Create The Salvation Army And Save The Three-Body Broken Ball At The Beginning

Chapter 82

Chapter 82 Trial From Iron Man! With The World Watching, Slaughter The Bald Eagle!

The Internet, which was originally undercurrents, completely detonated at this moment.

The popularity of Marvel entries has even caught up with Yuanshen.

Of course, because of the local advantages of the original god, the original god was not directly washed away by Marvel like the previous One Piece… The two sides come and go, not to be outdone.

With the passage of time, the information on the Shenzhou network was also moved to the external network by many foreigners, which also caused turbulent waves.

The Twitter chart was completely bloodbathed. The bald eagle man, who had been hit hard by reality before, came back to life at this moment, excited and excited, and even verbalized the group of scholars.

“Fuck, I knew it! I knew it!”

“Make the bald eagle great again! maga!”

“That’s great…We, Ying Jiang, are indeed the sons of God! As for the Shenzhou rabbit…that’s just a test given to us by God.”

“That’s right, that’s Tony Stark! A man with god-like wisdom…and Thor, Hawkeye, and maybe others. The original god? Even the original god … Well, I admit that Shenzhou is the only country that can be compared with the bald eagle. But other countries are all scum!”

“Yes, those damned islanders actually stepped on our heads because of the appearance of One Piece! Hahahaha, they even insulted us by saying that our history is short, so it is impossible for people from our world to appear! You see, they were- Let’s face it.”

It didn’t take long for Bald Eagle to open the press conference, and the spokesperson became more confident than before.

…We believe that with the help of Mr. Iron Man, we will be able to regain the leading position in technology and become the lighthouse of the world again. ”

“We will start a new era of unlimited human energy represented by nuclear fusion, even small nuclear fusion…

…….Hopefully, before they questioned us, even behind their backs, the country that bet on Shenzhou will take a good look at it, and apologize to the bald eagle…”

“Finally, we are here to warmly welcome Mr. Iron Man to the Bald Eagle! Although we are not the Bald Eagle in the movie or comics, the spirit of freedom is exactly the same! We are willing to provide Mr. Iron Man with all the help we can, Give him a status not inferior to that of the movie…”

Under the overwhelming publicity from all sides, countless Bald Eagles are excited and excited, waiting for the moment when Iron Man arrives…

At this time, the Bald Eagle gave people the impression that this titan was originally stuck in the quagmire and was about to die at any time. At this moment, the oxygen tube was abruptly pulled out, and he rushed out of the ICU room refreshed, and ran for 100 kilometers on the street…

Countless bald eagles went out to march, but this time it was not a protest, but a welcome. They held up all kinds of peripheral products of Marvel, shouted freedom and mega……

However, as time passed, gradually, the atmosphere began to slowly change.

The Bald Eagles, who were doing various welcoming ceremonies everywhere, felt that something was wrong. Even, an uneasy atmosphere began to linger on the Internet, and comments that were not so friendly were pushed to the forefront.

The comment section of the hottest topic on Twitter.

“It’s been a day and a night, according to Iron Man’s speed! Why should we have reached the Bald Eagle now?”

“Yeah, the Black Palace has said it all! Iron Man is here, and if you don’t know where to go, you can go to the Black Palace as soon as possible, and let them provide all the help they can…”

“?? Is there a possibility that there was an accident on the way of Iron Man?”

“? What joke are you talking about? That’s Iron Man! The armor on him can even defeat F22! In the current world, he is truly invincible.’

“Or, is this a Chinese conspiracy? Are they deceiving us?!”

“It’s very possible! Damn Shenzhou…Damn it! I was wondering why the first stop of the bald eagle superhero was not the bald eagle, but the sinful place of Shenzhou.”

“However, there are countless videos on the Internet! As proof… There have been special effects artists who have come out to confirm that all of these are true.”

confused, confused, uneasy,

Waiting all day and night, let the flame of excitement be completely extinguished.

Just when these people were wondering if this was an April Fool’s Day joke in the new century. People parading on the street all went back to their homes, and the atmosphere of the bald eagle gradually returned to the original powder keg…

The unimaginable happened!

All the people who were looking at computers, mobile phones, and watching TV all froze. The display screen in front of them went black at this moment, and then the screen changed dramatically

It was a man in steel armor, his eyes were sharp, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he had a unique charm of a superhero.

iron Man!

Everyone realized his true identity at the first moment. After a short silence, their eyes glowed, and they were extremely excited.

