Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1430

  First of all, I apologize.

    I don’t seem to be able to write it today. I really don’t know how many times during this period I have realized what it means to have more than one heart but not enough energy.

    I have been trying to keep the limit of writing one sheet in two days. , But

    I still failed today. To be honest, my mentality is very explosive now,

    you may not understand that you have basically sat in front of the computer without going out for two consecutive days, and then you can’t write the kind of anxious

    kind of self-competition with yourself In the end, I

    couldn’t help being annoyed at nothing. I couldn’t help myself yelling meaninglessly at home

    and then playing games and watching web pages without thinking about it. Then I would often be turned off by the guilt after a while. ,

    Come back to the codeword page, and repeat this cycle to

    tell the truth, I’m feeling numb.

    Maybe it’s because the plot of my volume is too long. It’s a state that has lasted for a long time


    In short…really. Sorry, I plan to go to bed early tonight and calm my mind, get up early tomorrow to continue the code word

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