Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 318


Chapter 318 Goodbye Luna

“You are despicable, you shameless.”

Spiritual Qi of two Divine Items said angrily.

Galleon smiled lightly, and said peacefully: “Abusive from the enemy is no different from praise to me.”

paused, his eyes sharpened, and said: “Then, tell me, what is your answer?”

“Submit to my will, or disobey me, and watch your previous owners sink in torture.”

After hearing Galleon’s blatant threat, the two Divine Item spirits fell silent.


Galleon condensed his strength into silk threads and intertwined them, moving towards the two Divine Items like a cobweb.

During this period, the two Divine Item spirits stared at him angrily, but they did not resist like Yueshao’s dive bow.

Because it’s not like the moonsoul diveine bow, only the saints are caught, not the deity deity.

Two Divine Items belonging to Demi-God, out of support and loyalty to their masters, in order to prevent their previous owners from being tortured at the hands of the enemy, they must not be unyielding from the Galleon. enemy.


Galleon was pleased with the responses of the two Divine Items.

As time passed quietly, the Galleon distribution made its own mark on the two Divine Items, and the rune gradually formed by the power of time gradually spread up and down the surface of the Divine Item, soaking inside and outside.

The Divine Force-like brand has been laid, and the spirit strength connection has been concluded. As a result, the minds of the two Divine Item spirits will gradually be distorted.

It won’t be long before they’ll come to the heart of Galleon.

Meanwhile, Galleon also knew the effect of two Divine Items.

When he was fighting with the Twin Flower Envoy, he actually knew about the same, but after becoming the owner of the Divine Item, he would know more in detail.

Among them, the quality of the shield of ten thousand wood is even better.

The most important thing is that in addition to the body of invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, it also comes with a Mystery Defense Formation, the dense forest barrier that has blocked Galleon many times. Gives two Demi-Gods a chance to breathe.

As for Qianhua Divine Sword, Galleon doesn’t really care much.

It’s versatile and can split into countless deadly petals when slashing, beautiful and dreamy and dangerous, but lethality is optional in Galleon’s eyes, unable to break his Clothes and scales.

Actually, to get a few Divine Items, it’s not that Galleon really needs them.

More is his collection psychology at play.

These spoíls of war are already his, so what if he still wants to be the previous owner?

To put away the amber for a few moments, Galleon played with the two Divine Items in the dragon’s nest for a while. After the freshness passed, he stopped tossing them and left. Dragon’s Nest.

When Galleon reaches the Dragon’s Lair directly with Spatial Teleportation.

Because the dragon breath belonging to the Lord of the Dragon Court has long been remembered by many True Dragons, the True Dragons stationed in his dragon nest in the northern hemisphere basically know that he is back.

Out of admiration for the Dragon of Time, with Galleon’s territory as the center, a large number of True Dragons gathered nearby at this time.

The stalwart silver giant dragon stands on the top of the mountain, the powerful dragon claw grasps the jagged rocks, and the dragon scales gleam in the golden sunlight, he looks all around, his eyes slightly At the same time, there is a storm-like billowing Dragon’s Might containing Galleon’s will.


An Immemorial Silver Dragon with a body length of more than forty meters vibrated its wings and came to the mountain where Galleon stood.

Nehemiah retracted his dragon wings and descended to a lower peak than Galleon.

“Are you looking for me for something?”

Unconsciously, Nehemiah’s title for Galleon becomes an honorific.

It’s really the Galleon’s breath at this time is too amazing, just looking at this giant beast with a body length of more than 60 meters, Immemorial Silver Dragon’s heart is difficult to keep calm, and now the Lord of Dragon Court’s The record has spread to the main material world.

First, Avatar, a saint of medium Divine Force, and then directly captured two Demi-God deities.

The record is remarkable, the status is high, and the strength is strong. Nehemiah and Galleon have known each other relatively early, but facing the current Galleon, the Immemorial Silver Dragon is slowly and can no longer be seen with ordinary eyes. treated.

Galleon heard the change in Nehemiah’s name.

He brows slightly wrinkle, but doesn’t say anything.

Dragon Clan has always respected powerhouses.

He is stronger than Nehemiah Dodo. At this point, the two are no longer on the same level. The change of his mentality is a natural thing.

