Counterattack Strategies

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Anti-Werewolf Raiders (11)

Because the Black Knights were suddenly able to capture werewolves very powerfully and accurately, and because of the werewolves captured in the city of Lesia and nearby villages before, the current situation of the White Knights has become very embarrassing.

Chucks wants to resolve the current embarrassing situation of the White Knights, so he can only show a stronger ability than the Black Knights, that is, to capture more werewolves than the Black Knights.

And Bonia also felt that Chucks’ trust in him had been shaken. In order to stabilize Chucks’ heart and eliminate the doubts of the public, the only thing Bonia can do now is to find out more. werewolf.

So while the Black Knights captured a large number of werewolves, the White Knights also began to capture a large number of werewolves. The two sides were like a competition, and the competition was unprecedentedly fierce.

This is exactly what Lu Jingqian and Antwin wanted, because it would allow more werewolves to be wiped out, which would be of great benefit to humans in the long run. So they were not in a hurry to reveal the identity of the Wolf King Bonia immediately. Maybe Bonia was forced to expose his identity by accident.

Both knight orders are actively arresting werewolves. Even if the public has doubts about Bonia and the White Knights, they are temporarily patient.

During the arrest process, members of the Knights will definitely encounter werewolves who strongly resist and want to escape, so they will inevitably be injured. If you are injured by a werewolf, you can still use ordinary medicine to treat it if it is a minor injury. If you are seriously injured, it is difficult to heal without the medicine specially prepared by the witch doctor.

Some members of the Black Knights were also injured recently, so Lu Jingqian felt that it was time to take out the hidden medicines. With Antwin’s current affection for him, even if all the medicines were handed over to him, there was nothing to worry about. .

After dinner that day, Lu Jingqian said to Antwin, “Can you accompany me to a place tonight?”

“Where?” Antwin looked at Lu Jingqian, wondering why he wanted to go out at night.

“When I was young, my father would choose one night every year to accompany me to watch the night view on the clock tower.” Lu Jingqian said, “Now that he is gone, can you accompany me?”

“Of course.” Antwin didn’t hesitate at all. After listening to Lu Jingqian’s words, he immediately agreed, “As long as I’m free, I can accompany you anytime, no matter how many times I go.”

Lu Jingqian smiled and said, “Thank you.”

Looking at Lu Jingqian’s smile, Antwin suddenly felt determined to protect this smile, because he wanted his face to always have only a happy expression, and no sad or sad expressions.

After it got dark for a while, a group of Black Knights gathered outside Antwin’s house to **** Lu Jing to the clock tower. Although the werewolves in Lesia City, except for those mixed in with the White Knights, the others were all solved by the Black Knights. But if you travel at night, you still need to be prepared.

Lu Jingqian sat in the carriage and looked out. The street outside was empty. In the houses along the street, every house was lit with lights. Occasionally, people could be seen walking inside from the windows of the houses.

After reaching the bottom of the clock tower, the Black Knights first went up to check the situation, but after confirming that there was no problem, Antwin helped Lu Jingqian open the carriage door and helped him get out of the carriage.

This bell tower is really tall. When Lu Jingqian finally climbed to the top, sweat was on his forehead. Lu Jingqian took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and Antwin put on the cloak he brought. Because they were standing on a high place, the wind was a little strong at night, and Antwin worried that he would be ill if he was blown by the wind.

After Lu Jingqian finished wiping off his sweat and his breathing calmed down, he lowered his head and looked outside the wall. The lights in the city looked like they were looking at the starry sky.

Although Lu Jingqian didn’t feel much about it, he just thought it was okay. But when Xillen saw such a scene for the first time when he was a child, he must have been very shocked and very proud. Because in this city, maybe only his father took him to see such a night scene at that time.

“When I was young, my father would bring me here once a year. After each visit, this image was very clear in my mind for a whole year.” Lu Jingqian squinted his eyes and looked at it seriously for a while and said, “In After coming here a few times, I discovered a secret that only my father and I know, and now I share it with you.”

Lu Jingqian stretched out his finger, gestured in the air and said to Antwin, “When all the lights in this city are on, there is a five-pointed star in this direction, can you see it?”

As soon as Antwin heard that the secret that only he and his father knew was going to be shared with him, he didn’t care whether the secret was really a secret, and immediately looked in the direction Lu Jingqian was gesticulating, and looked at it seriously . Like Lu Jingqian, he squinted his eyes for a while, and he really saw the shape of a five-pointed star.

