Count of Wizards

Chapter 44

Chapter 43 Arbiter White

“Dip! Someone is tracking behind the subject at a speed of 500 meters, and it is expected to catch up with the subject in two minutes!”

Sandro Avenue was originally located at the edge of the urban area of ​​the North District. The cautious Connor did not return to his apartment directly. Instead, he ran for several kilometers in one breath, ran out of the city of Ruen and came to the suburbs. In a small forest, and just when Connor thought he had no chasing soldiers behind him, he could breathe a sigh of relief and was ready to return to his apartment, the auxiliary chip came to warn him.

“Chip, how many people are tracking?” Connor asked calmly with a sinking heart:

“Dip! One person! This person is suspected to be one of the two weaker in the fight against Victor at No.107 Sandro Avenue!” The chip did not drop the chain at the critical moment, and Connor quickly answered.

“Intermediate apprentice?” Hearing Chip’s description, Connor’s eyes lit up. Although he didn’t know what the Storm Church Arbiter was, from the words of Old Victor, he learned that the three who just appeared in the house. The arbitrators are a senior apprentice and two intermediate apprentices, and the description of the chip is one of the two with weaker aura. Obviously, the arbitrator of the storm church behind him will be an intermediate apprentice without accident. .

Connor is nervously determined in his heart, do you want to give him a vote! The chip’s assessment of his own strength is capable of fighting against the intermediate apprentice. Judging from this look of chasing after him, the tracker behind him can hardly get rid of him in the remaining two minutes. They were all caught by him, and his current position is just right for ambushing. It would be better to have mental arithmetic and unintentional now, and **** him all at once, life and death, wealth and wealth are in heaven!

A cruel color flashed on his face, Connor took out his pistol, loaded the bullets, held his breath and hid in the woods, quietly waiting for his prey to come!



White is an arbiter of the Church of the Storm, and what is an arbiter?

As the name suggests, the arbiter is the messenger of the Storm Church for the black wizards and arbitration!

Today is undoubtedly a very bad day for the arbitrator White. An informant in the church has lost contact for many days. The upper echelons of the church let White, a group of arbitrators, dispatch to the informant’s home to see if they can find anything. clue.

Originally, White thought that this task was just looking for clues and there would be no danger. However, the imagination is beautiful, and the reality is skinny. When they arrived at the informant’s home, they discovered where the dark wizard was. If it were just that, there would be no danger. What, the dark wizard, the arbiter has to deal with one or two incidents every month on average!

But something terrible happened. The dark wizard, who was covered by black smoke and had a somewhat rickety figure, turned out to be a senior wizard apprentice just like his leader David! In just about a minute of fighting, the three of them were suppressed by the dark wizard! The group leader David, who is also a senior wizard apprentice, saw that the situation was not good, as if he was seeking support, but before he could send the signal for help, he was hit by a powerful black spear from the big move of the black wizard!

White is a person who is afraid of death. When he sees the situation is bad, he will inevitably die. Under the urge to survive, he decisively abandons his companions and slips away in the scolding of his companions.

Although he is afraid of death, White is not stupid. He is well aware of the crime of abandoning injured companions. Once known by the church, even if he does not die, he will have to be a skinny, and the only way to prevent this from happening is to do meritorious service!

And there was an opportunity for meritorious service right before his eyes. Just when they were fighting with the senior apprentice black wizard, he perceived it through mental power, and was in the attic with the senior apprentice black wizard. The apprentice seemed to escape through the window. From this point of view, the senior apprentice Black Wizard actually seems to have broken off for that junior apprentice…

Obviously that junior apprentice should be an important person. To understand this, White did not even hesitate to track Connor. In his mind, Connor is a talisman. If he catches Connor, he can avoid it. Abandoning the punishment of his companions, and as the arbitrator of the Black Wizard carefully selected by the Storm Church, White still has two brushes. Through a secret technique, he quickly traced it through the breath left by Connor along the way. .


White glanced at the small woods that appeared in his vision with some surprise, the aura of the junior apprentice of the dark wizard he was following along the way was cut off.

“Kicky chick! Chick chick!” There were several bird chirps in the woods, and White’s eyes opened round, seeming to realize something, but before he could react, he just listened to six gunshots!

“Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!”

Six bullets tore the air to the center of White’s eyebrows heart, throat and so on.

White’s heart trembled, it was too sudden! He has no time to chant magic protection, so he can only rush to evade. He is only a wizard apprentice. He is not a wizard yet. He is hit by a bullet. Even if he does not die, he will be hit hard. Victor fought a battle, both mentally and physically exhausted. He dodged five of the six bullets, but was hit by the last one in the abdomen!

The abdomen hurts. Before the arbiter White had time to cover his stomach, he only saw a young man in black robe in front of him, releasing a black chain and attacking himself.

Seeing this arbiter was injured by his own bullet in the waist, red blood shed, Connor showed a satisfied smile on his face, Mahler Gobi, today I see you dying!

Realizing that he was being ambushed by someone with only a junior apprentice, White immediately flew into a rage, trying to vent his anger at Connor, but this thought only stayed in his mind for a second, and it had already been killed. The shadow chain in front of him made him recognize reality!

“Goddess of Storm is here! Is this Temo a magical power released by a junior apprentice?”

Although there are some doubts whether the horrible black chain spells in front of them are as horrible as the breath it shows, the arbiter White who is afraid of death naturally does not dare to experiment with his own life when he is injured…

White was a backflip as soon as he gritted his teeth, and the shadow chain passed White’s body dangerously, but although it did not hit White, it did not mean that White had nothing to do. The black arrogance attached to the shadow chain was like It was the ghost fire generally attached to White’s body.

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