City Peculiar Immortal Emperor

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Method of Boiling

Jiang Feng couldn’t bear to see his parents so sad, so he said, “But don’t worry, I will definitely be admitted to university. There are still a few months away. I have this confidence.”

Jiang Feng said that he firmly believed that this made Jiang Jianjun somewhat relieved.

“You can have such confidence, I am satisfied. No matter what the future results are, I must stick to my heart. Going to school is not the only way out. As long as you work hard, you can still live a good life.” Jiang Jianjun said.

“Your dad is right, we are not in a hurry, we have to pay attention to our heart, we don’t do things that violate the law and discipline.” Zhang Mei said.

“Well, I know my parents, and I will remember what you said.” Jiang Feng said: “From now on you will wait to enjoy the blessings, everything is with me.”

“Okay, my son really has grown up.” Jiang Jianjun said with great satisfaction.

“Yes, Xiaofeng has grown up.” Zhang Mei nodded.

“By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. I moved out of my aunt’s house and will not live with them anymore.” Jiang Feng said again.

“What, moved out? Why?” Zhang Mei was surprised.

“Yeah, why? Did you feel wronged?” Jiang Jianjun was equally surprised.

It seems that my aunt didn’t call them to tell them what happened yesterday. It is estimated that my aunt is also guilty and shameless.

In this case, Jiang Feng is not willing to put pressure on his aunt again, and will not say anything bad.

“No, I asked to move out myself. I want to live out by myself and do the final sprint for the college entrance examination.” Jiang Feng concealed the facts in order not to completely tear his skin and not want to make things worse.

“How can it be done? You have no place to live alone. This will worry us even more.” Zhang Mei said.

“Mom, don’t worry, I have found a place to live, right in…er, one of my classmates.” Jiang Feng smiled.

“But it might be a bit wrong to rush to live in someone else’s house like this.” Zhang Mei still worried.

Jiang Feng smiled slightly, and in order to dispel his mother’s worries, he said: “Mom, you may not know, this classmate of mine is righteous and lives by himself. I went there just to be a companion for him, and he was very happy.”

He didn’t dare to say that he lived with a girl, so he had to describe Cheng Shaoqing as a male classmate.

Zhang Mei was obviously relieved when he heard Jiang Feng’s statement, and said, “That’s good. Let’s live in someone else’s house. We must be diligent and get along better with others. Remember?”

“Well, remember.” Jiang Feng said.

But Jiang Jianjun had been staring at Jiang Feng without speaking. His eyes were complicated and hazy, and he seemed to see some clues.

But Jiang Jianjun didn’t say anything. Instead, he patted Jiang Feng on the shoulder and said, “Xiao Feng, I am optimistic about you. No matter what choice you make, as long as you stick to it, one day you will gain.”

“Well, I understand, Dad.” Jiang Feng nodded his head.

“Okay, let’s eat. If you don’t eat it, it will be really cold.” Zhang Mei urged.

“Yes, come, eat.” Jiang Jianjun said.

After eating, Jiang Feng spoke with his father in the courtyard, and his mother was busy washing the pot and dishes.

Jiang Feng took out the fifty thousand yuan and handed it to his father.

“Dad, this is your wages, I will give you back.” Jiang Feng Qingmao wrote.

Jiang Jianjun was stunned. He looked at the money Jiang Feng handed over, then looked at Jiang Feng, and said, “You came back so late tonight. You didn’t go for a walk at all, but asked Cai Xiaoqiang for money?”

“Yes, I want money to go.” Jiang Feng admitted openly.

“Naughty, Cai Xiaoqiang is a terribly bad person. You can just claim it without authorization and go, what if something happens.” Jiang Jianjun scolded.

He is also concerned about Jiang Feng, so he is so excited.

Jiang Jianjun knows exactly what Cai Xiaoqiang is like. Anyone who provokes him will be reported.

“Dad, it’s okay, isn’t this returning the money?” Jiang Feng said.

Jiang Jianjun lowered his head and looked at the money in his hand, and said, “No, isn’t it only 20,000 yuan? Why is it now 50,000 yuan?”

“Hehe, the other 30,000 yuan is interest.” Jiang Feng smiled.

“Interest?” Jiang Jianjun was taken aback.

He suspected that his ears were wrong. Cai Xiaoqiang would give them interest. It was impossible. Cai Xiaoqiang was famous for his love for money and greed. He shaved the workers to death. How could he give interest so generously? He didn’t believe it.

“Really, he felt that he had done something wrong and regretted that he had done so, so he confessed his mistakes to the interest.” Jiang Feng said.

Jiang Jianjun held so much money in his hand at once, but he was still worried, and said, “No, even if he admits wrong, we can’t ask for the money. We just need to get back what should belong to us, and the others have to be sent back.”

Jiang Feng felt helpless, and his father was relenting. He didn’t dare to do anything extraordinary. He didn’t have any brutality, so he didn’t accomplish anything in his life and was unknown.

In fact, Jiang Feng also knew that what happened to his mother hit his father so hard that he still hasn’t forgotten it.

Alas, the sadness of men is not ordinary, and they are looked down upon.

Back then, my father had experienced countless look down, and endured countless eyes and ridicule.