Just using the honorific title, Galleon felt like there was an extra layer of wall between himself and the Immemorial Silver Dragon.

But Galleon has gotten used to this change too.

As Time Dragon, only those who are immortals can truly be friends with him. Immemorial Silver Dragon is already unattainable in the eyes of ordinary creatures, but as long as it cannot become immortal, as time passes The passage of time, in the long years, will eventually turn into dust and be submerged by the torrent of time.

Thinking of this, Galleon asked, “Have you mastered the immortality technique?”

The immortality technique from Eorem is a shortcut to becoming an immortal.

Nearly seven years have passed since Galleon taught immortality, and Nehemiah was one of the first Legendary giant dragons to receive immortality.

Nehemiah shook the head and said: “This spell is complicated and complicated. With my magical attainments, it is not simple to learn.”

Legendary level dragons will definitely magic ability.

However, most of its magical abilities are not comparable to those of Legendary mages. After all, dragons can become Legendary creatures, not only supported by spellcasting ability, but also by physique, Dragon Breath, Dragon’s Might, etc. synthesis of abilities.

Only an Immemorial Dragon like Nehemiah, who is also quite powerful in the Legendary, is likely to have the same Legendary-level spellcasting ability.

“And after getting immortality, the war broke out soon.”

“I have no time to study immortality, and the rest of the Legendary giant dragons who got immortality are in the same situation. I guess about the same.”

After hearing Nehemiah’s words, Galleon nodded slightly.

“How’s the situation on this side of the northern hemisphere?”

he asked.

Nehemiah considered the language and said to Galleon: “After you have shown your might.”

“The forces belonging to the elves are basically stationed in place. , and no longer expand to the rest of the territory.”

“Now the attack and defense are changing, mainly our Dragon Clan attack, the elves defense.”

“During this time, I led the Dragon Clan army , five elves have been stationed, and the rest of the Dragon Clan troops have their own records.”

“It’s just that the elves’ mystical defense is relatively strong, and it will take a certain amount of time to completely clear them. ”

Now, the spirit of Kara planet is described in one sentence.

Drag, just drag.

I know that the situation is over, but I still have to hold back Dragon Clan, hoping to get support from the elf kingdom.

It’s just that the elves on the Kara planet are destined not to be spared. They have been isolated and helpless. Almost all of the Transmission Gates that connect the elves’ kingdom with various military stations have been closed.

These Transmission Gates were originally launched to capture the Kara planet, and their only function was to transport troops, not two-way.

It is much easier to transport troops from Elf country to Kara planet than from Kara planet back to Elf country.

The elf kingdom has abandoned the elves here.

Galleon slightly nodded his hand to the rock, and then he handed over the coordinates of the lava half-plane to Nehemiah, and at the same time spoke to Nehemiah in a serious tone, “Next, I will personally go to the The garrisons of the elves in the northern hemisphere are cleared.”

“You go to the lava demiplane and help me see what’s going on in this demiplane.”

“It may be broken, inside There is no life.”

“But if my relatives in the lava demiplane are still alive, I will order them in my name to bring the wealth accumulated in the lava demiplane over the past six years. Go, steer the magic ship, and travel to and from the Kara planet.”

The lava demiplane was clearly exposed to the gods long ago.

This is not a demiplane of the Material Plane and is not safe for Galleons at this time.

After the attack, Galleon decided to give up the lava half-plane. If the resources inside are not damaged, they can be handed over to the Legendary giant dragon of Dragon Court to be responsible for mining, and part of it will be turned over to the Dragon Court treasure house. Part of it is paid to the miners, and part of it is distributed as Galleon’s own wealth.

As for the kin on the lava demiplane. Galleon hoped that the Alpha clan, and the young dragons of Rowell and Gretha, were still alive.

The probability is quite high.

As long as the lava demiplanes are not shattered by the attackers, they should be fine.

“I see.”

“Then I’ll go now.”

Nehemiah replied.

Galleon nodded and said: “It’s hard work, go ahead.”

Nehemiah laughed: “I’m happy to serve the Lord of Dragon Court.”

Having said that, this Immemorial Silver Dragon uses the coordinates given by Galleon as the anchor point, and opens the plane Transmission Gate.

