Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 trust

When Zou Heng got on the carriage, he quickly looked at the three people in the carriage, a woman and a child about five years old, and a man lying there. Then he focused on lying in the carriage. The body of the man among them.

Among the three people in the carriage, it was obvious that the man with a blue face lying there was the object of Li Sheng’s protection during this trip, as well as the object of his next protection, His Royal Highness of the Kingdom of Yu.


As soon as he saw the blue face of His Royal Highness, Zou Heng immediately made such judgments in his heart.

The face of the other party was obviously very abnormal. The cyan color seemed to come out from under the skin, which was a very typical symptom of poisoning.

“A few days ago, there was a battle. His Royal Highness was injured by an attack by a warlock. At the beginning, the injuries seemed to be fine, but then the injuries became more and more serious. Since yesterday, His Royal Highness has been starting I fell into a coma and awake twice in the middle, but the situation hasn’t improved much!”

Li Sheng stood by the carriage and told Zou Heng the reason for King Ren’s injury and his performance in the past few days.

In the carriage, the princess held the child in the carriage and looked at Zou Heng, who had already begun to examine the wounds of King Ni, with a look of expectation in her eyes. She was silent and did not dare to disturb, but it was the child in her arms. His eyes were looking at Zou Heng curiously.

Zou Heng was very quick to examine His Royal Highness who was lying there. He looked at the wound he had bandaged. Then he opened his eyelids and looked at him. Finally, he got his pulse again.

After finishing this, Zou Heng glanced at the princess in the carriage, then looked at Li Sheng standing next to the carriage, and said in a deep voice.

“His Royal Highness’s situation is very bad. He is already deeply poisoned. If he doesn’t deal with it quickly, I’m afraid…!”

Zou Heng hasn’t finished speaking, but the meaning in his words is very clear.

“Also ask the mage for help!”

Hearing what he said, the princess, who was already upset, immediately spoke at this moment, with some choking in her voice, and even a hint of prayer.

Standing next to the carriage, Li Sheng was very calm. He asked Zou Heng: “Does the mage have a way to rescue His Royal Highness?”

Li Sheng knew about the current situation of King Ren, but he was not sure whether Zou Heng had the ability to rescue King Ren.

According to Li Sheng’s understanding, the cultivation of a sorcerer is divided into the realm of enlightenment, practice, alchemist, tongxuan, and sacred realm. As for the higher level, he has never understood it.

Practicing the magic realm, as the second realm of the sorcerer’s cultivation, is only a little more powerful than the introductory sorcerer of Gangqi Ling, and its own mana is still relatively low, and the means should not be much more powerful.

What’s more, Zou Heng should not have been in the realm of practice for a long time. From a normal point of view, he has mastered some small skills at most. It is good to be able to master a real spell. He has the ability to save King Ren. It is unlikely.

However, Zou Heng’s answer surprised Li Sheng a little bit.

I saw Zou Heng nodded, and then calmly said: “I can try, I can’t guarantee that I will succeed, but at least it won’t make things worse!”

Hearing Zou Heng’s words like this, Li Sheng hadn’t spoken yet, and the princess on the side seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and couldn’t wait to say.

“Then ask the mage to cast the spell!”

Zou Heng glanced at the talking princess and nodded to her, but did not act immediately, but waited for Li Sheng to nod and agree.

Now in this team, the real leader is undoubtedly Li Sheng. Before he agreed, Zou Heng did not intend to act rashly.

He appeared in front of Li Sheng until now. He has maintained a considerable degree of respect for the other party. The main purpose is to gain the trust of the other party, so that he can truly integrate into this team and he can have a greater accomplishment alive. The grasp of the task.

After seeing Li Sheng standing at the door of the carriage, he nodded insignificantly, Zou Heng finally stopped hesitating and said to the princess on the side.

“Please also help untie His Royal Highness Niu’s clothes and take off his shirt!”

When the princess reached out to untie King Ren’s clothes, Zou Heng began to take out various things from his bag.

After putting the things in front of her, the princess also took off the clothes of King Ren Wang’s upper body, picked up the child in the carriage, shrank to the corner of the carriage, and made room for Zou Heng as much as possible.

Standing by the carriage, Li Sheng was still looking at the things that Zou Heng was holding. After seeing these things, he suddenly felt more confident that Zou Heng could help King Nen.

Because he noticed that among the few things Zou Heng brought out, there was incense for offering sacrifices, which meant that Zou Heng was likely to rely on the power of gods or spirits.

Zou Heng’s next actions did not disappoint Li Sheng. He first pinched three incense sticks from the pile of things he took out, and lightly squeezed the three incense sticks with his fingers on the incense head to ignite the three incense sticks. , Inserted in an incense burner.

