Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Exercise

After listening to Li Sheng’s explanation, Zou Heng, who was riding on a horse, learned more about the martial artist.

Li Sheng actually didn’t talk much about it, but the training of the martial artist is like this. It is relatively simple. Even the detailed division of the realm is the same as that of the warlock. As for whether there is any secret, this Li Sheng Did not say, Zou Heng did not ask either.

Although the two have a very harmonious relationship now, in fact, the friendship is far from that point. The reason why the relationship is now harmonious is just because everyone has the same goal, and they work together in the same boat.

In the blink of an eye, it was the afternoon. According to the plan before leaving today, everyone successfully reached their goal today, a small town named Qing’an.

At the gate of the city, after Li Sheng reported his identity, the soldiers at the gate rushed to report to the official. Not long after that, a group of officials from Qing’an rushed to greet King Ren and respectfully welcomed him into the city. Accompanied all the way, very enthusiastic, completely different from the previous situation in Yecheng.

Zou Heng was just with them at first, but later discovered that there were two warlocks among the officials who came to accompany him, so he found an excuse to leave the scene temporarily. After all, he couldn’t say anything about staying with them. If you have this idle time, it’s better to do something else, and wait until the dinner is in the evening, and then just have a meal.

King Ren and the others realized that Zou Heng didn’t like this kind of occasion very much, so they didn’t force it, and they just let Zou Heng do the activities by himself.

As a small city, Qing’an City is not so prosperous. Compared with Ye City, there are not many new things. Zou Heng didn’t have the intention to go out and see. After he came out, he went to the backyard where they arranged a rest to practice. Up.

However, he didn’t want to meditate and practice the basic method, but he wanted to practice the magic method.

In addition to the realm of cultivation, the strength of a warlock is the most important thing. The degree of mastery of a spell determines the power that the warlock can exert through it to a large extent.

Zou Heng didn’t master too many spells, and the best one of them only reached the level of proficiency, and there was not any spell that could reach the level of true meaning.

According to his cultivation level, this level of mastery is quite satisfactory. According to the time of his cultivation, it is enough to be called excellent, but Zou Heng can obviously become even better.

When he came to the backyard he was in, Zou Heng found an open space and began to mobilize the mana in his body, pinched the magic tactics in his hand, and began to cast the magic spell.

The main way for a sorcerer to improve his mastery of a spell is to use more. Just like normal learning, a process is repeated many times, and it will naturally master what you want to learn, and improve the level of mastery of the spell. in this way.

From entry to proficiency, you can continue to use it, and then adjust the areas that make you feel awkward, correct yourself, and become familiar with the feeling when you cast the spell. Finally, you will be proficient in the door spell.

To reach the degree of true meaning, the process is the same, it needs to be continuously displayed, but in addition, it also needs some understanding, careful thinking about the principles of magic, exploring its roots, and constant thinking, so that it is possible to achieve it. True meaning.

As for the realm of traceability, this requires more understanding and constant practice.

In general, the main way for a sorcerer to improve his mastery of magic is diligence, but Zou Heng is very clear that comprehension is equally important, or even more important than diligence.

For example, for the same practice, a person of average aptitude may need to perform hundreds of times over and over again to reach the level of barely proficiency, and another person with relatively high aptitude and understanding, It only took him half of his time to achieve his results. This is the gap in aptitude.

Zou Heng’s aptitude in this area is very good. When he practices a spell, he can often get started quickly and improve quickly after getting started, so he can master a few spells. The level of proficiency.

The tactics of both hands changed quickly. Zou Heng shot a light on the wall of the backyard wall. After the light disappeared, the wall did not seem to have changed at all, but Zou Heng rushed towards the wall. .

Immediately, Zou Heng’s body passed through the wall directly, without encountering any obstacles at all. When he appeared again, the whole person was already outside the wall.

Looking back at the wall behind him, Zou Heng stood there and didn’t move, thinking carefully about the feeling he had just passed through the wall.

When he was in contact with the wall just now, it was not that he didn’t feel the resistance. It just felt that the resistance was very small, as if he was encountering a wall of water, so he could walk through it effortlessly.

Zou Heng stretched out his hand to touch the wall again, and found that the wall had returned to its original shape at this time, and it felt hard to the touch, not the same as when he walked through it just now.

