Create The Salvation Army And Save The Three-Body Broken Ball At The Beginning

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 The Sun Comes Into The World! Radiation Throughout The One Piece World! Shake The World

“Stupid and arrogant guy.” Im stared at Chu Bai indifferently.

Chu Bai peeped into Im’s face through super vision, he narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his palm, and the gravitational wave affected him. The hood was torn apart in an instant.

And the face exposed in the sun made everyone in the world gasp and feel their scalps go numb.

Im’s eyes were in a strange state of circles, and at the same time, her face had strange tentacles one after another, and these tentacles fluttered as if they were alive. At the end of the tentacles, from time to time, it turned into small Black hands, and from time to time, it turned into sharp spikes…

That’s not human.

Just looking at it can make people feel physical discomfort.

“My God, what kind of monster is this?”

“This… this is, is this the ruler of the world government? We have been ruled by this monster?”

“That, what that person said is true!”

In the past, only powerful people had some faith in Chu Bai’s words. But after seeing Im’s face, more than 80% of Common people directly believed what Chu Bai said before was true.

Human beings are greatly influenced by vision.

“… I was careless.” Im was silent for a while, and then put the matter behind him, “It doesn’t matter, anyway, everyone will die in the end.”

As soon as this remark came out, it was equivalent to acquiescing to Chu Bai’s previous words.

The whole world was in an uproar at this moment.

The ships of the Navy Headquarters, the generals, the generals and the major generals all had serious and ugly faces.

They knew very well that as the leader of the world government, Im must have no problem with his IQ. Dare to say such a thing when the brain is fine, it means that Im has the absolute confidence to suppress the whole world… This is the worst news for them.

“Desperate.” Garp laughed suddenly, he stood up and stretched his bones, his eyes were burning with fierce fighting spirit, “It is not a romantic thing to die to enforce one’s own justice.” something?”

If we talk about the past, the justice of the navy has been stained with an indelible stain because of the existence of the Tianlong people. So now, in order to protect the world, they resisted the Tianlong people and the world government. Even if they died in the end, they also washed away the stains and made justice flawless again.

A short sentence from the naval hero rekindled the fighting spirit of all the marines present.

“Karp…” Sengoku stared at his old friend with relief. At critical times, you can always trust naval heroes. Because with his excellent judgment, keen eyesight, and strong strength, he influenced the pride of the entire navy, saved the navy more than once, and stabilized the situation in the sea.

“Maybe it’s the last battle.” Zhan Guo stared at the live broadcast of the phone bug calmly. How could he not be afraid before?

But after Garp’s words, the fear of the Warring States Period disappeared, only relief remained. Death, hadn’t he been prepared for it the day he joined the navy long ago?

Mary Joa.

“You are very powerful!” Im slowly raised his palm, “But unfortunately, you shouldn’t eat the devil fruit.”

Devil fruit is the embodiment of desire.

For the master of the new era who survived the era of the great kingdom eight hundred years ago, the technology and power she controls are beyond the imagination of modern people.

“Roar!” Kaido suddenly let out a terrifying roar, with a ferocious face and blue dragon scales emerging from his body, he punched Chu Bai in the direction of Chu Bai.


People all over the world watched this scene in bewilderment. Why is it inexplicable that there is an internal fight?

But at the next moment, Chu Bai stretched out his palm and clasped Kaido’s hand. The power of the dark fruit suppressed Kaido’s Azure Dragon fruit power.

Kaido returned to normal, his pupils dilated slightly. After realizing what he had done, his body shivered subconsciously, his scalp was numb, and he was quite afraid of Chu Bai, so now he turned him into an earthworm with his backhand.

He squeezed out an ugly smile towards Chu Bai, “Chu, Chu, Chu…”

“No need to explain, I know what happened.” Chu Bai let go of his fist, his voice was calm, “Devil fruit, the essence is the essence of desire. It is the top technology of the huge kingdom eight hundred years ago.”

He looked at Im who was puzzled and dignified in his eyes, “Since you have swallowed the fruit that symbolizes desire, it is normal for others to affect your desire and thus affect your own emotions, right? ”

“You…what’s going on?” Im was silent for a long time, and asked in confusion, “Have you really eaten a devil fruit?”

Why can’t she influence Chu Bai.

“Die with peace of mind.” In response, Chu Bai just slowly stretched out his hand and suddenly clenched his fist.

In the next instant, a terrifying energy that was too hot to describe in words exploded.

“Golden Crow, lend me your strength.”

Wandering earth world.

The gigantic Golden Crow, which merged with the sun, slowly opened its eyes and let out a loud cry. The power of the sun was sent to another world by him at this moment.

Of course, this big movement soon alarmed the earth, which is always paying attention to the sun. It can be said that once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of a well snake for ten years.

