcun’s magical power, the fist-sized ball was still shaking violently, as if it would break out at any time.

And at this time, the blood wood axe, which had been transformed into a very huge blood wood axe by the magical powers of the wishful size, with an aura that could open up the world, was cut from the sky, hitting the fist-sized ball.

Zou Heng saw that the fist-sized round ball was cut in half at this moment, and a fragmented black facial makeup emerged in the void, and then quickly dissipated, as if it were complete. Died out in general.


Seeing this scene, Zou Heng suddenly felt very unreal. He wanted to see this scene very much, but when he really saw this scene, he was a little unbelievable.

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