Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Leaving Yecheng

After Zou Heng left Renwang’s room, he went back to his room and practiced for a while, and then began to sleep with peace of mind.

Originally, he thought he would be sad tonight, or if he met a master, and fought hard in the air, he didn’t expect that the people who started with Nioh would not have much strength.

In addition, the oil lamp magic weapon was used for the first time, and it exerted a good effect. This magic weapon is indeed a rare treasure for a warlock of his level.

The arrangement before leaving can definitely not stop a warlock who is too powerful, but with the skills of the kind of warlock just now, there is absolutely no way to break the arrangement, and with Li Sheng guarding it, Zou Heng I feel relieved to rest here.

Of course, the main reason for his peace of mind was that he had broken the opponent’s spell just now and recognized what it was.

Dream killing, a spell that makes the caster fall into a nightmare and eventually be killed. The effect sounds bluffing, but it’s actually just a small spell.

Since it is a small technique, its power is naturally limited. It is actually very difficult to really kill a person in a dream. Although it is called a dream killing technique, it is used in the hands of many warlocks. It’s tormenting people, not killing people all at once.

The other party used this kind of magic technique, and he broke it again. It is estimated that the medium of his magic technique has been destroyed by this time, so Zou Heng can come back to sleep with peace of mind now.

Zou Heng fell asleep peacefully. In a quiet courtyard in Yecheng, the two warlocks, the old and the young, who were discovered by Li Sheng before, all stood in the courtyard with their own expressions on their faces. different.

The older master, the look on his face was very calm at this time, without a trace of waves, while the younger apprentice was full of expressions of disappointment, frustration, disbelief, etc., even making him The whole person’s expression seemed to be a bit hideous.

“Impossible, that’s a magician in the realm of practice. I don’t know which old guy pushed me out to prevent disasters. Why did he break my magic? He clearly is not as good as mine. Why is he? ?” The young warlock shouted, although his voice was not loud, the suppressed emotion in his tone was very obvious.

His master stood aside, listening to his whispering, he didn’t pay any attention to what he meant. He just shook his head in his heart, secretly saying that this disciple is abolished. When there is time in the future, choose a new disciple. Be a little bit more careful and don’t rush, otherwise the disciple in front of you will be a lesson.

This disciple of his originally didn’t have the same character as it is now. It’s just that he became a little impatient when he was practicing, and his mind was affected by those messy forces. When he went out with him again, he encountered evil and was affected again, and then he was affected again. After letting it go for a period of time, it became what it is now.

Two days ago, I thought it could be saved a little bit, but it seems that it is more reliable to accept a new disciple these days.

Seeing the other party yelling for a long time, he didn’t seem to have the intention to stop. As the master, he finally frowned and said.

“Enough, you are only at the realm of practice, you haven’t reached the realm of alchemist, and you are only performing a small skill. It is normal for the opponent to break it. What is unacceptable?”

Hearing what the master said, the young sorcerer, who had been getting more and more angry, suddenly became a little sober and did not dare to continue yelling.

Seeing the other party calm down, the older sorcerer who was a master had been reading about the friendship between mentors and apprentices for many years, and still spoke to the other party.

“You have stopped your cultivation for a while during this period of time. You usually practice for too long, which has a great impact on your character. If you suspend cultivation for a period of time, it will help you to some extent.”

“The disciple understands, but, Master, if your old man made the move just now, that warlock would definitely not be able to stop it. Our mission has already been completed by this time, you…!” The young warlock replied respectfully, and then the conversation changed. He said to the master in front of him, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the other party.


The old warlock, who was the master, had a cold face, and after berating the opponent, he gave him a cold look, then turned and left.

Seeing the other person leaving, the young warlock raised his head, with a very gloomy expression on his face.

“Old guy, I didn’t pass on the real skills to me, and told me not to practice in the near future. You are afraid that I will break through the alchemist realm and my cultivation will catch up with you as a master. When the time comes, hehe!”

In the morning of the next day, according to the original plan, Nioh’s team will set off again. Therefore, everyone got up early and started to pack things. At the same time, they checked what was unprepared. Some people went to prepare breakfast immediately. We are about to leave Yecheng, and everyone still wants to eat a warm bite. It’s hard to get such a treat until we reach the next big city.

Zou Heng also got up earlier, and it was Niwang and Li Sheng who were earlier than him, especially Li Sheng. He didn’t sleep all night at all, and kept guarding Niwang.

