Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 30

Chapter 29 Naive, would I lie to you?

reached the first step of the plan, Ling laughed, and then floated out slowly, and on the other side she still used her mind to blow up various fragile objects nearby.

That’s right, what ‘it’ invades reality, and what strange things are all imaginary things.

After realizing Fang Ran’s subtle and strange things to the girl named Wei Wenwen and his roommate’s words, Ling set up this plan at will.

This is also the reason why she left Fang Ran.

Ling looked forward to what it was like to run into Wei Wenwen alone for a while.

“Hehehe ”

didn’t mind that he had pitted the owner’s charging treasure-type summoned beast again and floated away, not knowing what else to prepare.



Downstairs at this time, Wei Wenwen had just walked to the lobby on the first floor when suddenly a girl rushed out of the corner holding a teacup.


The two hit each other! All of them didn’t stand firm, and their figure shook.

And the cup of tea was not held firmly, it was all spilled on Wei Wenwen.

“Ah! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Are you all right!”

The girl hurriedly apologized, but Wei Wenwen’s clothes were covered with brown stains.

“No, I’m okay.” Wei Wenwen was also taken aback by this, looking at her wet and dirty shirt, she said helplessly.

“I’m so sorry, let me wash your clothes!”

The girl said guiltily, picking up the tea cup and apologizing a little at a loss.

“It’s okay, I can just wash it myself.”

Wei Wenwen didn’t blame the other party too much, and walked towards the second floor under the other party’s repeated apologies.

It seems that this dress cannot be worn back, so I had to change one first.

“It happened that I borrowed it today… alas,” she thought.

After she left, in the hall, the girl holding the teacup trembled suddenly, and then inexplicably as if she had just recovered, she looked around strangely and unexpectedly, and seemed a little puzzled.

“Huh!? Where’s my tea?”

issued a suspicious question, she couldn’t figure it out, and went to get hot water again.

Behind the slogan floating high above, Ling floated there quietly, watching everything below, a smile was drawn from the corner of her mouth in the data space.

At first, she noticed it in the conversations between the roommates, and then she saw Fang Ran’s seemingly inadvertent turn around, and the atmosphere of the two people colliding on the second floor just now.

Obviously, this chick and Fang Ran are not ordinary.

Maybe 100% is Fang Ran’s ex-girlfriend or something.

After all, that guy didn’t respond when he saw the beauty of the club just now, this reaction is enough to explain!

Then after basically confirming the target, Ling collected Wei Wenwen’s information at the moment of several meetings.

I roughly guessed that she was also a certain club in this building, confirmed the location of her wardrobe, and then simply staged a scene of a successful self-talking deception. Fang Ran couldn’t find Beidi and hid in the chick’s cabinet. .

On certain occasions, people can really be seen clearly.

This is a truth that Ling has known for a long time, and then in the data space, Ling is still floating, smiling expectantly.

“Hehe Let me see what kind of person you are.”



On the first floor of the club building, in the spacious dance studio with mirrors on all sides, a group of freshman’cute new’ people are gathered around, staring at the dancing’big guys’ in the circle.

In the center of the    dance studio, two silhouettes are stepping on the dance steps at very close distances. The strong skills and explosive characteristics of Latin dance are fully demonstrated by the two.

Latin dance is a sporting competitive dance, explosive power, strong style, skills are its characteristics, there is a lot of space for competitive sport dance to play, and now it has joined the Asian Games official competition.

Of course, these are not useful to those freshmen who are onlookers. Everyone’s eyes are attracted by the two dancing seniors, especially Xia Yao, who is dancing with long legs and slender legs.

This is another famous feature of Latin dance!

I wear clothes when I jump…

ahem, the dance moves are hot and vigorous! ! (serious)

“Da, da, da!”

The heel was knocked on the floor forcefully, like a string of brisk and loud allegro, and not only that, but Xia Yao, who jumped half of the head of the other elder sister, with a charming smile at the corner of his mouth, was immersed in the dance. During the dance step, then a circle of male classmates around saw his eyes staring out.


The last dance ended in the most powerful ending. Xia Yao exhaled for a long time. She didn’t dance for a long time, and she danced with male steps that she was not familiar with, which made her feel a lot of effort.

“The above is the display content of our Latin dance club. Students who are interested in Latin dance are welcome to submit applications for joining the club.” The female jumper said with a smile to all the visitors.

Wow, wow! !

There were enthusiastic applause! ! Everyone couldn’t help clapping their hands, alas, I have to admit that the power of the beautiful head is great, even if the Latin dance thing is unpopular, so many people still join in.

If Fang Ran were here, he would definitely be emotional, alas, this evil society.

The visiting team huffed away, leaving only the Latin dance members, and the female step girl stretched her waist and smiled: “Xia Yao, you are still good, it seems this year’s new recruits are stable again.”

Xia Yao looked at her hurt friend speechlessly, wiped her sweat from dancing, curled her mouth and muttered, “I knew it was not that simple when you let me be the president.”

“Eh don’t say that, of course the big beauty wants to make the best use of everything!” The man grabbed her waist with a smile, and Xia Yao rolled her eyes to avoid it.

