Create The Salvation Army And Save The Three-Body Broken Ball At The Beginning

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Eagle Sauce Representative: If You Do This, You Lose Mao Xiong, You Lose The Country, You Lose The Country, You Lose The Country, And You Can’T Even Beat Ah San In The End

And the pirates…

At this moment, the mood is equally dignified.

Whether it’s the Four Emperors or the Common Pirates, they don’t think Chu Bai is their own.

But even if she is as strong as Big Mom, with a white beard and red hair, she dare not refuse Chu Bai’s call… Honestly, she is ready to go to Marie Gioia for a meeting.

The world government, they won’t give face if they don’t give face, and the world government will not drag out their background and fight them to death just because they offend them…

But at this moment, the new god standing in Marie Gioia, with a casual strike before, the radiated light and heat enveloped the whole world…

If they don’t show face, they will make that person angry… Will a sun suddenly fall from the sky and burn them, including their people and boats?

In the face of absolute power, no one has the confidence to refute. Only obey!

at the same time.

After Chu Bai returned to normal size, he opened any door. He found his own time-space portal, and transferred the connection point of the time-space portal from Ghost Island to Marie Gioia.

Stretching his body and bones, Chu Bai just returned to the base from the time-space gate with a relaxed face, and was surrounded by a group of astronauts. Their faces were full of panic.

“Boss, something is wrong, the sun has changed.”

“Boss, boss… Could it be that the aging of the sun is irreversible? Even you can’t do it? Otherwise, let’s shrink the earth and go to Proxima Centauri!”

“Boss, please… save our world.”

Chu Bai: “????”

After being dazed for a while, Chu Bai pieced together the truth from the scattered words of this group of people. Then the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

This seems… to be his fault!

Ahem, but Chu Bai said, this cannot be admitted.

“Go, go, there is nothing wrong with the sun!” Chu Bai drove everyone away with a wave of his hand, and said with a serious face, “It’s just that the sun and Jinwu stretched their waists.”

“You guys are so flustered! How decent are you?”

Chu Bai said earnestly, “You have to change your thinking. The sun is no longer a star, but a life… Do you know what life is?”

“Life will think about going to sleep, thinking about being lazy, fishing, and losing your temper when you are angry… These mood swings will cause the sun to change! So the change in the solar constant is very reasonable…but that’s it.”

“Sun Jinwu has such a close relationship with me… If something goes wrong with him, I will be the first to know! Do you need to remind me?”

Chu Bai’s grumpy explanation quickly dispelled everyone’s doubts.

However, when this group of people sent the news back to the world of Wandering Earth in a top-heavy manner, many high-level officials on Wandering Earth who heard the news all fell silent, and their moods were extremely complicated… Of course, the astronauts who delivered the news were also in a very complicated mood.


The sun came alive! Became a Golden Crow!

It wasn’t until this moment that they really felt it.

Many people came to the window and looked at the sky, the corners of their mouths twitching wildly, not knowing how to express their emotions for a while.

“Good guy! The Golden Crow will go on strike. If he goes on strike! Wouldn’t the earth be doomed?” Liu Peiqiang looked at the sun speechlessly.

“It’s good to be able to work.” Zhang Peng rolled his eyes. Although he was also speechless, his brain was still clear. “At least, the Golden Crow is on strike, and the boss will coordinate. It will definitely not affect the earth! And we are now They all turned to Boss.”

On the other side…

The leader of the astronauts in Eagle Sauce followed behind the representative in Eagle Sauce, frowning tightly, and said in a low voice, “Sir, could this be… a warning from that gentleman?”

Although he didn’t say it directly, the representative of Yingjiang understood what he meant.

Yes, strictly speaking, after saving the earth, they no longer need Chu Bai.

Considering that Chu Bai will not be stationed here for a long time, then they must obey Chu Bai’s opinion on the surface, but in fact… cough cough! Continue to get high.

Even if they were obedient to others, what could Chu Bai do? Didn’t you say that the Salvation Army is an organization that saves the world? And we will abide by your opinion no matter what, at least on the surface.

You won’t want to yell at us just because we’ve been a little lazy in private and made some money… right? That would be too impersonal.


This perfect plan was canceled by this change of the sun.

