Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 19 - Strange things become more

   Chapter 19 Strange things become more

   The part-time job was settled.

   Amuro Toru asked a few more questions.

   After learning that Jiang Xia used to work often, and was familiar with some common part-time jobs, Amuro realized that this new apprentice who was forced to accept might be very practical.

  —Amuro often goes to work in various places.

   But many shops that recruit people need part-time staff with stable time.

   And Amuro Toru himself, who has several jobs, is busy with work, and is often a pigeon boss.

   Therefore, although he is very capable and does a good job, it is inevitable that he will be fired.

  Toru Amuro works part-time to gather intelligence. This situation will interfere with his work.

   But with Jiangxia, everything is different.

  —When he’s not free, he can let Jiang Xia come on temporarily.

  In this way, as long as there is no serious problem of “insufficient manpower when busy”, the risk of Amuro Toru being fired by the store owner is much lower.

   Although the shop where Jiang Xia is located, there is a risk of being smashed by the local ruffians.

   But Jiang Xia also said that those people can’t be beaten clearly, so if they play yin, they probably won’t dare to follow Jiang Xia all the time.

   Only when Jiang Xia stayed in a certain store for a long time and was accidentally seen by them would they go to do something wrong.

   and asked Jiang Xia to replace the part-time job, let him stay for half a day and leave, it is not easy to have an accident.

  If the person who smashes the store is really difficult to deal with, you can arrange a few police officers to press down the road nearby and catch people by the way…


  Amuro Toru listed Jiangxia’s advantages 12345 in his heart, which was much more comfortable.

   He rummaged in the drawer, took out a set of spare keys, and handed it to Jiang Xia: “Do you know the procedure for receiving customers?”

   Jiang Xia glanced at the teacup on the table: “Just like you received me just now.”

“Yeah.” Amuro nodded, and pointed to the bookcase next to him, “The order form is there, the tea is in the upper cabinet, and there are cold drinks in the refrigerator… If you think it’s troublesome, just bring them water, anyway, this is Stores don’t need to brush up on performance.”

  Jiangxia: “…”

   Those who have an organization to provide funds are arrogant.

   Amuro Toru found another address book:

   “If you are not sure about the entrustment received, say our appointment is full, and introduce them to other firms – the list is here, and there are notes on other detectives’ areas of expertise, you can refer to them.”

   After explaining everything, Amuro started rushing people: “Okay, you can go back today. Starting tomorrow, you can come and visit the store when you are free.”

   He planned to clean up the office after Jiang Xia left, so as not to leave behind some items that would reveal his identity.

   By the way, add more cameras and bugs.

   Jiang Xia seemed to be saved, but he still had to guard against it.


   When Jiang Xia left the office, it was still early.

   He observed the nearby buildings and found that if he wanted to attract more ghostly customers, he might need to order a billboard.

  —Going forward from Amuro Detective Office, walk about ten meters to the main road.

   And diagonally opposite the main road, it happens to be the Metropolitan Police Department.

  The police are not omnipotent. After many people leave the police station in disappointment, they will go to the detective.

   This is probably one of the reasons why Toru Amuro dared to choose the office near the Metropolitan Police Department.

  Jiang Xia thought that if there were billboards, when the customers came out of the police station, they saw the sign of “Anshi Detective Agency” at a glance… Maybe they turned in by the way.


   A week later.

  Amuro came back from a business trip and wanted to go home first and sort out the information he had collected.

   But when he passed the Metropolitan Police Department, he suddenly found that there were a few people around the street, looking up at something on the telephone pole.

   Amuro raised his head suspiciously and followed them to look up.

   A grotesque billboard popped into view.

The    brand has a black and silver background, an arrogant shape, and a strong impact. The letter is written in large characters—Amuro Detective Agency.

   Amuro Toru: “…”

…what’s this?

   Originally, Amuro should go straight at this time.

