Considering the Possibility of Falling in Love With the Villain

Chapter 99 (END) - White coat **** extra

The stupid innate **** who was in charge of creation and the right to life was born one step before her. @ |

This world has been struggling to give birth to two innate gods, so when she saw her peers, she was still very happy.

But the girl-like deity didn’t seem to be happy, she almost jumped up with a crying face, “Fire, your fire!”

Before she could react, the emerald green light on the girl’s hand had shrouded over it. This was not an attacking light. She lowered her head and saw the emerald light swaying the almost dying grass.

She is a powerful deity born in nature.She was born to control the power of death and destruction. Her body is entangled with black flames that can extinguish the disgust. Can’t wait to have 800 legs to escape.

But the girl wasn’t afraid of her, not only was she still squatting under her feet, holding the grass and then relieved easily, “It’s okay …”

Such a close action made her particularly frightened. She couldn’t tell if this frightened was because someone was close to her defensive range or something else. She took a few steps back and flushed and shouted: “It’s only when you are so close! !!! ”

“Duel?” The girl **** stood up and looked up. “I don’t want a duel, because I won’t lose.”

She shouted from her nostril to hide her confusion, “No … no no stop talking! Did you see? The flame on my body can wipe out everything!”

The girl **** laughed a moment, and a ray of green light flashed on her hand, “Nothing can break my defense, so now, I won’t win, but I won’t lose.”

The young girl’s face was elegant and noble. Even in this savage sake, she could not use more precise and gorgeous words to describe it, but she still felt that the young girl **** at this moment was really too beautiful.

She paused, flushed and scratched her head, “… that, I am Ayao.”

After listening to her sudden self-introduction, the girl goddess looked up at her, as if to identify whether she meant to hurt her life in the realm. At last, the girl godhead smiled and frowned, “I am Aluo. ”

It’s like life has been searching for death since it was born, it’s like death will embrace life from the moment it appears, so ah, they really are two people who have been created in the world, so she came here.

But A Luo doesn’t seem to think so.

A towering tree grew out of where Aluo stood. She sat on the trunk and looked at her subordinate Ayao. “You don’t come in the future …”

The girl shrine is always so gentle, even the tone of refusing to worry is soft.

Of course, this soft tone cannot refuse her, “No! Why?”

A Luo frowned anxiously. “The flames on your body are so powerful. Once you come here, life in my field can’t be happy.”

The flames of the Death Shrine converged into the body as much as possible at this instant, revealing her beautiful appearance as a girl. She raised her hands, “So, is it okay?”

She thought it must be that A Luo was too beautiful, otherwise, why would she want to surrender to her immediately?

The goddess on the towering tree jumped down in a hurry, and she landed on the ground and walked over, “So, I told you not to come.”


“You converge the flames, and that unhappy man becomes you …”

The death **** approached her happily, “I’m happy, and I’m happy to be near you.”

Who will win between the sharpest spear and the strongest shield in the world? This contradictory problem lies in the barbaric ancient times of billions of years ago, as if she had been looking for the home since she was born. The answer came to the girl shrine immediately.

She has since sharpened.

In this lonely and empty world, the death **** Aya felt that there was enough Alo to be lively, but she did not think whether Alo would think so too.

The universe is like a chicken, and the ground is like a yellow egg.

This world has been chaotic and barren for a long time since the birth. Except for the two innate gods, only those pesky gods who wander in the heavens and heavens. Allo is the **** who controls the authority of creation and life. Alas, many beings were born into this world in one thought.

Occasionally, when she created a new life, she would also be enthusiastic to ask Aya to name, “Softer than a tree, taller than a grass … is it good to call it a vine?”

Although he didn’t understand the connection between these things at all, the death shrine nodded his face very well, “Good!”

Alo lowered her head a little shyly, and both ear tips turned red.

The radiance of her hands gathered, and a little new life was formed under her hands. It was covered with a layer of dark and dim flame, and the scales under the flame were tender and soft. It could not even open its eyes, but it arched hard. A Yao, who was on the side of the arch, expressed his intimacy.

It was keenly aware that he had a breath similar to this mighty deity, and immediately approached this Aya as if the fledgling was naturally close to his mother.

“It was born after I collected the flames on A Luo.” A Luo’s face was a little pale, but she smiled very happily. “This is the only one in the world … You see, it really likes you, Ayao!”

But I don’t like it.

