Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Warlock’s satchel

Li Sheng is definitely not the first person to ask this question how many things are in a warlock’s bag. Many people in this world want to know, including some warlocks, as well as other warlocks’ waist bags. What the **** was installed.

Some people say that the warlock’s satchel is actually a treasure bag, which can hold many things. It seems to be a normal size, but it is actually bigger than a house.

Others felt that the satchel on the warlock was the legendary Void Mustard Seed. It was basically another piece of space, so it could store a lot of things and it was the treasure of every warlock.

In the face of these speculations, every true warlock would never answer directly. The most standard reaction is to laugh without saying a word like Zou Heng.

In fact, the real reason behind this smile, apart from the warlock, really few people can understand.

When Zou Heng first started to learn art from his master, he was extremely curious about the bag on the warlock’s body. He felt that it should be the spatial magic weapon described in many novels in the previous life.

But after he really got a bag and was told the real secret of the warlock bag by his former master, Zou Heng was disappointed, because everything was not what he thought, and most people’s guesses were also fundamental. sorry.

For most warlocks, the satchel on their backs is actually just an ordinary satchel. The real reason why so many things can be taken out of it is not the satchel, but the warlock himself.

The first thing that Zou Heng learned from the master after enlightening the spirit was not actually a magic trick, but learning tricks. The main thing is to hide things in the body without being discovered. This is the real secret of the sorcerer’s bag.

Of course, that small satchel can’t hold so many things. Almost all warlock satchels can hold so many things, mainly because some of the things are in other places on their bodies, and the satchels are just a cover.

Of course, not all warlocks’ satchels are ordinary. For those capable or more powerful warlocks, the satchels they carry may really have the effect of being able to hold many things, or even There are some other functions.

But as far as Zou Heng is concerned, the bag on his body is just an ordinary bag.

For this, Zou Heng doesn’t mind now, because many things exist naturally because of their reason, just like the behavior of a warlock who pretends to be mysterious, in fact, it also has its reason.

Zou Heng once consulted his previous master, and the answer he got was habit, but after he had learned something about it, he had a different view on it.

The inheritance of warlocks can be traced back to tribal wizards and sacrifices in ancient times, but they have not always been very prosperous. In some periods, they have also experienced suppression by some in power. Many time inheritance is a problem. Warlocks are mixed in all directions, although There are some methods, but in fact, many sorcerers with low cultivation levels don’t have much power to protect themselves, so they can only pretend to be mysterious and add more mystery to themselves.

Another point is to protect one’s wealth and make people believe that the most valuable things of warlocks are in their shoulder bags, so that some people who want to take wealth will target the warlock’s shoulder bags.

Also, the warlock carries a satchel on his body, and at some critical moments when confronted with others, it can often have unexpected effects. The enemy will pay attention to the satchel on the warlock. At this time, he may ignore the sudden display of the warlock from other places on the body. The hole card of the turn,

As a sorcerer in the realm of practice, Zou Heng has practiced sorcery for more than two years. He is indeed just a rookie, so there is not much in his bag.

The ones that came out before, plus the ones that I took out just now, are already most of them, and there is really not much left.

As for whether there are any good things in his body, the answer is of course no. A warlock who has studied for more than two years can have any good things in his body.

A group of soldiers were very dexterous. With everyone’s cooperation, the camp was quickly set up, and three fires were lit in the camp.

In this wasteland, because it is relatively desolate, there are not many things that can burn. Dry branches and the like are very common in other places, and they are not so easy to find here, so these hundreds of people The team can only produce these three fires, so everyone can make do with it a little bit.

In addition, the vermilion rope surrounding the camp is only 20 meters long. With some strange charms, there is not much room to enclose it, so everyone can only squeeze as much as possible.

Night came quickly and completely. This red rope and a few talismans surrounded it to form a simple camp. Although it could not give people much sense of security, it was better than nothing, so there was no need to worry about evil. Everyone can’t reflect the difference and approach.

Surrounded by the fire, Zou Heng looked up at the bright moon rising in the sky, and then looked at the surrounding environment. At this time, he felt an inexplicable feeling, some lonely, some sadness, and others were unclear. thing.