“It’s true! God, I knew it was a little joke Iron Man was playing on us.

“It’s great! It’s really great… the real Iron Man feels much more handsome than Robert Downey Jr.”

“Ah, I’m going to suffocate! How can there be such an excellent and perfect man in this world who can symbolize our bald eagle?”

Under the gaze of the entire bald eagle…

“Friends of the Bald Eagle, hello.” Tony Stark showed a bright smile, “You can see me because I let Favis hijack all the network signals inside the Bald Eagle!”

“I’m sorry for the trouble this may cause you, but… this is what I have to do! Because I have to show my will to all the bald eagles, and explain my next steps What to do. Time is urgent, so I can only do this.”

Countless people whistled excitedly.

“It’s okay! It’s just a little trouble.

“My God! He’s so handsome…”

“You just hijacked the entire Bald Eagle network with hacking techniques… Man, isn’t that super cool?!”

No one said it was illegal.

But in the next moment, the expressions on their faces all froze…

Tony Stark shifted his camera, and one after another, men, women, men and women who were tied to chairs, with horrified faces and socks stuffed in their mouths, struggling hard, appeared in everyone’s eyes.

There was a dead silence.

Especially many people inside, they are not unfamiliar. The bald eagle’s bald eagle, even several previous bald eagles, important officials from various parties, and many big capitalists who are extremely high-profile outside…

Tony Stark said calmly, “The first thing I’m going to do…is a trial!”

“First of all, Lolita Island.” Tony Stark spit out the name, with haze in his eyes, he took a few breaths, and then suppressed his anger and palpitations, “Jarvis, will you The searched information, videos, coded and then played.”

The screen changes.

Then, there was that scene, a picture that surpassed the limit of human acceptance.

Those big figures beyond their imagination, they laughed wildly, unscrupulously, unscrupulously venting the evil of mankind, completely ignoring the so-called human rights and freedom.

Quiet, suffocated, dazed.

It’s not just the bald eagle…Although Tony Stark just hijacked the bald eagle’s signal, there are already many people overseas, the first time they saw Tony Stark, they took Tony Tucker’s The live broadcast was forwarded to other countries.

People from other countries naturally also saw this scene through the live broadcast one by one.

It can even be said that half of the world except the bald eagle is staring at Tony Stark.

Finally, those crimes were fully exposed.

“Before I came to this world, I thought about many, many things! What would a bald eagle in this world look like.” The picture turned to Tony Stark again, his eyes were a little deep, and his voice was bitter.

“I thought, in this world without Hydra, without those evil great scientists, without Ultron, without aliens, without Thanos… even without me, without the Avengers, people can live well .”

“But I was wrong!” Tony Stark smiled wearily, and he waved his hand, “Hawkeye, let’s do it! The people on the reservation list will be removed…all of them will be resolved! For the sake of the beautiful blue sky tomorrow.”

Immediately, countless people who were familiar or unfamiliar to the audience who had participated in Lolita Island were all executed by the expressionless Hawkeye next to him with a knife.

Blood was spilled, and everyone realized that Iron Man was playing for real.

After a brief silence, the pot exploded. Especially the various live broadcasts on the web, with dense bullet screens passing by.


Falk, this… Falk squid, what happened!”

“God! Iron Man…he did such a thing? I don’t…I don’t!”

“It’s so cool! It’s really cool. It should be like this, kill all those bastards! It’s because of these idiots that the bald eagle will look like this now

“Freedom is completely dead at this moment!”

“My God, this Iron Man is not at all the same as the Iron Man we understand

“Damn it, Iron Man is really a wayward playboy! It’s normal to do anything. What about Captain Citi? Where is Captain Citi who symbolizes freedom and democracy? Where are you now? Why don’t you show up quickly and get rid of Iron Man Xia!”

“Yeah, come out now! Captain Citi……Only you can save the bald eagle now.”

Joy, bewilderment, fear, indifference…all kinds of beings.

However, those who are afraid and dazed are basically the upper-middle-class people. The ones who were ecstatic were the lower classes, no matter if they were white or black, no matter if they were homeless in a big city, or rednecks in the south, they were all crazy at this moment, shouting frantically Long live Iron Man.

They are eager to change this evil and dark world! They have been eager for too long…..

They thought that the last eagle could change everything, but the final result disappointed them. But, finally, the two fictitious characters who can best represent the symbol of the bald eagle came out of the movie, and resolutely attacked the bald eagle.