This sentence spared a few laps in the heart of the death shrine, but after all, she still didn’t say it. She reached out and touched the little head with two heads, “Call it Youjia.” Sure enough, she didn’t know she was sticking her young tongue with her nasty Yuga, and licked the palm of Death’s hand with affection. She looked worriedly at Aluo’s pale face.

She said, “This world is lively enough, Aluo.”

A Luo chuckled, “It’s not enough.”

As an innate deity, Ayao knows more about the existence of an innate deity than anyone else.

At the same time as having born powerful powers, they also have born responsibilities. That authority is their supremacy and the supremacy of everything, and it is also an inseparable cage and shackles.

There are no good things in the world that are not just given. They are born innate deities, seeds of heaven and earth, and have a responsibility to assist this heaven and earth to better nurture the world.

A Luo holds the power of creation and life, and also has the responsibility to create life. A Yao holds the power of destruction and death, and also has the responsibility of the endless world’s birthday cycle and biological evolution.

If they do not spread a piece of authority between them, the direct life cycle of this world will be more perfect, and this world will eventually conceive into a high-magic world that surpasses the universe.

The innate deities who lost their authority little by little will become weaker and weaker and eventually fall into the throne.

A Luo smiled dumbly, then came down from the vine swing, she sat beside A Yao, “It doesn’t matter, the gods are immortal, I will return to this world after all.”

The inborn deities who have lost their authority will return to the embrace of the heavens and the earth and be nurtured again.

Death shrine sits casually on the grass. She sits far away on the vine swing and holds Aluo in the arms. “Even if I can return to this world, but am I still at that time, am I at that time? Is Luo still Alo? ”

But the innate deities who had lost all their memory and authority, even if they could return to heaven and earth, they were no longer theirs at that time.

A Luo stared at A Yao blankly, “Is there any difference between then and now …”

The look of death shattered. “This grassland withers grass every day, and new grass emerges from the soil every day, but no matter how many new ones appear, it is no longer the original green grass.”

A Luo didn’t quite understand what she said, “But they are still beautiful every day.”

She stood up, vowing vigorously: “I, I must make this world more beautiful!”

Ayao can’t understand why Ayao can’t understand her special to her, just like A Luo can’t understand why Ayao insists on this speciality.

When Yujia spends tens of thousands of years in his juvenile period and enters adulthood one day, Ayao can no longer find A Luo, even if the divine thought can see the world in an instant, and this world of flowers and flowers. Thousands of life explosions are generally born in this world.

Every life has the smell of A Luo, but A Yao has lost her A Luo forever.

Her vibrant voice seemed to be still in her ear, “I, I must make this world more beautiful!”

Standing in the lively world, Ayao, as if standing in the center of loneliness, could not control her eyes and left tears.

She cried and said to Youjia, “I hate this world.”

The two-headed beast shrouded in vigorous black flames arched her calf gently and whimpered at her.

The powerful inborn deity, in charge of death and destruction, landed on the ground, looking at each day still crisp, and his tears ticked, “……… In fact, I hate myself even more.”

The two innate deities in charge of life and death are almost involuntarily attracted and merged with each other. Even if they do not want to, they will eventually be unable to resist and return to heaven and earth, one incarnation, one incarnation, even if millions New innate deities will be born in all things and reincarnation after the year, but that’s not them anymore.

The more perfect this heaven and earth, the faster and faster the direct integration of life and death cycles.

A Luo thinks that Ayao is unwilling to abandon this memory so as not to incarnate the reincarnation, so before the irresistible desire to melt and come completely, she first dissipates her power into everything.

——In this way, Ayao can realize his wish to live forever.

Aluo loves Aya, like every grass and every vine in this world.

Such love makes despair extremely desperate.

After thousands of years, she dominated the last days. She wanted to collect the ownership left by the girl god, and she wanted her to be born again in this world.

Although, she already knew that she could not win.

The future is long and clear in front of her, and she loses miserably in each future flow.

It’s not that she can’t win, but no matter how desperate she struggles, the girl **** that she wants to win back has never thought of coming back after being annihilated thousands of years ago.

———— A Luo does not want her.

It should have been understood that from a long time ago, from the beginning of everything, from the very beginning, she had lost her forever.

The author has something to say: Hei Fanwai has finally finished writing, and it can be completely done. Hey!

After all, everyone, see you in the next book! (??????) ??

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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