   But he looked at the billboard, and was frozen at the intersection for several seconds. In the end, he turned around, turned into the alley, and went to the office.

   He remembered that he told Jiang Xia that the firm did not need performance.

   And the funds he allocated to Jiang Xia were, on the surface, the operating expenses of the firm. But in fact, Anshitou thought that the two of them should know that this was a subsidy for Jiang Xia.

   Just now it seems…

   This “knowing” is his own one-sided?

  Jiang Xia was unexpectedly an honest man, and he didn’t understand his hints, so he really used that money to buy billboards and advertising spaces?

   Amuro Toru walked into the office with a complicated mood.

   At a glance, he saw Jiang Xia sitting on the sofa in the store, holding a bottle of Coke, waiting for business.

   Seeing that it was him who entered the door, he seemed a little disappointed.

   Amuro’s mood was even more complicated: “What’s up with that billboard at the intersection?”

  Jiang Xia got up first and brought a glass of cold water to Amuro, and reviewed the hospitality of this office.

   then said: “I put it up a few days ago – the massage shop next door just closed down, and its advertising space was sold at a low price. I asked about the price, and I felt that the customers I attracted could make up for the advertising expenditure, so I bought it.”

  Amuro nodded: “Is that so…”

   After finishing speaking, I am a bit short of words.

   Mainly because I couldn’t think of a moment, how to say the words “no need to advertise, you can just greedy the funds of the organization”.

   However, it seems that the newly recruited apprentice is very interested in the firm.

   And when you think about it, dedication is actually a virtue.

   This is a good thing, a good thing…

  Amuro reluctantly swallowed the topic of “embezzlement of public funds”.

   Also, let’s not mention the cost. Now it seems that hanging up the billboard, the effect is not the same.

  —Amuro found a pile of photos spread out on the desk.

   He approached and looked at it: “Have you received a commission?”


  This is not actually a request from Jiang Xia, but a request from the detective next door.

   This commission is related to a murder case.

   The detective next door made a logical reasoning, and the suspect’s motive was clear, but there was one big problem – they had no evidence.

   This matter had nothing to do with Jiang Xia originally.

But in the morning, when the detective next door and the suspect came out of the police station together, Jiang Xia passed by them, tilted his head inadvertently, and saw a very flat, paper-like soul on the suspect’s leg. .

   Jiang Xia stopped.

  —This kind of soul has a common name, called Pai-legs Shikigami.

  It’s far less powerful than a ghost, but it also has many uses. For example, as a raw material to reinforce some less scientific puppets.

in short,

want to.

   So Jiang Xia took some time to borrow photos related to the case from the detective next door.

The   pa leg shikigami is weak, but very persistent.

  If the killer who killed them is not punished, even if the shikigami is torn off, it will only be broken and become a useless waste soul.

  Jiang Xia certainly wouldn’t do such a detrimental thing.

   He plans to try to find evidence and send the suspect to prison, so that the shikigami can get his wish and let go.

   This is PlanA.

   And if Plan A doesn’t work, Jiangxia still has Plan B

  —The suspect is beaten with a sack until the shikigami can be pulled from his leg.

   But now, I don’t know if it’s God’s will, but Toru Amuro has rarely appeared in the office.

   Moreover, even before Jiang Xia hinted, he himself noticed the photo Jiang Xia put on the desk.


   Amuro Toru is looking at the photo.

   Jiang Xia is watching Amuro.

   A few big characters are reflected in the bottom of his eyes—PlanC.

Thank you Xiaoke Miaomiao, Hundred Steps Returns Yang, He Shi Chang’an, Zhang Qiyu, Yanjing Yanyan, 5:23, Xuan Shui Sauce, The Light in the Eyes, Drunken Liying, One School Child, The Black and White Murderer Rewards for the roles of the big guys~ Thank you for the reward of Lonely Time, Anxiety, Seemingly Blue Shirt, Bai Sumang, Tang Huafeng, and Qijiu~



   (end of this chapter)

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