Clow Cards Cardcaptor

The intermission is just looking forward to chasing the night breeze

 Using a super effective method, he persuaded his lord Queen,

    teleported out of the underground space of Mechanical Micro City, and appeared in the suburban wilderness near the night game.

    Cool night, the silence broad Kuangyuan people,

    parties and then looked up to the sky, watching the last quarter moonlit, Qing Yang could not help revealing smile.

    Like the night of flying up to three kilometers in the sky and cheering, there is a similar joy in my chest

    , retrieving my wishes in the grand adventure of Europe, and making choices in the gorgeous daily life interspersed with chivalry. ,

    He was going to midnight next.

    It’s like you’ve been to the North Pole today, you’ve been to the magic city, and after a night of roaming Tokyo, you are going to go to the island for vacation. It makes people feel happy.

    The smile on his face enlarged, and he turned into a handsome big earphone. I couldn’t help but ran on the night countryside,

    listening to the boiling music, and constantly accelerating the speed of running,

    it really felt like following the wolves, in the moon Howl down.

    Decided to do it when the paper flames were released, so I won’t repeat it. When I ran to have fun, I soared into the sky and flew across the entire capital from the south to the north.

    Heiji and Mullin followed him and flew below. All night!

    It’s not that he doesn’t understand Ling’s worry. At the end of the strange sea scene, the silver-haired figure has clearly revealed his uneasiness in his heart,

    but in the daily life everything is stable, it is only about himself,

    thinking of the simulation scene at the end, control silver Baiju Long repel despair that moment,

    it can not be cool to let him exit the prophecies depict shiny mood …

    than fear of unrest,

    he was just looking forward, chasing the night wind under the night sky ahead …

    . ..


    “Speaking of which, are you really ready?”

    “Grandma Shui, this is the third time you have asked me this question…”

    “Ah, when I get older, my memory is bad, that tooth towel Did you bring all of them? Where’s the change of clothes? Is the suitcase packed?”

    “Eh! Yes, my luggage….No! I don’t need to bring those! Why do you have the same tone as my mother? I was stunned for a moment).”

    “Speaking of it, it’s all here, don’t you go and see Lianxin, the door of her room is not locked?”

    “Why is this kind of rhetoric like where to travel ? There’s grandma, why don’t you just sell your granddaughter casually, it’s midnight now!”

    “But don’t you think she has grown up a bit recently? It’s a good time to deepen the relationship, right?”

    “щ(°Д°#щ ) I said don’t sell my granddaughter casually!”


    and the usual “chat ” of the younger generation who is about to leave,

    Shui Linlang finally watched the young man with a flying look, chuckled and said,’Grandma Shui, then I Let’s go’ figure disappeared in the teleportation profound formation, and the

    auditorium-like garden suddenly became silent.

    The cold night breeze blows the white curtains and the balcony with slightly open glass windows. After a long time like this,

    Shui Linlang sighed lightly, knowing whether it was happiness or worry, and then restored the prophet’s smile and looked empty. Garden.

    “He has already set off, isn’t he

    showing up yet?” As the voice fell, the light curtain covering the figure, voice and even breath disappeared, the

    light golden hair floated, and Ling’s figure appeared in the garden.

    “It’s really been a long time since you came here last time…”

    Shui Linlang said with a smile looking at the Youye Angel who suddenly appeared in front of her.

    “What do you want to do in the middle of the night?” It

    is completely different from when you were in the hut. Facing the Shui Linlang Ling, everything that was revealed belonged to the A-level high-ranking participants

    . Her delicate face was cold, and she showed a queen-like ‘S aura directly asked.

    Why did she want to leave Fang Ran like that just now… It’s

    just a trip to Midnight. With the relationship of one of Fang Ran’s night bureau members, there will be no danger at all.

    Ling knows this, and of course she knows this.

    What really worried her, yesterday in the investigation of the whereabouts of that frame mechanical dragon wreckage and found the man to take away that hand-held fan red bone Ling,

    the free and easy posture Chu Chen gown figure …

    rogue of Song-NO.VI-Thousand Faces!

    Like the dead line, the identity is unknown. The title is the name. It has the singular ability to appear anywhere without flaws, with any appearance and identity, which makes it difficult to trace its related information in reality,

    but through the night net, Ling knows He was once one of the midnight watchmen!

