City Peculiar Immortal Emperor

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Life is right

Jiang Feng locked the old K first, and squeezed the car in front of him.

Old K grinned and said: “Dare to press in front of me, it’s really looking for death.”

Liang Dachao seemed to have seen the opportunity, and shouted to Old K: “Old K, hit him, there is a steep **** in front of him, let him rush down the cliff.”

“I have this plan, hehe, just wait and see.” Old K said.


Old K suddenly increased the throttle, and the car heading towards Jiangfeng just ran into it.

Jiang Feng narrowed his eyes and said, “It came just right.”

When K’s car was about to hit Jiang Feng’s car, Jiang Feng took the car forward and then stopped abruptly. The whole process was so fast that K was caught off guard.

This situation is like frightening people, first fast and then slow, no one can bear such a surprise.

But Old K didn’t seem to intend to brake, but to run into a rampage.


Old K’s car finally ran into the back of Jiang Feng’s buttocks.

But what old K didn’t expect was that Jiang Feng’s car remained motionless under the impact and was as stable as a rock.

In the end, K’s car bumped up, and the front of the car was knocked out of a deep dimple. The huge impact caused the four wheels of the car to lose its short-term control and rubbed the black marks on the ground.

“My car has been blessed with innocence. If you can hit the slightest bit, it would be a miracle.” Jiang Feng smiled lightly.

Now Jiang Feng’s car, no matter how old K hits, nothing will happen, like a mountain, it won’t be knocked over or destroyed.

If you hit hard, it would be a dead end.

At this time, the old K is a very good end.

Old K had already let out a cold sweat. Seeing that there was a steep **** and turning ahead, if the car didn’t control the driving, it would only have to rush down the cliff.

But he tried to stop, but couldn’t stop.

Jiang Feng would not miss such a good opportunity.

“Come on, I’ll add fire to you.”

Jiang Feng drove the car to the inside of old K in an instant, and then quickly slowed down to keep pace with old K’s car.

As a result, Liang Dachao’s car was directly forced to the rear.

Liang Dachao was not stupid, he immediately saw Jiang Feng’s intentions and hurriedly shouted to Old K: “Old K, be careful, he wants to squeeze you off the cliff.”

“I know, but I can’t control the car anymore.” Old K said anxiously.

“If you can’t control it, you have to control it, otherwise you’ll be killed.” Liang Dachao roared.

But at this moment, he had reached the steep slope, and Jiang Feng ran into K’s car without hesitation.


Old K’s car at the outermost periphery was knocked off the cliff without any suspense.




The car rolled frantically and sank into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

“Ah…” After old K screamed, there was no more movement.

Cheng Shaoqing was shocked, she had never seen such a scene before, it was too violent and bloody.

If you fall from here, even if you don’t die, you will still be disabled.

This is a big deal.

But now it is too late to say anything, because her life cannot be controlled by herself yet.

“Old K, old K, are you okay, please answer when you hear it.” Liang Dichao shouted.

However, no response was received.

After a silence, there was another roar of engines.

Jiang Feng had already controlled the car to turn successfully.

Liang Dachao also controlled the car to follow closely behind. He knew that old K was already ill-advised, and now he could only rely on himself.

“Kill my partner and see how I killed you today.” Liang Dachao said bitterly.

Liang Dachao was completely angry, his eyes were red, and he chased Jiang Feng desperately.

But no matter how he chased him, he couldn’t catch up with the wind, and he was always two to three meters away.

Now that the old K has been solved, Jiang Feng will not let Liang Dachhao go. Letting him go is tantamount to letting the tiger return to the mountain, causing more trouble.

So Liang Dachao can’t escape tonight.

Now that Liang Dachao is chasing after him, Jiang Feng is even less polite.

He is waiting for another opportunity.

This opportunity will come soon.

A steep **** and a bend again appeared ahead.

Since this is a winding road, there are still a lot of terrains like this one, and one will appear every time a section of the road rises.

That is the terrain, Jiangfeng’s best opportunity.

At the same time, Liang Dachao was unwilling to give up this opportunity, he also wanted to take this opportunity to kill Jiang Feng.

Both of them think so, and then they are destined to stage a fierce chase.


The two cars are like phantoms in the dark night, cutting through the night and smashing into the moonlight.

“Jiang Feng, I want you to die.” Liang Dachao said angrily.

He increased the throttle to the fullest, vowing to hit Jiang Feng to death.

Jiang Feng looked at Liang Dachao’s angry face from the rearview mirror, but smiled faintly, angry, the more angry the better, this way you will lose your rationality and you will not be far from death.

Finally, when he reached the corner, Jiang Feng put in gear, turned his head, and stepped on the accelerator. A set of actions was done in one go. Even the best racer could not do this at such a speed.

Liang Dachao behind saw that Jiangfeng’s car suddenly came to a 180-degree rotation, and the front and rear of the car were almost drawn to the sides of the road. The scene was extremely thrilling, and a slight deviation would cause it. The irreversible ending.

Liang Dachao’s eyes widened and looked at this scene incredibly. He couldn’t believe how Jiang Feng did all this. In his opinion, this is almost impossible.