“Each time a spell is cast, can only one object pass through, or after the spell is cast, the duration of the spell is very short?” Zou Heng couldn’t help thinking in his heart after finding that the effect of the wall penetration technique had disappeared.

This question is well verified. Zou Heng performed the wall penetration technique again, then picked up a stone from the ground and threw it over, followed closely behind him, and rushed towards the wall, and then he returned again. In the yard.

Looking back, when he stroked the wall again, he found that the effect of the spell disappeared again. Then, Zou Heng performed the wall penetration technique for the third time. This time, he did not rush through the wall, but picked up a piece of it. The larger stone plunged into the wall, while silently counting the time in his heart.

In just five or six breaths, Zou Heng felt a lot of power coming from his hand and pushed his body back a little.

A closer look showed that the wall was back to normal again, and the stone he had penetrated into the wall just now was not embedded in the wall as he had expected, but was rejected by the wall.

He felt the power that was not small in his hand, that is, when the wall returned to normal, the stone that penetrated into it was expelled because of the power generated by the movement of the position.

Seeing such a result, Zou Heng couldn’t help but feel a pity in his heart. He thought that through the effect of the wall penetration technique, objects can be embedded in the wall. In that case, the effect of this small technique is very extraordinary, and it can even be regarded as Used as a means of attack.

However, when the effect of the wall penetration technique ended, he did not embed the object in it, but repelled it, which made his mind frustrated.

However, Zou Heng did not completely give up this idea. He thought about changing to a thicker wall in the future, and then try again to see if the objects would be rejected.

After practicing the wall penetration technique several times, Zou Heng began to practice the speed movement and the shadow technique again. These two techniques, like the wall penetration technique, were obtained from Wei Hu.

Because of the popularity of the technique, Zou Heng learned the speed technique very smoothly, almost reaching the level of proficiency, and the shadow technique was also about to become proficient.

The reason for the faster practice of the former is that he has mastered the similar effects, while the reason for the latter is that Zou Heng is very clear about the principle of the door magic.

By creating a camouflage similar to the surrounding environment, the effect equivalent to invisibility is achieved. For Zou Heng, the principle of the technique cannot be more clear.

Zou Heng even has a hunch now that this spell is very likely to be his first spell with its true meaning.

After practicing for a while later, Zou Heng stopped. He did not dare to exhaust his mana, because he had to deal with emergencies and had to go to a banquet at night to keep himself fighting. .

Going back to the room and simply recovering, and tidying up his clothes again, it was almost time to go to the banquet, Zou Heng walked out of the room and went to meet Ren Wang and the others.

After practicing the spells for a while, he didn’t feel tired at all now, but he felt that the whole person was in a very good condition, and he was even somewhat radiant.

After meeting with King Ren and the others, Li Sheng saw Zou Heng’s state and couldn’t help but look at it a few more times, and then looked back when the banquet began.

At the banquet being held in Qing’an City, when King Ren arrived, outside Qing’an City, two warlocks, an old and a young, had just arrived.

Now that the city gate is closed, they naturally can’t get in. Although there is a way to enter a city by means of warlocks, such behavior is a serious crime once discovered, and in order to prevent warlocks from doing such things, each The temple in the city has a clear supervision responsibility on this area.

“Let’s go, wait for them on the road tomorrow. When they get on the road tomorrow, we will do it halfway, and then we will receive the reward according to your wishes.”

Looking at Qing’an City in the dark, the older warlock spoke softly. Once he had finished speaking, he turned around and left, but at the moment he turned around, his gaze seemed to inadvertently swept over the disciple beside him.

As a disciple, the young warlock didn’t notice anything at all at this time, but was just happy to hear what the master said.

After tracking for such a long period of time, it is finally time to harvest, and then there is no need to sleep in the wind, and follow carefully.

Waiting for him to finish this thing, and then to receive the reward, the benefits he can get are enough for him to live the kind of life he has always envied.

Thinking of this, the smile on his face became stronger, and the complaints in his heart against his master were less at this time. He felt that his master had rarely obeyed his own wishes.

But what he didn’t know was that now the master who followed his wishes had completely given up on his disciple. When he tried to persuade him before, it was the time when he still wanted to get him back on track.

This is true for many times in life. People who are good to you will not be praised for you, and those who say what you love to hear may not necessarily be people who are really good to you.

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