“My father once told me,” Lu Jingqian said, “he would leave me some treasures at the five tops of the five-pointed star. If something happened to him one day, these treasures would be mine. The greatest reliance.”

“After dawn tomorrow, go and help me take out the treasures that my father left me.” Lu Jingqian turned to look at Antwin and said.

Antwin was also looking at Lu Jingqian. When Lu Jingqian turned his head, their eyes met. Then Lu Jingqian was stunned, because Antwin’s eyes seemed to have an abyss in the universe, which made him feel out of his body for a moment, and his body froze completely. Not only did he forget to move, he even forgot to breathe. He stood there completely motionless, as if under a spell of immobilization.

So when Antwin lowered his head and kissed him, he couldn’t react at all except his eyes widened instinctively. He thought in his heart that he should resist and push him away, how could they kiss? This is something that can only be done between lovers. He is very conservative, not the kind of person who can kiss anyone casually. Although his heart resisted fiercely, his body didn’t respond at all.

Lu Jingqian was in a daze. He somehow lost a piece of memory. He didn’t remember when Antwin ended the kiss, nor did he remember when they came back. When he recovered, he had already Lie on the bed after washing.

Lu Jingqian sat up suddenly from the bed, his mind was full of the picture of Antwin kissing him now, even if he tried hard to stop himself from playing this picture repeatedly in his mind, it was useless at all, the picture There is simply no way to stop. Holding his burning and hot face in his hands, he felt his heart beating so fast that it was about to jump out of his chest.

Lu Jingqian didn’t know what happened to him, wasn’t it just a kiss? Even if he was taken advantage of, a big man won’t lose a piece of flesh after being kissed. Although the kissing time seems to be a bit long, and Antwin seems to kiss deeply, but he has no feelings for him. Why did he Will it become so strange? !

After struggling for a long time, Lu Jingqian finally calmed down. He felt that he was too strange. This reaction was obviously abnormal. Is there something wrong?

Lu Jingqian thought for a long time, and finally remembered that the system told him that in addition to checking other people’s favorability and various attribute values, he could also check his own favorability and various attributes. attribute value. At that time, he felt that it was indeed necessary to check the attribute value of ability, but was it necessary to check his own favorability with others?

But at this moment, Lu Jingqian couldn’t say why. He always felt that since the item of checking his favorability with others existed, it must be useful. So he closed his eyes and turned on the system, turned on his favorability with others, and chose Antwin’s name.

After seeing his favorability for Antwin, Lu Jingqian couldn’t help covering his mouth, it was the same, his favorability for Antwin was exactly the same as Antwin’s favorability for him of. Lu Jingqian turned his brain to think hard about the reason, and the answer he could think of was that when Antwin’s affection for him increased, his affection for Antwin would also increase.

In order to confirm whether his guess was correct, Lu Jingqian sent a message to the system master, and then lay down and waited for a reply.

When he was in another world, he couldn’t talk to the system directly. He had to wait for his soul to return to the original world. If he wanted to contact the main brain, he could only send a message.

After waiting for about five minutes, the system received a reply from the mastermind. The content of the reply confirmed that Lu Jingqian’s guess was correct. However, the increase in Lu Jingqian’s affection for Antwin was not controlled by the system, but caused by the mutual restraint of souls between the two of them. Moreover, their mutual emotions are independent and real emotions, not controlled or fabricated by external forces.

Lu Jingqian thought, if it is said that their feelings for each other are self-generated and real, and Antwin’s affection for him has reached the level of love. So in other words, he has fallen in love with Antwin too? ! How can this be? !

That’s why after he was kissed by Antwin, his heart beat faster and his face burned? Because he fell in love with Antwin?

Lu Jingqian couldn’t accept this fact for a while, and sent several messages to the system master in succession, asking why there was a soul tie between him and Antwin, and what exactly was the so-called soul tie?

Lu Jingqian waited and waited, but the system master never replied to him, and he kept sending messages to urge him. Then the system showed that because he sent too many messages, the mastermind had blocked him and refused to receive any messages from him. The blocking time was three days.

Lu Jingqian sighed, could only hug the quilt and stare at the top of the bed, and continued to struggle silently.

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