After seeing Zou Heng who was getting up early, Li Sheng just nodded and said hello to him, and then went to the command team to check for missing vacancies.

He didn’t rest for a whole night, and it didn’t affect him. The whole person was in the same state as usual, still looking vigorous.

On the Niwang side, he looks tired. He and Li Sheng are standing together. Niwang is more like a person who hasn’t slept all night, and the princess who is standing with him also looks tired. I guess there was no last night. Sleep well.

“Thanks to the Master last night, if it weren’t for the help of the Master, then I’m afraid I would have died in the nightmare of last night!” King Ren said immediately after seeing Zou Heng.

“His Royal Highness is serious. The sorcerer who used the method last night is of average strength, and the spells he used are not too deadly. Even without me, I believe that your Highness will be fine.” Zou Heng said casually.

“The mage is too humble!” King Ren smiled again when he heard what he said.

Without talking to each other a few words, they separated but got busy. Zou Heng didn’t have anything to tidy up, but other people seemed to tidy up a lot, mainly because of the large number of people and now that they were back in the territory of Yu Kingdom, the difference was different. When they were on the frontier, many things were discarded because of the battle.

Now they have to prepare things, in addition to some daily dietary needs, as well as things like tents, which are all to be brought together.

A group of people were very dexterous, and quickly packed everything up, and then loaded the cart. Compared to when they entered the city, they are now preparing to leave Yecheng. The carriage in the team has changed from one to three. Vehicles.

These three carriages are exactly the same. Except for one of the carriages used by Nioh and the others, some items are placed in the other two carriages. The purpose of these three almost identical carriages is very clear. A person with a bad heart can’t figure out which carriage Nioh is in.

Li Sheng and Zou Heng have not forgotten that there is also a master who is good at using arrows in long-range attacks. Maybe they will launch an attack anytime.

So far, the opponent has scored twice, one of which was defeated by Zou Heng with the help of the power of the spirit, and the other time was deceived by Zou Heng, wasting a powerful attack.

There are precedents for these two attacks, and the other party will probably not let it go. Next, I am afraid that they will be attacked by the other party, so we must be careful.

Zou Heng was still very afraid of the warlock who used the arrow remotely. The opponent’s strength was much stronger than his own, and he must have more methods than himself. After having the previous two experiences, what if the opponent If you attack again, it will be very difficult to deal with.

However, there is no way to worry about it. The way is still to go. If the opponent is strong, you can only take one step at a time, and wait until the opponent makes a move before cracking it. If there is a chance, even if you pay a certain price, you have to do it. May be beheaded.

The team is ready to go on the road again. The officials from Yecheng came early. Unlike the difficulties that everyone suffered when they entered the city, when they left the city, all the officials from Yecheng smiled all over, and they seemed to be more amicable. , Even the warlock who fought against Li Sheng also smiled in the crowd, but his smile was a little far-fetched.

The time originally planned to go on the road, because the officials in Yecheng were slightly delayed for about half an hour, and the things they had to bring were also a lot more than the original. Fortunately, two more carriages were prepared. Everything can be put down.

Standing at the forefront of the team, Zou Heng witnessed the official delivery of Yecheng officials in a very official way. He felt that each of these people was really good at acting, and they were full of nonsense, perfectly creating a very harmonious scene. Of course, both Li Sheng and Nioh did a good job.

When the team finally started on the road, these Yecheng officials still looked reluctant, and followed the team all the way, sending the team to the outside of Yecheng.

Along the way, the people of Yecheng stood on both sides of the road one after another, watching this rare lively scene. Even if they lived in Yecheng on weekdays, they rarely saw so many Yechang officials appearing together.

Until the door, the city lord Wang Qian of Yecheng led a group of officials of Yecheng to stop and bowed their hands to the frame of Renwang.

“His Royal Highness returns to China, and the next official can’t wait to see him off in person. This is because he still has official duties. You can’t leave Yecheng easily without permission. Therefore, I can only hope that your Highness will have a safe journey.

The King Ren, who was already in the carriage, did not show up again at this time, just stretched out a hand from the carriage and waved it gently to the outside, and then gradually left Yecheng in the carriage.

After the person left, the original smile on Wang Qian’s face immediately subsided, and he whispered softly in his mouth.

“What a big trouble, I finally left!”

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