At this moment, someone next to him handed him a piece of dry food, and Zou Heng subconsciously reached out and took it. He just wanted to say thank you, but the other side ignored him, and then distributed dry food to other soldiers.

Zou Heng lowered his head and glanced at the dry food he received. This was a hard dry cake. Judging from the feel of the hand, most people couldn’t bite.

Looking at the soldiers around, they had already taken out the water bag and began to swallow the dry food in their hands with difficulty.

Seeing everyone’s movements, Zou Heng also took out some water and began to settle the dry food he had allocated.

To be honest, he is really hungry now. Although the sorcerer masters various magical techniques, most of the sorcerers still have to eat.

Maybe a warlock with a higher cultivation level can get rid of the need for food, but Zou Heng has not seen such a person yet, nor can his previous masters.

The dry food in my hand is hard, but when it really tastes, it is not as unpalatable as expected. Of course, it can’t taste very good, because there is no taste at all.

While solving the dry food in his hand, Zou Heng suddenly felt that someone was by his side. He turned around and found that Li Sheng was standing next to him again, just about to speak, but he saw Li Sheng take the initiative to speak.

“His Royal Highness Nioh is awake, I want to thank you!”

Hearing Li Sheng’s words, Zou Heng temporarily put away half of the dry food, then stood up and followed Li Sheng to the carriage.

Beside the carriage, the little boy in the carriage is now squatting there, seeming to be picking up stones on the ground. The princess in the carriage, looking at him through the carriage window, has been staring at him to prevent He ran elsewhere.

As soon as Zou Heng and Li Sheng came over, the little boy immediately stood up and ran back into the carriage again, looking a little afraid of life.

Zou Heng and Li Sheng walked closer, and before they could speak, they heard a slightly weak voice coming from the carriage.

“General Li, and this mage, you are here!”

As this voice sounded, the figure of King Ren, who had been treated by Zou Heng before, with the support of the princess on the side, got off the carriage with some difficulty and looked at both Zou Heng and Li Sheng.

“I have seen His Royal Highness Nioh!”

Zou Heng and Li Sheng both saluted at the same time.

“You two are welcome. I still want to thank both of you. General Li escorted me all the way to this point. During this period, after several battles, the mage had just arrived and saved my life. I am really grateful to both of you. After I returned to the capital There must be a big report!”

Nioh squeezed a smile on his pale face and said in a weak voice.

Although the poison on his body was resolved, he lost a lot of blood accordingly, and his injuries had not fully recovered, so he appeared weak at this time.

However, despite his weakness, Nioh felt very sincere, humble and polite, and he did not put on any airs because of his identity.

In the following conversations, His Royal Highness Niang even showed the attitude of a courteous corporal. It was obvious that he was able to draw the two of them together, and he grasped a very suitable degree. At the same time, Li Sheng and Zou Heng would not feel any discomfort.

Although Zou Heng did not directly agree to Nioh’s show of wooing, he still gave some intimacy, and he did not lose the face of Nioh. Although he was sure, even if he lost the face of the other party, the other party would do it. Yun Danfeng lightly exposed the matter at will.

During a brief conversation with the Royal Highness, Zou Heng could vaguely feel that, on the surface, the Highness of King Ren seemed to have a very good temper and a very kind temperament, but he should actually be a person who is very good at tolerance and understands. A person who judges the situation.

As a proton of a country, living in a foreign country for so long, even because of his status, Qi will not put his life in danger, but some shame and blindness are absolutely indispensable.

In that kind of environment, even if Nioh was a person who didn’t understand anything, he should gradually learn how to protect himself in that kind of environment and make himself as comfortable as possible.

Therefore, the King Ren, who has been in a foreign country for so long, will definitely not really be a very gentle person, at least he will be a very forbearing person.

Zou Heng did not intend to take refuge in the King of Nene, but his main task was to **** the other party to the royal capital on the next journey, so there is no need to make the relationship very stiff, even if you deal with it temporarily, it is better than direct. Refuse.

Let’s deal with it for a while, at least in the next journey, let His Royal Highness more trust in Zou Heng, and also lessen some internal disharmony that may occur.

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