It dawned on them that the sun had only superficially solved the problem. In fact, the gate of life is held in the palm of Chu Bai…

If they want to morally kidnap Chu Bai, if they want to act against others, and make Chu Bai empty… Chu Bai can completely wave his hand and order the sun to stop working.

And when they ask Chu Bai here, Chu Bai can also say that Jinwu can’t take a rest after working for so many years? Just block them out of words…

After a brief silence, the representative of Eagle Sauce stretched out his hand and slapped the leader of the astronaut viciously, “What nonsense are you talking about? Mr. Secretary-General is dedicated to serving the people and working hard to save our world. How dare you slander him like this? What are your intentions! You are a wolf! You are a beast.”

tnnd, can you think and talk about this thing? !

It’s because this thing is real… tmd can’t say it!

“I see, I know I was wrong.” After being stunned for a while, the astronaut leader Yingjiang came to his senses, trembling all over, and lowered his head in fear.

“Submit a 10,000-word apology letter to Mr. Chu. Ask for Mr. Chu’s forgiveness!” The representative of Yingjiang said with a cold face, “Don’t ask me what will happen if you don’t get Mr. Chu’s forgiveness… I think, You know…”

Eagle Sauce Space Leader: “…”

No, he didn’t want to be clear.

“By the way,” the representative of Yingjiang thought of something, and added, “Even if Mr. Chu doesn’t forgive you, you must take all the sins on yourself! Don’t cause trouble for our Yingjiang country …”

“Now we are at a disadvantage in the competition with Shenzhou, if, if…” Representative Yingjiang couldn’t continue, fear appeared on his face.

Yes, although Eagle Sauce still has its heritage, it is not inferior to Shenzhou. But all this is not worth Chu Bai’s preferences…

Chu Bai only needs to show his dislike for Ying Jiang, that’s fine, Mao Xiong burst out laughing, and Lie Ying became the second strongest in the world.

Even if Chu Bai said two bad words, then good guy, Ying Jiang will probably be isolated from the whole world… If it is really blocked by the world for decades, it is hard to imagine how much Ying Jiang’s national power will plummet…

At that time, Yingjiang will be more powerful than the country, after defeating Maoxiong, defeating the country, defeating the country, losing to the country… In the end, maybe even Ah San can’t compare! Nothing to lose.

“I won’t cause any trouble for the Ying sauce pot.” The leader of the Ying sauce spacemen comprehended the craftsman spirit of the foot pot chicken, bowed deeply, and made a private Masai.

at the same time.

The underground base of the magic city.

Chu Bai stood in the data center with a serious expression, “Queen Queen! Give me a batch of t800 robots… By the way, how many t800 robots do we have now?”

“Report! At present, the number of t800 robots stationed at the base has exceeded 1,000, and the number of robots that can be manufactured every day is also increasing. We are constantly expanding production capacity.” The Queen’s voice did not show any emotional fluctuations.

“Very good, call all these robots!” Chu Bai nodded and waved his hand. Anyway, there are a bunch of tool people in the base now… Ahem, members of the Salvation Army, and the Queen’s assistant… The t800 will not affect the operation if all the t800s are gone.

Through the portal of time and space, after coming to the One Piece Marie Gioia…

“Boss, where are we next?” The Queen’s body carried by the t800, who was at the front of more than a thousand t800 wearing black suits and black sunglasses, asked the exit.

“Take care of the people who are still alive in Mary Joya!” Chu Bai rubbed his brows, his figure disappeared for a few seconds, and then reappeared, with a tired sigh, “At least we must build a new order .”

After the Draconians were all killed, the slaves were apparently out of control. There are many slaves crazily robbing Marie Gioia’s gold and silver treasures, and opened zero yuan purchases… just like Yingjiang. After all, human nature is like this!

Chu Bai can still turn a blind eye to purely fishing for gold and silver treasures. Anyway, for him who has technology, money is the most important thing.

But this group of people are scrambling and killing each other, this is what Chu Bai can’t tolerate…

Fortunately, he has a superhuman ability. His super hearing ability allows him to detect all the incidents of Marie Gioia’s slaves killing each other…Teleportation allows him to stop these incidents in an instant…But this way, after all, it won’t cure the symptoms.

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