But Jiang Feng did it abruptly, and it was perfect.

Even he had some doubts that he was dazzled.

However, at the moment when Liang Dachao was shocked, Jiang Feng’s car hit him head-on.

Liang Dachao was taken aback and wanted to avoid it, but it was too late and there was no way to avoid it.


Hearing only a loud noise, Liang Dachao’s car was crashed into the air, like a basketball thrown, flipped countless times in the dark.

“Don’t…” Liang Dachao exclaimed.

But his voice was buried in the loud crash, and the scream of the night wind pouring into the car.

Under the impact of this kind of impact, the front of Liang Dachao’s car was severely deformed, and the windows were all shattered. Liang Dachao’s face was scratched with blood stains by broken glass.

He clasped the steering wheel tightly, as if it was a helpless ant floating alone in the endless sea, with only a leaf under his feet.

In this kind of scene, he is already powerless.

In the next second, Liang Dachao, together with the sports car, fell into the abyss.

Liang Dachao’s ending is also inevitable, it was destined from the moment he began to retaliate against Jiang Feng.

Liang Dachao crashed and died, but Jiang Feng’s car was safe and unscathed.

This is the benefit of injecting a trace of real energy.

No matter how **** the car is, it can become a super car.

Not to mention sports cars, even tanks can crash.

“Roar, refreshing!” Jiang Feng shouted loudly.

He didn’t stop, but turned around and drove towards the top of the mountain.

“Where are you going? Don’t you go back soon?” Cheng Shaoqing asked puzzled.

“I’m going to the top of the mountain soon. Since I’m here, it’s a worthwhile trip to go to the top of the mountain.” Jiang Feng said.

Cheng Shaoqing nodded slightly, and said nothing.

Soon, the car stopped and it was already at the top of the mountain.

When the two got out of the car, Jiang Feng opened his arms, feeling the soft night breeze.

Cheng Shaoqing also opened his arms and made a move like Jiang Feng.

The two of them stayed quietly for three minutes, no one spoke, and it seemed that no one wanted to break the silence at this time.

The two ghosts turned their heads at the same time, looked at each other, and then laughed.

After a long time, Jiang Feng said: “It’s not bad here, right?”

“Well, it’s pretty good. I have never climbed a mountain at night, let alone overlooked the city in the dark on the mountain.” Cheng Shaoqing said.

“Then you have to take a good look at the beauty. If you miss it, you may not have a chance.” Jiang Fengdao.

“Yes, there is no chance if you miss it.” Cheng Shaoqing stared at Jiang Feng and said.

It seems that this sentence has another meaning.

Jiang Feng was taken aback for a moment, then he was silent for a moment, and said, “Do you think I did the right thing just now?”

“There is nothing right. At the moment of life and death, it is right to keep one’s life.” Cheng Shaoqing said: “On the contrary, it is Liang Dachao who deserves to die. A dude like him is harmful to staying in the world, and won’t die quietly.”

Cheng Shaoqing’s words made Jiang Feng look at her with admiration. A young woman could say such words, which shows that there is her own forbidden area deep in her heart, and it will explode once she is touched.

In other words, Cheng Shaoqing is not a weak woman in her bones, but a woman who can do great things.

This allowed Jiang Feng to see the female disciples in the immortal world who were struggling for cultivation in the various sects.

For his own life, he must kill the enemy’s life.

Otherwise, you will die.

Jiang Feng thought Cheng Shaoqing would feel cruel, or jealous, afraid and worried.

Unexpectedly, he was so calm and calm, with his own opinions on death.

As long as you don’t die, everything you do is right.

Jiang Feng liked this explanation, or thought it was a rhetoric.

“Why, am I wrong?” Cheng Shaoqing asked when Jiang Feng was stunned.

“Yes, you are very right, and I think so.” Jiang Feng smiled and said: “You have your own ideas. This point is beyond comparison with other women.”

“Really, hehe, can I think that you are complimenting me?” Cheng Shaoqing smiled.

“Of course.” Jiang Feng said.

“Thank you.” Cheng Shaoqing said.

“You’re welcome.” Jiang Feng said.

At this moment, there seems to be an invisible thin thread entwined, making the relationship between the two invisibly closer.

I don’t know how long it took before Jiang Feng and Cheng Shaoqing drove down the mountain and returned home.

After saying goodnight, the two went to rest separately. They will have classes tomorrow, and they must go to bed early.

But Jiang Feng didn’t sleep, and he still didn’t do the daily compulsory courses, which was cultivation.

Cultivating every night is the most important thing, and we must not neglect the slightest.

Self-discipline is very important in the cultivation process. If people are forced to practice, there will never be any achievements.

Jiang Feng has long formed a habit of this, and if he doesn’t do this for a day, he still seems unaccustomed.

The rules remain the same, and the “Nine Heavens Overlord Body Jue” is up and running.

At the same time, he took out the spiritual stone he had obtained in the back mountain of his hometown, absorbed the spiritual energy in it, and then transformed it into true energy, and stored it in his dantian.

Just keep going, tirelessly…

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