“It’s so hot, I’ll change my clothes.”

“Hmm, oh, yes, isn’t your cabinet broken?”

“It’s okay, a school girl lent me her cabinet today.”

Xia Yao placed the key in his hand, and then walked towards the second floor using the stairs in the dance studio dedicated to changing clothes.



Then, let us turn our eyes back to our protagonist.

At this moment, Fang Ran was hiding in the locker with a face full of surprise, and Fang Ran was hiding motionless in the narrow cabinet, keeping his posture of being caught in by Ling, Fang Ran continued to hide with ease.

Although the blasting outside has stopped, Fang Ran did not relax his guard at all!

I know it

In a movie with this kind of plot, as long as you go out and have a head, you must belch, so…

Humph! Never want to lie to me!

The old biochemical player told you that as long as you hide in the cabinet, you are lonely…hehe, zombies can’t catch up with you!

The tip of his nose was itchy by the silky things that didn’t know what it was like, thinking about it, changing his posture a little, and there was a clattering sound, which seemed to be an unopened plastic bag.

Eh! and many more!


Why are there silk items in the locker?

Fang Ran’s face instantly became as solemn as an emoticon, because he thought of a very cute possibility!

“Fuck This shouldn’t be the women’s dressing room…”

Fang Ran suddenly trembled and screamed, feeling stiff all over.

“Calm down! You must be calm! Fang Ran! The more you get to this time, the more you show your man’s composure!”

Fang Ran trembling to cheer himself up in panic.

“Don’t worry! The outside is all exploded like that, surely no one will come!”

As if comforting myself, Fang Ran said to myself with certainty.

Then suddenly there was a sudden rush of footsteps coming here!

“What’s the matter! What happened!?”

Fuck! ! Do you want to receive it in seconds! !

Fang Ran’s eyes were lost, and 10,000 drafted horses roared in his heart!

“Who!! Don’t move!!!”

A sweet drink sounded!

Fang Ran almost knelt in shock, that is, the cabinet was very narrow to support his losing body.

is over, I was found! Sorry parents! Your son might be treated as a pervert, Fang Ran thought with tears on his face.

“Huh! I was scared to death. I thought some bad guys would come in and steal things.”

Hearing the voice of a girl who breathed a sigh of relief, Fang Ran suddenly cold sweat spread all over his body, and moved tears again.

Let me just say, when will the female college students on active duty become more capable of perspective?

“Wait! There are so many cabinets here, they may not open this!”

Fang Ran trembled nervously. He didn’t listen to the conversation between the two outsiders at all, and kept chanting this sentence.

“Hey! The lights in our dressing room also exploded!”

“what happened?”

“Let’s go and notify the teacher!”

Fang Ran, who was hiding in the closet at this moment, madly called the senior sister just proposed!

Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Hurry up and report to the teacher! ! !

“Wait a minute, wait for me to change clothes!”

A nice and familiar voice sounded just now!

Fuck! Big sister! What kind of clothes are you changing at this time so dangerous! !

Then I heard the outside sound, and the sound of someone coming here!

No…No no no no no no…No! ! !

Fang Ran stammered even thinking, and the breathable seams vaguely saw a tall figure carrying a shirt walking towards here, his slender arm getting closer and closer!


Goodbye, my college life!

Fang Ran can already anticipate his consequences.

He who hides here will be expelled from school properly!

Then there is no way to do computer work, let alone a monthly salary of 5,000, to find a gentle and virtuous wife.

Farewell, all of them.

Goodbye, my reputation.

Although you have been with me for twenty years, you are not so famous, but now, you…

seems to be defiled by me.

Fang Ran covered his face, in this case, maybe after a while, the girl would not break her face with a punch after seeing him her heart was ashamed.

This is the portrayal of Fang Ran at this moment.

He had completely given up the treatment, and shrank back, waiting for the result to come, but did not notice the faint sound of the plastic packaging bag, as if something had fallen.

With a creak, the cabinet door was opened.

The light comes in.

Fang Ran was ready to be beaten up as a pervert, sent to the Office of Academic Affairs, endured the contempt and contempt of everyone, and was finally dropped out of school, and he was ready to go to the bottom of his life.

Then ten seconds later, it was quiet outside, and the person opening the cabinet door seemed to make no sound.

Fang Ran tremblingly took away his hand, carefully opened his eyes and looked at the opponent.

Then he saw


It’s dark, no one.

Fang Ran: “……”

This familiar sight seems to have just been seen not long ago.

A dozen humanoid monsters with dark and red pupils turned around and stared at Fang Ran in unfamiliar buildings and streets.

【Ding! Random scramble scene open]

[Participants can win by knocking out others under the monster roaming]

【Current Participants: 12/12】

Fang Ran: “……”

Then he turned his head sharply…

The night rushes again! The movements were very skilled, and then a dozen monsters rushed from behind the ass! !

“Why don’t you let me drop out!!!”

Big ups and downs, Fang Ran roared in the night and burst into tears!

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh save life ah

The long screams echoed in the unknown city night…

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