The coalition government panicked.

The representatives of various countries who were drinking tea and chatting calmly were all stunned after hearing the news from 550w.

The representative of Yingjiang was rolling and crawling, and Zhou Zhe ran out of the speed of athletes… All the representatives rushed to the world channel opened by Chu Bai, shouting at the members of the patrolling space team inside, the languages ​​of different countries are different. The moment came together, interwoven with the same meaning.

“The sun is changing, hurry up and ask Mr. Chu Bai to save the world!!”

Naturally, Chu Bai didn’t know how the Golden Crow’s full-strength mobilization shocked and panicked the upper echelons of the wandering earth world.

He only felt an indescribable powerful energy pouring into his body continuously from the void. This sun’s energy can’t even carry him…

He pushed forward subconsciously, all the energy seemed to find a vent, and swept out.

Endless light and heat erupted.

It was as if the sun had come crashing down on the world.

The indifferent and aloof Yimu only had time to widen his eyes in shock, and he didn’t even have time to say anything. Then the five old stars behind him were submerged by the red torrent.

This was just the beginning, the scorching energy swept through and was led to the sky by Chu Bai. After all, this force hits the ground directly. Even if the planet cannot be blown up, the planet under your feet can be turned into a lava star…

Maybe, except for those with natural devil fruit abilities, all life will be wiped out.

The atmosphere was pierced through with a bang.

More than 99% of the energy radiates to the endless space.

However, the remaining one percent of energy is refracted along the atmosphere.

The people in the world of One Piece saw the horror that they could never forget in their whole life.

Its daybreak.

Bright and scary.

No matter when, no matter where, the brilliance of the sky is instantly stronger countless times. Even the temperature rose sharply, although after a few breaths it began to drop slowly.

Whitebeard Pirates: “???”

Big Mom Pirates: “???”

Pirates sailing on the sea: “???”

Residents from all over the world who watched the whole process: “…?!”

The Common people who didn’t watch the live broadcast and didn’t know what happened, their faces were full of panic and fear: “!!!”

The Red Hair Pirates.

Beckman was standing on the watchtower, trying his best to call on the crew to turn the ship, and then, he finished watching the terrifying scene. His expression froze.

There was a dead silence for a long time, until a news bird floated in the sky and made a loud chirp, which woke them up.

“?? Damn, what happened?”


“The sky suddenly dawned, and the temperature seemed to rise to fifty degrees in an instant?”

“Watching the live broadcast, is there a possibility…”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

The crowd was excited, and everyone subconsciously denied it, their faces pale.

“How far is it from Mary Gioia to us? Even if we try our best, it will take at least two to three days to reach the Red Earth Continent. The temperature on our side has risen fifty degrees, and this, this, this…”

“Yes, yes! Although that person is very strong, it shouldn’t be possible for him to be so strong… He is no longer a human being.”

“Yeah, I’m afraid the real gods are nothing more than that?!”

Everyone nodded.

“…I know everyone really doesn’t want to admit this!” Shanks said suddenly, staring at the sky with a heavy face, and sighed suddenly, “But it’s a pity, it’s true.”

The scene fell silent.

“That’s right,” Beckman jumped down from the observation deck, with a complicated look on his face, “My knowledge and knowledge made me feel the fluctuations that erupted in the direction of the Red Earth Continent, so intense that it cannot be described in words. ”

“I only know that most of the energy has been vented into outer space. Only a very small part of the energy has passed over our heads…”

The scene was still eerily quiet, only people looked up at the direction of the sky stiffly. Or the brain is scared blank, or doubts about life.

Mostly… cathartic universe?

Is it just a small part that lights up the top of their heads? !

“Correct one sentence. It’s not lighting up our heads!” Shanks lowered his eyes and added quietly, “It’s lighting up the whole planet.”

As a pirate, but also a super pirate. They have naturally circled the world and know that the ground under their feet is round.

Moreover, the sun always only shines on one side of the earth, and correspondingly, the other side that is not illuminated by the sun is always night. The sun and the earth revolve, night and day interweave…

But just now, this iron law that has been running for hundreds of millions of years was broken.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their minds blank.

They have already realized that all living beings in the world have received their previous treatment… Regardless of time, place and status, the same light is truly and fairly shined!

But… this is only a small part of the power of that ray of brilliance.

Shock, horror, fear, bewilderment… Too many complex emotions were entangled together, making them unable to say anything.

Actually, it’s not just them…

The rest of the Four Royal Regiments, the top powerhouses in the sea, and even the Navy Headquarters… also have knowledgeable and domineering masters. They sensed something similar…

The worldviews of all those who learned the truth were shattered.

Even before the sky fell, he was not afraid of the sky falling. The optimistic and heroic Garp now lowered his eyes, not in the mood to eat senbei, and worried.

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