“Next is…” Tony Stark spit out one name after another expressionlessly. Many of them, even Judahs

Those crimes and the suffocating evidence made even those who were ecstatic at first stunned at this moment.

‥…ask for flowers…

Because there are too many!

More than you can imagine.

All of this is even beyond the limits of their acceptance.

They even feel how difficult it is for them to live such a big life. This so-called bald eagle, this so-called free country, may be the most suitable to be crowned the name of the land of evil.

A Shenzhou fan Red software.

Chu Bai clicked into the software, intending to watch some dramas, but when he glanced at it, his expression became strange.

Now the top ten live broadcasts are all broadcast by Bald Eagle. He clicked in casually…and found that the bullet screen was densely packed, and there were even countless people shooting rockets.

“This is the Liberty Lamp


“Dark! It’s so fucking dark…I’ve never thought about lighthouses with the worst malice, but I didn’t expect that the lighthouse could break down like this.”

“The cataclysm three years ago was indeed caused by the bald eagle!”

“That’s right, that’s what it looks like! Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, everything is born to support people, and people have nothing to repay the sky. Hahahaha!”

“Starting today! Iron Man is my idol. Captain Citi? Who is he? Sorry, I don’t know him at all.”

“It’s awesome! It’s really amazing…”

“Wait a minute, let me take a look!” In addition to cheering for fear that the world will not be chaotic, there are also many logic-minded people who are carefully sorting out the situation, but the clearer the more confused, “I’m completely

I don’t know what’s going on now, I’m so stupid. ”

Many people responded to it below, “Iron Man is not a super capitalist? Why did he resolutely betray his own class? He came up with this kind of show operation?”

“I don’t understand, but I’m shocked!”

“I understand, it turns out that under Iron Man’s thin body, there is really a piece of steel hidden!”

“Trough, don’t think I don’t know who the steel you’re talking about is!”

“Is there a possibility, I mean supposition, that the creator of Iron Man .

“Stop talking nonsense! You have to understand that in the comics, no matter which version of the comics, it doesn’t say that Iron Man will go that way…Superman has a version of Red Superman





It goes on and on.

Keep dying…

Even in the end, the audience felt numb after killing them. Almost all the people at the scene were killed.

The remaining dozens of people are the real big shots of Bald Eagle. What they have in common is that, without exception, they all have the right to launch peace eggs.

Tony Stark took off the sock from the owl’s mouth.

“Fack, Tony Stark!” The old eagle’s eyes popped out, he stared at Tony Stark, his voice was hoarse, as if he was watching the murder of his father and enemy, “Why are you doing this?

Do? How dare you do it? How do you have a reason to do it?”


The owl couldn’t understand it at all, he was sad, angry and desolate, he gritted his teeth, he was confused and frightened.

He was even thinking, is this person really Iron Man?!

Or, is he actually Iron Man from some parallel world that we didn’t draw?

Owl even hates Marvel together. He is even thinking that if he can go back alive, then he will definitely do whatever it takes in the future to put all the things related to Marvel

Movies are all closed.

“I’m very sorry,” Tony Stark stared at the bald eagle, he said quietly, “but this is the only way to save the bald eagle.”

“Is your method to kill us? Kill the real elite of the bald eagle? Ah! You will only destroy the bald eagle like this.”

It’s…you really deserve to die!”

“I didn’t!” Tony Stark paused, he suddenly turned his head to look at the screen, and said quietly, “I know what you are thinking! I have watched the Avengers…”

As soon as these words came out, he was immediately shocked.

But after a short period of noisy and mutual communication, the audience thought about it, and felt that this was indeed very reasonable… It’s all coming to reality, and it would be strange if they didn’t watch it.

“However, the future I experienced! It is different from what you have seen.

Tony Stark relaxed at this moment instead, he sat on the chair calmly, talked to the camera, nostalgia appeared in his eyes, “It was a period far more than the movie.

Shadows, darker, more desperate, and more painful years. ”

The high-level Eagle Sauce, who had been struggling, also became quiet at this moment. After looking at each other, they listened with different expressions.

They are also very curious about Iron Man’s journey of change along the way.

They really wondered how Iron Man turned from the backbone of a free society to such a vicious judge. This is no longer unreasonable.


“Jarvis, let’s start!” Iron Man clapped his hands, Jarvis understood his words, and then projected an illusory image through his helmet.

Iron Man said: “I’m just narrating… It’s hard for you to empathize! So you can see for yourself.”

On the virtual screen, Iron Man created Ultron, but Ultron was completely out of control, screen five. .

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