Then, he picked up a black-red feather, clamped it between his fingers, and sat there cross-legged, running the mana in his body, while chanting in his mouth.

“Ling Zun Flying Bird, born with a spirit, and worshipped with you, using your magical powers, flying feathers as a letter, burning incense as a guide, please spirit!”

As Zou Heng’s voice fell, the feather in his hand immediately flew out of his hand, suspended on the three incense sticks, and gathered the curling smoke around him.

When Zou Heng saw this scene, a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, his hands kept moving, he quickly grabbed Nioh’s hand, lightly swiped his hand with a small knife, and took a few from his fingers. Dripping blood.

Put these drops of blood in a few bamboo tubes, and then Zou Heng quickly buckled the bamboo tubes onto Nioh’s bare upper body, and then reached out to take the feathers floating on the incense stick, and removed the feathers from the bamboo tubes. Pass by.

After Zou Heng finished this quickly, he put the feather aside again, and then he sealed his hands again, and chanted again in his mouth.

“Ling Zun Flying Bird, born with spirit, overcomes disasters and relieves evil, removes diseases and plagues, uses blood as a guide to remove poison!”

Following Zou Heng’s chanting again, the bamboo tubes buckled on the upper body of Nioh began to firmly adhere to Nioh’s body. At the same time, the abnormal blue color on the surface of Nioh’s body was at a speed visible to the naked eye. It continues to gather around several bamboo tubes.

There are some places on his body, and at this time, it is obvious that the normal color has appeared, only around the few bamboo tubes, the color seems to have become darker.

Li Sheng and the princess in the carriage saw such a change, and both of them showed joy. This is obviously the usefulness of Zou Heng’s method, and it is likely to be able to detoxify King Ren.

As a general of this army, Li Sheng thought of more things at this time, that is, the value of Zou Heng, the warlock, was even higher than before.

The origin of this world warlock can be traced back to the sacrifices or wizards of many tribes in ancient times, so most warlocks will worship some gods or spirits.

It’s just that it’s different from sacrifices and wizards. Although the worship of warlocks is the same, it’s actually more of a bargain. It’s just a means of worship to seek the power of gods or spirits, and there is no development. The piety from the bottom of your heart rarely produces true faith.

A sorcerer who can draw on the power of the spirit or the power of the gods can often exert much higher strength than his own realm. Zou Heng can draw on the power of the spirit, so he is not a sorcerer in the magic realm.

The incense in the incense burner in front of Zou Heng burned very fast. It didn’t take long before the incense in the incense burner was about to burn out. It happened that the symptoms of poisoning on King Ren’s body were basically eliminated.

Reaching out and pinching a bamboo tube, Zou Heng pulled out the bamboo tube with a slight effort.

In the bamboo tube he pulled out, there was nearly one-third of the blackened blood in it, and at the same time, where the bamboo tube was upside down, the skin of Nioh was also purple.

Zou Heng concocted according to the law and pulled out several other bamboo tubes. During the whole process, no drop of blood contained in the bamboo tubes was spilled.

As he began to pack up the things he took out, Zou Heng began to say: “The poison from His Royal Highness King Ren has almost been removed, and the remaining poison will not have any effect. After a few days of recuperation, it will be fine. It will not be long. , His Royal Highness Nioh will wake up!”

As soon as Zou Heng’s voice fell, the princess in the carriage immediately spoke at this moment: “Thank you Mage, when His Royal Highness Wake up, you will not forget the kindness of Mage!”

“The princess is polite!”

Zou Heng smiled and nodded, then got up and got out of the carriage, and took all the bamboo tubes with him.

These bamboo tubes can’t be regarded as ordinary bamboo tubes, they are the talisman he usually makes, but unfortunately they can no longer be used.

Li Sheng followed Zou Heng and watched him take these bamboo tubes, went to the distance to dig a hole and buried them all, before he came forward and said.

“Master Zou, thank you for saving His Royal Highness!”

Zou Heng noticed the change in Li Sheng’s tone, which was completely different from the slightly defensive tone just now. He had truly accepted him, so he said with a smile.

“The general is polite. The purpose of the general and I are the same. The next step is to send His Royal Highness to King Yu’s capital. This is all that should be done in the next. It is just that the mana is weak, and it can only help these little ones. I’m busy, I would like to ask the army to take care of everything on the way.”

Zou Heng has been using such a hard-working method from his appearance to the present to gain the trust of Li Sheng in front of him, and to integrate into the team as quickly as possible. Now it seems that his busyness has not been in vain, and Li Sheng has already trusted him. Now, the next step is for everyone to go in the same boat and tide over the difficulties together!

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