Count of Wizards

Chapter 49

Chapter 48 Reunion

“Child, did you see the bullet that I took out of his wound yesterday? Do you know why the bullet is silver instead of normal black?” Looking at the suspicious color in her granddaughter’s eyes, Mary Grandma hesitated for a while, and finally sighed and slowly said:

Varga shook his head in a puzzled way. For a girl like her, she didn’t understand what all this meant.

“That silver bullet is a magic bullet. Only the Police Department and Storm Church in the whole city of Luen have this bullet! The person who shot Connor Ferguson last night should be from the Police Department and Storm Church!” Grandma Mary calmed down. The analysis said:

Varga was surprised to cover her small mouth. She had never thought about it. She opened her mouth instinctively to refute what her grandmother said for Connor, but before she could say it, she thought of yesterday. Before Connor fell into a coma at night, remember to keep everything secret, don’t call the police or tell the church.

Although she is not deeply involved in the world, it does not mean that she is stupid. She realized that maybe the truth is as her grandmother said.

Grasping the slender hand of her granddaughter with pity, Grandma Mary decided that since she had said that, she would report another slam dunk, “My Varga, I’m afraid you don’t know it, Connor Ferguson is a junior wizard apprentice!” And since he is a wizard, he was hit by the demon-breaking bullets representing the Police Department and the Storm Church. What does this mean, should you understand Varga? Connor Ferguson is an evil dark wizard!”

“Boy, you might say that the dark wizards are not necessarily all bad guys, but I want to tell you that I feel a strong resentment from Connor Ferguson. Connor has killed people recently, including last night. One, even if there is no such big grievance in the murder under normal circumstances, it is very likely that Connor was tortured and killed!”

“So, stay away from Connor Ferguson! He is an evil dark wizard!” Grandma Mary was serious, and solemnly warned her granddaughter.

“No…this is not true!”

Varga hugged herself in pain. For her grandmother, Varga was obviously unacceptable, but she was rationally told that her grandmother would not lie to her.



Connor, who was walking staggeringly on Rand Street, didn’t know that his old bottom had been knocked out.

“Hey, why does Temo hurt so much?”

“You said that if you pretend to be you, if you have a thicker skin, can you not commit this crime?”

At this moment, Connor’s angular face, sweat drops falling to the ground drop by drop, his face is extremely pale, although his luck is very good, until now the wound on his chest has not broken again, but Tetmo hurts!

To use a line from a bad movie that Connor had watched when he was still on earth, that is, “My heart is being delayed!”

reluctantly walked to the door of his apartment, a relaxed smile appeared on Connor’s face, and immediately he could lie on his comfortable little bed, do nothing, and be quiet to be a salted fish.


Opened the door with the key. Just as Connor walked into the apartment and was about to collapse on his sofa, Connor’s face changed abruptly and he took out his revolver from his back waist.

“Master Connor, it’s me!” Just as Connor was about to open the revolver, an old voice familiar to Connor came from the apartment.

“Old Victor?” Hearing this voice, Connor whispered in disbelief:

Following Connor’s voice, the croaking figure of old Victor emerged from the darkness of the apartment.

“Master Connor, I am glad to meet you!” A deep glance at Connor, Victor, who has always had a straight face, couldn’t help but a smile on his face.

“Old Victor Butler, so do I!” Connor reacted quickly, and he was relieved from the shock of Old Victor appearing in his apartment.

“Master Connor, are you injured?” Old Victor frowned and said with his eyes fixed on Connor’s left chest.

A wry smile appeared on his face, and Connor said with some rejoicing: “When I took advantage of the chaos that day, I followed up with an arbiter of the Church of the Storm. I couldn’t get rid of him. I had no choice but to fight with him. He did, but I was also badly injured, and it is only now that I have managed to deal with the injury and come back here.”

“Master Connor, do you mean that you killed the arbitrator who escaped?” Old Victor’s poker-like face didn’t change the slightest, but the muddy eyes looking at Connor were more. A touch of scrutiny.

Facing old Victor’s scrutiny eyes Connor didn’t dodge anything, and said with certainty: “I didn’t enter and killed him, and cremated his body and buried it in the ground. !”

“Master Connor, you did a great job. Every arbitrator of the Church of the Storm has a soul lamp. As long as the arbitrator dies, the soul lamp will be extinguished to remind the church. So after killing the arbitrator, you must clean up the scene and eliminate Trace!” Seeing Connor’s firm look, Old Victor nodded, complimenting Connor.

“Old Victor Butler, how about your side? Did the arbitrator find out my identity?” Connor hesitated for a moment, and asked the old Victor nervously. This question is about his wealth and life. He doesn’t take it seriously.

“Victor can do things, Master Connor, don’t worry, which two arbiters are left, the Storm Church can only look for them in the arms of their Storm Goddess!” He gave Connor a smile, old Victor. Duo directly gave Connor the most satisfying answer.

“It’s so good!” Connor nodded comfortably. The three arbiters who appeared that day should not have intentionally ambush, but made a mistake. Otherwise, the old Victor wouldn’t pay back with one enemy and three. Take it easy.

“Master Connor, the professor asked me to give this to you!” When Connor was in a good mood, the butler Victor handed him a quaint black ring.

With some doubts, he took the ring from the old Victor, and Connor looked at it carefully. In terms of style, this black ring is typical of the Byzantine style of the previous period, but it is not an antique to say that this ring is antique. Definitely not. The main material of this ring is obviously Persis’s Coulomb steel, and Coulomb steel was researched by Persis a hundred years ago. Byzantium was a Tertiary dynasty about five hundred years ago, and the time is absolutely absolute. I’m sorry.

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