Transportation across planes is not difficult for Legendary creatures. Legendary creatures almost all have similar means. Some high-ranking sorcerers even travel to planes frequently, such as Curselinger Kree, who used to be loyal to Galleon. Jeans.

As Galleon watches, Nehemiah is about to step into the Transmission Gate.

It’s just that its movement suddenly paused and looked towards somewhere in the west.

Galleon turned his eyes to look at the same time, and a familiar Silver Dragon came into view.

Nehemiah shone the head imperceptibly, then plunged into the plane of Transmission Gate.

The Galleon was startled slightly, then the massive body disappeared in place.

The giant dragon disappeared in a flash, almost teleporting to the side of the oversized Silver Dragon.

When Luna came back to his senses, Galleon had already restrained her dragon wings and landed in the vast forest where she was located. The majestic body set off the surrounding towering ancient trees like roots. little sapling.

“Luna, long time no see.”

“I’m glad to see you alive.”

Galleon said sincerely.

War is a melting pot of life and death, for the Elves, and for Dragon Clan as well.

Like Luna, a prime-age Silver Dragon who is not yet Legendary, in Dragon Clan is only low-level and middle-level, and accidentally will die in the aftermath of the Legendary-level battle. It is exceptional to survive. Lucky thing to do.

Galleon can see many visible marks on the scales of this graceful Silver Dragon, adding a sense of ferocity to it.

It’s just that Luna’s demeanor is as indifferent and elegant as ever.

“Should I call you the great Dragon Court Lord, or Galleon.”

Luna looked up at the silver giant dragon whose size was several times his size, and the oppression force was as solid as the real silver giant dragon. With a slight smile, he said.

Galleon laughed slightly, looked down at the petite Silver Dragon, and said, “You can call me whatever you want.”

“Then I’ll call you Galleon. Well, the brilliance of the Lord of Dragon Court is too dazzling.”

Luna smiled lightly.

Under a burst of brilliance, she turned into a beautiful woman with blond hair and white skin, as always.

Luna tapped her toes, her 1.7-meter tall body jumped up, and sat down on the top of a tens of meters tall tree, her smooth calves swaying gently.

“Hopefully this war will end soon.”

“I’ve seen too many deaths, we at Dragon Clan have the upper hand at this time, but the casualties are also quite heavy.”

Luna looked into the distance, her blond hair fluttering in the wind.

As a kind-hearted Silver Dragon, she is not belligerent. Although she also participated in the war, she is not keen on the idea of the flames of war.

Galleon slightly nodded and said: “I will end the war as soon as possible.”

With him, Dagon Clan has a big advantage in the material world, and can destroy each material world one by one. The elf garrison in China is cleared, and as long as the elf country can’t find a way to deal with Galleon, their failure is inevitable.

There are many Demi-Gods on the Elf side.

These Demi-God bodies are coming, and if the number of them comes to the main material world at one time, it can cause trouble to Galleon, but, in the kingdom of dragon gods, they have semi-power of God, the giant dragon that has lived for thousands of years is also no longer rare.

The Metal Dragon God said before that he would mobilize combat power to help Galleon, but he refused.

The Demi-God’s battleground is primarily on the Outer Planes.

It’s just that, with Galleon’s forty-one creature level, if you go to the outer planes and fight those gods who became Demi-God thousands of years ago, it’s hard to ask for it.

For example, two twin flower angels with biological levels over 50.

If fighting them on the Outer Planes, Galleon probably won’t be a match without Time Dragon’s countercurrent.

But in the main material world, when everyone is at the same level, he can kill them one-to-many.

And in times of war, the importance of the main material world battlefield is no less than that of the outer planes. If the main material world achieves a large-scale victory, the battle between the gods, the dragon gods There will also be huge advantages.

Time is passing slowly.

Galleon chatted for a while with friends he hadn’t seen for many years, recalling interesting things that happened when he was still weak, and occasionally Time Dragon laughed a few times, and the atmosphere was relaxed and quiet.

“By the way, I have news from Nicole Nina.”

Luna said suddenly.

Under Galleon’s gaze, Luna looked a little dignified and worried, and said, “She was taken away by the elders of her own clan and went to Star Realm.”

Star Realm .

That is a strange field between spirit and matter, or a fusion of spirit and matter. After the death of a god, the body will turn into an island of Star Realm, providing many Star Realm creatures with A habitat, or it may evolve into a forbidden area for life.

