Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1429

   Dawn breaks in the early morning, and what is brewing in the night is also dormant in the night. Now that everything has not yet begun,

    Calgary ushered in a new day in the light of the Rocky Mountains.

    In the northern part of the city, the presidential suite of a five-star hotel

    woke up with a figure with scattered silver hair and a skin whiter than a bed sheet, and then after completing the morning routines, he became an imperial administrator with no flaws in his body,

    passing through a lot of luxury. Fei’s room decoration, from the wife’s room to the only other bedroom,

    she directly took out the key to open the door,

    and then failed to open it.

    I found that in addition to the door lock, there was another force that locked the door. It was no accident.

    Her cold and snow-white face was calm. Adeline stood outside the door and knocked as if nothing had happened:

    “Master, you

    Are you awake?” “Say this to me before I try to push the door directly in…”

    Then, in the room with the door locked, there was the sound of Fang Ran’s headache holding his forehead on the bed.

    Wake up to wash, find a set of clothes in the independent cloakroom and open the door after he is relieved of his ability, and then silently looks at the figure outside the door who is trying to carry out a sneak attack every morning and is unrepentant.

    For this reason, he now has to use it every night before going to bed. Ability to lock the door.

    ( ̄- ̄ How do you say… Suddenly I realized the feelings of

    my old brother… I felt a loss of guilt and a mystery of Adeline’s understanding of Adeline, returning from the participant to the CEO model, Fang Ran looked at her to confirm today’s itinerary.

    “What’s going on today?”

    The figure in the silver-haired suit was cold, and spoke calmly next to him.

    “First of all, I booked breakfast for you.”


    It may be that even the taste has been stymied along the way. The breakfast customized by the five-star hotel for the presidential suite looks quite high-end and high-end,

    but after tasting it, it feels that it has no impression and the taste is average.

    But when he deeply lamented that it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality, he finally rejected the proposal that Adeline had to stay in Calgary for two days and let the chef fly over now.

    After all, I ate breakfast, sat in Rolls Royce, and

    relied on the prayers to my old brother every day, ignoring that the privacy in her car was very good, even if the driver made a loud hint that the driver could not hear, I

    came to Esenck. Former’s branch in Calgary is located.

    Although the presidential suite also has a study room dedicated to handling affairs, since there is a company here, it doesn’t make sense. The

    Eisencke Vermeer branch, reserved for Andre’s president’s office,

    is sitting in a spacious modern office. Behind the table, I looked at the relevant information on the other five energy giants participating in the agreement.

    “Master, these are also the minutes of the meeting during the previous negotiation.”

    Financial statements, bank statements, tax receipts, last quarter’s turnover, related news… all kinds of information have been read for several hours

    . with Adeline and holding a folder put to him, and then the right hand side stays on the handrails to abandon sigh:

    “well, enough, do not retook.”

    “do not read it, sir?”

    listen At this point, Adeline stopped in front of him and asked, nodding helplessly.

    “Yeah.” The

    so-called negotiation is a process in which the two parties are able to reconcile and approach each other through continuous adjustments to their needs.

    This is especially true for commercial negotiations. From preparation, initial talks, investigations, and final promotion, each individual’s interests and demands are constantly being

    tested , compromised, and compromised. At the negotiating table, they develop strategies, delve into opponents, and use various techniques to deliberately. Striving for the best interests

    is a very complicated and very troublesome thing in short.

    The key to cooperation negotiations involving Essen Francois beauty of this giant, taking into account the interests involved are huge especially, more complex and cumbersome than this,

    that there is such a giant five …

    under the name of all With an entire team of negotiating experts, the

    six energy giants negotiated for a full two months in an infinite loop of eight hours a day in constant negotiations and confirming whether the conditions under the negotiation are feasible according to their own upper-level interests. This led to the establishment of the “North Atlantic Energy Agreement.”

    For the purpose of keeping the agreement members not ignorant of them, Fang Ran has been learning about the other five energy giants this morning,

    and then fully realized that this kind of commercial high-end complex thing cannot be done by himself.. .

    “and I talk about that a few people in charge of energy giants have come to attend it.”

