Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Nothing except reward 1

After Meng Lang and Fang Ran cried out their reluctant farewell, both of them were teleported out of the scene. By the way, the two ‘Magic Girls’ have formed a team, and Fang Ran can be considered a person with teammates.

A sense of trance came, and Fang Ran realized that he was already in his living room.

blinked his eyes and looked at the morning sun outside, and suddenly he didn’t recover.

After a long time, he sighed: “It was a thrilling and exciting experience. I feel that I have grown a lot.”

Then he heard a whistling wind!

“Thrilling your sister! Stimulating your sister! Grow your sister!”

Still thrilling? Also exciting! ? Your sister told me that in those few hours, apart from eating and drinking snacks, you didn’t do anything to the end, what else did your sister do! ?

Even squeezing the E-class chopsticks is a method set by my old lady!

However, looking at the summoned beast that flew towards him and confuses his face, Fang Ran gave Ling’s blow with a sensitive little jump, retorting plausibly:

“I know what you are thinking! But! The reward says it all!”

Then… Snap!

Ling manipulated Nian Li to paste the slippers on his face.

“Asshole! You **** summoned beast, I will show you what the master’s majesty is!”

Fang Ran, whose face was muddled by slippers, suddenly jumped up, planning to give a lesson to this unpredictable power bank.

“Cultural Relics Bureau ”

Ling said a few words unhurriedly.

The original pig’s leaping forward suddenly turned into a slippery step, kneeling and licking, flatteringly smiling at Ling:

“Hey! Look at what you said, didn’t I just joked with you ”

Ling watched him bend and stretch, her mouth twitched.

For more than a century, Ling really didn’t know that there were such people in the night battle.

“Well, I’m too lazy to talk about you, what is the reward, and what is the ability to improve?”

“Uh…” Fang Ran was stunned for a while, then found the interface of the system clumsily and saw the words written on it.

【You are given the ability to improve. 】

Just one line?

right? Lao Tzu has worked so hard (…), and after nine deaths (…), finally relied on his own strength (…) to complete the final kill, you give me such a paragraph The reward for words?

“Does it say that I can improve my ability?” Fang Ran read this sentence out in confusion.

“Oh,” Ling didn’t have any surprises, then looked at Fang Ran’s confused look, and said with a sigh, “Open your ability interface.”

Fang Ran quickly opened, the light pink girlish style interface, the upper right corner of Kosakura’s Tachie.

Go! Every time I see this liver hurts!

But Fang Ran thought in tears, but he still couldn’t help it. Who would let him, this wanted criminal, be in his hands.

On the pale pink girl interface, new content appeared under the simple three items.

【Acquisition times: 2/2】

【Unlocking progress: 1/52】

[Whether to perform ability extraction? 】

Ling also flew over at this time, looked at the interface, and said in a leisurely manner:

“Not bad, as expected, rewards for special scenes are what participants need most.”

“Uh, can I draw now? Two times?” Fang Ran rubbed his hands a little excited, like a person before scratching the lottery ticket.

This is a ramming product that doesn’t want anything.

“Wait first…” Ling sighed, feeling very tired.

“You use magic once to show me, don’t you have a card now?”

“Um, all right.”

Fang Ran scratched his head, then took a deep breath, tried to overcome his shame, and kept comforting himself.

Calm down! Calm! The wand is different!

I don’t have to say the phrase “belt with dark power” anymore!

And there is no dark power hidden in the belt of the **** pants!

thought of these and none, Fang Ran pulled out the silver broken dragon tooth from his waist, the cool appearance gave him a lot of comfort, and then recalled the words he had read before.

“Uh, sword! Come into my hand, I will command you as your master.”

“Library… Cullo cards!”

A sigh of dictum was stubborn and weak, so Ling could not wait to slap his face fiercely, and then the sword card,

As expected, it fell to the ground very shamelessly.

“Ehhhh! Mistakes, mistakes, wait for me to prepare.”

Fang Ran smirked, then found a half-eaten chocolate from the kitchen through the cabinets, drew out the chocolate, stuffed the sword card in, Fang Ran tried it again!

“Sword! Come into my hand, I will command you as your master!”

“Kuro card!”

Ling looked on coldly, watching Fang Ran, who was learning to read lines on TV, and didn’t tell Fang Ran a cruel fact.

The light is shining slightly, because the wand has been alienated into the silver broken dragon tooth, it has not become a rapier like before, but the silver broken dragon tooth itself has undergone many changes.

The dragon’s spine bit by bit directly bites together, the seam disappears, and it completely becomes a silver light sword blade.

The silver dragon’s grip also changed slightly. The dragon opened its wings and formed a handguard similar to a Western sword.

“Oh oh oh!!!” Fang Ran looked at this silver broken dragon tooth sword even more cool, with a look of surprise.

“Well, there is no way to test the power here, forget it, how much does it consume?” Ling said to herself, and then asked again.

“Huh? Consumption? What consumption?”

Fang Ran did not know the so-called question.

“I don’t even know the consumption, you are so embarrassed to tell my mother that your scene has grown a lot!”

You bullshit! In the scene just now, I originally wanted you to exercise your abilities and then tell you some basic common sense! !

“As a result, you directly gave the old lady dog ​​to the end!!!”

don’t even know the basic mana consumption value!

This sister is nothing but rewards!

Ling finally couldn’t bear it, and said directly snarling!

Then Ling changed his mind, but even this gave the doggie the final reward, and then thought of this guy’s silver broken teeth and achievements.

Ling suddenly felt sore in her liver.

“Uh…hehe…” Fang Ran touched his head, even he knew not to refute at this time.

“Look at the right side of your interface…” Ling finally told him weakly.

Fang Ran suddenly found that there was an explanation symbol on the right side of his interface that was similar to that of a snake at the time. He tapped it lightly and some data suddenly appeared in front of him.

“How much does it consume?” Ling asked again.

“Uh, it seems to be 2 o’clock per second?” Fang Ran looked at the message, and finally found a line that kept displaying -2, -2.

“So high? The ability to maintain this illusion is 2 points per second?” Ling said suspiciously. UU Reading

“Is this expensive?” Fang Ran asked inexplicably, he didn’t feel high, it was only 2 o’clock.

“Oh, 2 points per second, 120 points per minute, how much mana can you have as a novice? Isn’t it high?” Ling sneered.

Fang Ran grabbed his head, looked at the broken silver dragon teeth with the dragon wings in his hand, and said innocently:

“1080, only 120 a minute, you didn’t see the power of the sword light that I wielded for the first time, let me tell you…”

“Wait, what did you just say?”

“I will tell you…”

“Not this sentence.”

“You didn’t see the power of the sword light I wielded for the first time.”

“Last sentence!” Ling said angrily: “How much is your magic worth!?”

“1080, what’s wrong, is this very high?” Fang Ran scratched his head in confusion.

Ling: “……”

Damn, I forgot, this guy is a rookie who knows nothing.

“Oh, it’s nothing, a thousand mana points, it’s okay.” Ling said lightly, and then roared violently in her heart!


This **** magic girl!

The initial mana value is even thousands?

Still 1080? You **** thought you were super clear!

Could it be that the guys on the mysterious side of these **** are naturally high in mana? !

In other words, is the magical girl a mysterious side too! !

Ling roared in her heart alone, but her appearance was faint, and you were just ordinary scum, who worked hard to shape thousands of mana, and continued to flicker after the silver broken dragon tooth ability value.

However, she really doesn’t know, this is the value that Fang Ran’s cooking force does not use special effects…

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