It’s a good thing Nicole Nina didn’t die unexpectedly.

With no news of Nicole Nina, Galleon thought for a long time that she had died unexpectedly.

Now I heard that this Crystal Dragon was originally in Star Realm, which is reasonable. As the gem dragon, the five-color dragon and the metal dragon of the three dragon species of Dragon Clan, the base camp of the gem dragon Mainly in Star Realm, the distribution in the main material world is not as good as the other two dragon species.

It’s just that the Star Realm at this time is more dangerous than the main material world.

Because this is a time of war, the vast and infinite outer plane of the Star Realm is one of the main battlegrounds for the gods above the Demi-God level.

Divine Force giant dragon, dragon god, elf god. The two sides are constantly fighting in Star Realm.

The aftermath of the battle of the gods can easily kill countless creatures.

“At Star Realm, I hope she doesn’t get caught up in the battle between the gods.”

Galleon can only bless Nicole Nina so much.

He has no plans to go to Star Realm at present, the battlefield for Galleon is in the main material world.

After chatting for a while, Galleon narrowed his eyes, looked at the dim sky, and said to Luna: “The rest time is over, it’s time to clean up the remaining elf garrison.”


paused, Galleon said to Luna: “When the war on Kara planet is over, if you want, you can stay in this world at ease.”

Luna shook the head and said firmly: “I Although I don’t like war, but my compatriots are fighting bloody battle for Dragon Clan, how can I be alone?”

She smiled at Galleon and said quietly: “The worst outcome is nothing more than Shattered and turned to dust, I never fear death.”


nods, said: “Be careful.”


He took out the world rune and applied multiple solidifications to Luna. Magic buff, hope this Silver Dragon can live to the end of the war.

“This is a small gift from me, accept it.”

Luna nodded slightly, not rejecting it.

After perceiving the effects of many gain magic, Luna lifted the Transformation Technique and turned into an oversized Silver Dragon. She blinked at Galleon and said softly, “Dear Dragon. Lord of the Court, it’s time for you to lead the army.”

“I will fight alongside you under your dragon wings.”

When the war is about to begin , Luna calls Galleon the Lord of Dragon Court, which means that Galleon does not need to take care of her as a friend, just treat her as an ordinary Dragon Clan soldier.

Galleon nods, Longyi is shocked, and he suddenly comes to the high-altitude clouds.

With the crown of dragon horn on its head, like the silver giant dragon of the Dragon Clan monarch, standing high in the night, the billowing Dragon’s Might radiates out, causing many True Dragon responses.

A strong dragon breath fills the air.

Next, the nearby True Dragon and True Dragon clans gathered together and turned into a black army.

“My Dragon Clan warriors, it’s time for the elves to a debt of blood must be paid in blood!”

The roar of the dragons could not be stopped.

After a few routine remarks to boost the morale of the True Dragons.

This army was led by Galleon, and grandiose’s moved towards the nearby Elf garrison burst out.


Under the dark and deep, moonless and starless night, the flames of war once again pervaded.

With Galleon, he can easily break the Elf Race’s Mysterious Guard array, so, under his leadership, the True Dragon army like a hot knife through butter, all the way to crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood The stance rolled over, turning the elf stations into ashes.

The efficiency is more than 100 times higher than that without Galleon.


The moon sets and the sun rises.

However, the dragon’s roar and roar still kept on rolling, attacking Elf Race’s stations distributed on the planet Kara, until the high intensity continued for a long time, before it stopped to take a nap to recover its strength.

Then continue to start the expedition after the stamina is full and the magic is full.

The Sun sets and the Moon rises.

After going back and forth for a month, the elves garrisoned in the northern hemisphere have been completely defeated by the Dragon Clan led by Galleon, and countless elves died or were captured by the Dragon Clan.

At the same time, in the southern hemisphere, under the leadership of Urbis, the big snake dragon, the True Dragon army also pulled out the elves one by one.

When Galleon takes down the sprites in the northern hemisphere, go to the southern hemisphere again.

Led by Galleon and half a month later, the last elf garrison on the Kara planet located in a dangerous canyon location was submerged in the breath of True Dragon and the minions of the family.

This troubled planet has once again become the world of Dragon Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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