    From the point of view of Shui Linlang’s incomparable care for the other party, his purpose of recovering the wreckage is self-evident. When

    he thinks that the time for rebuilding will be shortened to the extreme, that fool will soon be truly liberated’infinite’ powerful means,

    Ling felt the sense of being depressed thoughts burst into an uneasy.

    It’s too fast…it’s too fast…

    Even if you go back to the sky palace and ask about the light and shadow, the “coincidence” that hasn’t got the answer, is like a dramatic script, it

    continues to accelerate Fang Ran’s Growing up

    makes Ling feel a kind of fear.

    I am afraid that the more he grows and the stronger he is, the more he will one day be involved in the huge waves. In the

    end, he will

    disappear like his parents in that war and never come back…

    She seemed to see through Ling’s thoughts. Shui Linlang looked at the night sky outside the balcony. It was just midnight, and she whispered softly:

    “Midnight is just a bystander in this era. He doesn’t favor any side, and only acts when things get out of control. …”

    “But what is the purpose of helping him build that thing!?”

    Ling said with a raised tone, splashing waves, originally she thought that as long as she slowly delayed the progress of helping him build, he would slow down his growth. The speed

    allowed him to stay steadily in the daily life he has been watching today.


    Hearing Ling’s question, Shui Linlang was silent for a while.

    After a long time, she whispered sigh yo opening, like Ling to answer questions, but also to himself like saying to yourself,

    “From the beginning knew this day, I have been hesitant hesitation,”

    “How Is it to stop his footsteps and let him avoid some kind of future good, or to give him the power to let him have more self-preservation at that time…”

    Shui Linlang’s eyes sighed with melancholy. , The words murmured.

    “I don’t think I understand.” I want

    to stop it, but I don’t know whether to stop it or not. In the

    end, I can only make this kind of half-hearted choice…

    “What do you know? What might happen to him in the future!?”

    Listen In response to Shui Linlang’s response, Ling only felt the anxiety in her heart widening, and her voice became colder and eagerly questioning.

    The prophet in the dark blue dress was speechless, but just raised his hand.

    Above the astrolabe, half of the star trails with seven light spots lit up,

    and the illusion that appeared in the next moment was a burning doomsday world!

    Under the dark night, the grandeur of the blazing prairie fired the sky, all the prosperous ashes disappeared, the red flames rolled out of the huge red battlefield,

    welcoming the figure in the center,

    and the wide coat of pitch-black, golden-gold flew and held it. A golden spear smelted by Chi Yan, nailed the fire….The

    light golden eyes looked at the majestic scene incredibly, and

    Ling stared at the golden spear held by the familiar figure from the back. .

    After the phantom was over, after a long time,

    she clenched her palms in her long sleeves, thinking messy for a while, and asked in a difficult voice:

    “Do you know how to stop it…”

    Shui Linlang looked at her, there was a moment of silence, then Then she looked at the invisible wall that shut herself here and whispered softly:

    “If I knew, I wouldn’t have made the big mistakes of the past…”

    She raised her head and looked at Ling’s figure with her glazed eyes. To a light spot on the astrolabe.

    “It was you who gave him the reason to’forward’, and allowed him to take the courage to step out of the daily life and grow step by step until he found his desire.”

    “So no matter how beautiful the daily life is, he can’t keep it now. He.”

    “Perhaps all of this is doomed and cannot be avoided…”

    “He will become like this after all.”

    Upon hearing Shui Linlang’s words, Ling lowered her head and bit her lip,

    remembering everything about the North Pole incident,

    she silently Leaving, wanting to keep him in the daily life, turned out to be the root cause for him to leave the daily life.

    Everything seems to be a trick of fate…

    Without a word, Ling finally looked at Shui Linlang as if she had made some decision, and threw out something she had prepared for a long time. She walked away in a flash,

    reached out and took it, and did not worry to check what it was ,

    Empty and quiet, and only Shui Linlang’s garden left,

    she looked down at the sealed technology storage device in her hand, chuckling like to herself:

    “What about you, what do you think?” No

    one answered. There was just a flash of darkness on the ground somewhere in the garden…

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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