But now, all his edges and corners have been wiped out, and he has even fallen into disrepair. There is nothing outstanding about him, and he has become completely ordinary.

“Dad, the money is ours. Cai Xiaoqiang has a black heart to deduct the money from the workers, regardless of the workers’ lives and life, and only cares about his own happiness. It is not an exaggeration to take out the money, you can take it with ease.” Jiang Feng said.

“But…” Jiang Jianjun hesitated to speak, and finally stopped talking, just staring at the fifty thousand yuan in his hand.

How many days and nights he wanted to get the money back, saving it for Jiang Feng, and using it in university later, now that the money is finally coming back, he has become surprisingly calm.

As Jiang Feng said, the money belongs to them.

Jiang Jianjun said: “Xiaofeng, I will save the money for you, and use it when you are admitted to the university.”

“Dad, you don’t have to worry about my going to college anymore. You and my mom keep the money. I have my own plans.” Jiang Feng said.

He knew that his father had always believed that he could be admitted to college, and he had never doubted it.

Jiang Jianjun suddenly felt that his son had matured a lot, and he seemed to be a different person, very different from before.

As a father, he can feel it.

However, Jiang Feng’s changes made him very pleased, at least a positive growth.

“Well, I’ll put the money first, no matter where it will be used in the future, it is better than being swallowed by the **** Cai Xiaoqiang.” Jiang Jianjun said.

“Yeah.” Jiang Feng agreed with this view.

Late at night!

Everyone went back to their rooms, ready to go to bed.

On the other hand, Jiang Jianjun and Zhang Mei were sitting on the side of the bed and chatting without a word.

“Jianjun, how did you say that Xiaofeng came back with this 50,000 yuan?” Zhang Mei asked.

Jiang Jianjun shook his head and said, “I don’t know.”

“Xiaofeng won’t do anything bad, right?” Zhang Mei suddenly became nervous.

“No, Xiaofeng won’t.” Jiang Jianjun shook his head firmly.

Zhier is no better than his father, he understands Jiang Feng.

Zhang Meishu took a sigh of relief, and then asked, “Then have you noticed that Xiaofeng has changed a lot this time?”

“Well, there has indeed been a big change, and I feel it too.” Jiang Jianjun said.

“I really hope that our son will have a safe life and stop following our old path.” Zhang Mei said with a sullen expression.

Jiang Jianjun gently grabbed Zhang Mei’s hand and said, “Yes, I believe in Xiaofeng.”

“Yeah.” Zhang Mei nodded lightly, then leaned her head on Jiang Jianjun’s shoulder.

The two high-spirited people at that time had reached middle age in a blink of an eye, their youthful backs were gone, and only the withered and charred bodies were left.

At this time, Jiang Feng was smashing things in his room.

Jiang Feng took out all the herbs he found today, and then found some bottles and jars, planning to start making pills for treating heart disease.

The technique of boiling is actually the rudimentary form of alchemy, but it is far incomparable with the technique of alchemy.

Jiang Feng still doesn’t have the ability to refine pills, so he can only use this method to make medicine.

Because alchemy requires a special kind of heaven and earth spiritual fire, he doesn’t have it now, and can only use it in a crude way.

When he has spiritual fire, he can start the way of alchemy.

When he was in the immortal world, he had a burning fairy, but it was a pity that it no longer existed.

After that, Jiang Feng found another stove, raised a small fire, put a crock pot, filled it with some water, put the herbs in it, and started boiling.

This process is complicated and long, and it must be patient and not careless.

The water in the earthen jar boiled, and the herbs began to soften, boiling out the essence of the herbs.

In this way, in the middle of the night, there was a layer of black gelatinous substance left in the earthen jar, which was the essence of those herbs.

After the gelatinous substance cooled slightly, Jiang Feng quickly blew it up with his hands, forming a ball in the palm of his hand.

The **** are black, but bright in color, and emit a strong medicine scent.

This is the original form of the pill, as long as it is tempered with spiritual fire, it can be refined into a real pill.

At that time, the efficacy of the medicine will directly increase dozens of times, or even a hundred times.

But now this kind of pill can completely cure Cheng Shaoqing’s illness.

Today’s results are not bad. I got two pills and didn’t waste the herbs.

Jiang Feng packed the two pills in a small bottle and put them in his pocket, planning to give them to Cheng Shaoqing at school the day after tomorrow.

Just after Jiang Feng packed up his things and was about to lie in bed to sleep, he heard movement outside.

Jiang Feng sat up suddenly, got out of bed and leaned on the window and looked out, and he saw a dark shadow flashing outside the courtyard.

Jiang Feng’s eyes tightened, and he felt bad. There was someone outside.

After observing for a while, Jiang Feng quietly walked out of the room and slid down the corner to behind the door. At this moment, he heard the voice of someone talking.

“After you enter, just rush into the house, don’t care who it is, just hit your head if you are sullen, don’t kill anyone, just be disabled.”

“Okay, boss.”

“Well, it will be over in a while. Everyone will be paid 5,000 yuan, and then go to’Willless Tonight’ to have a good time. Brother Qiang has already said hello, and all the expenses are counted in his account.”

“Hehe, Brother Qiang is so cool.”

“Go, finish early and leave early.”

“Brothers, go and flip in.”

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