    Fortunately, due to de Fez powerful, then let the parties do not have to worry about commercial factors, he only needs the midnight oil level To ensure that members are not taken away,

    it is necessary to understand what kind of people are going to see tonight.

    “It is Andre’s responsibility to meet with other energy company leaders. I will notify him now.”

    Hearing Fang Ran put down the information in his hand, Adeline nodded and agreed to take out the phone to contact, and she was

    also present. Andre, who was in this branch, quickly knocked on the door and walked in.

    “The persons in charge of those energy companies…” In

    response to Fang Ran’s question, and to meet him face to face on the guest sofa in the spacious office, Andre nodded and immediately responded in a deep voice:

    “Xuelong and NE are both’old friends’ we have been dealing with for many years in North America, and I am familiar with the person in charge of them.”

    Also as an energy giant standing in North America, as a friend and Opponents, Eisencke Former and the two companies have cooperated or competed in various places many times.

    For Andre, the characters of the other party are acquaintances he often sees on various occasions.

    “The person in charge of Xuelong is close to retirement, and his management style is conservative and he should not take risks easily.”

    “The problem is that NE is the new president who just took office last year. He values ​​his immediate interests very much. In the previous negotiations, a lot of fierce strategies were also made.” To

    explain so truthfully, Andre then frowned and showed solemnity:

    “But even compared to NE, the people on the European side may be The biggest difficulty.” After

    taking Adeline and flipping through the notebook where he called up the identity information of the two people, when he heard Andre’s words, he raised his brows and asked,


    “We and Europe. After all, the cooperation between

    the two companies is not too much, and the people of the other side have limited understanding, but because the “North Atlantic Energy Agreement” involves European routes,” “The three European energy companies are extremely important to us.”

    Hearing Fang Ran’s inquiry, An With a solemn answer in his brow, Dere recalled in earnest:

    “The two heads of British Petroleum and Total, I have met them at an international conference. They are both in the rising stage of their careers according to their age and qualifications. In the previous negotiations, it was surprising that there were not too many requirements.”

    “After the Royal Shell Group agreed, it quickly expressed its attitude.”

    Follow the trend?

    The word came out inexplicably in his head, and Fang Ran frowned slightly as he listened to Andre.

    “As for the person in charge of the Royal Shell Group, I didn’t see it. The other party just sent a representative to express the attitude of agreement.”

    Didn’t see?

    Surprised by his answer, when Fang Ran was about to ask further, the sound of communication in

    his ear suddenly sounded, and he raised his hand to indicate to the two of them. He pressed to answer,

    and then listened to Selika’s investigation results on the communication channel last night. He raised his eyebrows slightly.

    “Well, okay, I see, I will explain it to this side.” After

    listening to Fang Ran’s answer, after guessing the content, Adeline looked at him and said calmly,

    “What’s wrong, master, it’s the reservation from the contract . ” Did something go wrong?”

    And to this, Fang Ran just turned off the communication, and replied casually

    without being very mindful: “No, nothing, it’s not something worthy of concern .”

    “Excuse me, what happened? It’s the tracing contract. What is it difficult?”

    Although Adeline said the sentence just now in Chinese, as the president of Esencke Vermeer, he still keenly felt something. When he mentioned the stolen contract,

    Andre asked about the progress with a nervous expression on his face.

    I have to emphasize again that although it is important to ensure that the signing of the meeting is held, it is also important to retrieve the contract. Otherwise, the lack of necessary materials

    will inevitably lead to the extension of the signing even if it will not lead to a miscarriage of the plan

    . Fiesder is crucial.

    “Don’t worry, the result on the contract side has been basically determined. Now we only need to consider the holding of the signing meeting.”

    He dispelled his worries in a sure tone. Fang Ran closed the notebook in front of him and turned to look at Adelin’s. Inquiry:

    “Is the venue ready for tonight?”

    Adeline answered in a calm voice with a proper arrangement of everything:

    “Don’t worry, master.”

    Then a brief daylight slipped away while the hands of the clock were turning, and when night fell again in Calgary, the ball opened!

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