Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1189 - Bloody Battle (5)

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“Bang, bang, bang, bang.” Every time Mozartfeller hit the boxing, the sound of such a strong collision appeared. Obviously, the resistance of Sol Devil’s demigod king was higher than before. It has been enhanced a lot, and the mist that looks illusory has become materialized. In order to support the companion to cause a greater lethal effect, the black scorpion, who has already taken advantage of the night queen, swallowed his slender tongue and rushed He came up and joined the battle group. Under his influence, the Sultan of Harlem Fan moved a few steps forward, but he did not do anything.

The attacking rhythm of the slaad demigod king is different from that of Saul Demon. Its movements are much softer. Unlike the Prince Mosazfeller, he opened and closed from the front and attacked from the front, but at a quick speed in the night. The queen walked back and forth, searching patiently for more opportunities like an assassin in the shadow.

The combat method of Lord Black Towel is actually a little against the original intention of everyone to join the Queen of the Night, but fortunately, the attack of the Prince of Saul Demon is tight, and the Sultan of Harlem is rushing around, which can be considered to make up for Lord Black torch from other aspects. Responsibilities, so that this cheap and morale-raising Sela Black Toad can get more benefits from the Queen of the Night.

After Sela Toad joined the battle group, the thick fog around the night queen became more and more dense, so that Ryan and others on the periphery could not see her position at all, but everyone is a demigod king, and the enemy is naturally thinking with God. This is the main method of locking. Although the body of the Queen of Night is hidden in it, there is no sign of movement, so even if you close your eyes, you can use this method to find the direction of the attack.

Prince Mozartfeller pushed forward a few meters, and just when he wanted to make more efforts, he found that the black mist that blocked his way began to slowly dissipate, and they retreated and attached to the surface of the Queen of the Night, Condensed into an entity and transformed into a set of majestic armor, which closely protects the night queen. This kind of costume seems to have only a magic blessing defense effect on the surface, but in fact the set of armor is the fake of the night queen. The shadow plane of the Divine Realm is transformed into a plane. When foreign enemies attack her, they must first face the power of the law of a plane.

The actions of the Queen of the Night did not end with the armor’s transfiguration. I saw that there were cracks in the armor with delicate patterns on the surface, so that the soul hunter in the shadow plane would follow this channel. The tentacles are stretched out, the strength of these soul hunters is amazing, but what is more terrible is that they are quite docile under the control of the night queen, and they have not made any extra actions, just put those tentacles on the surface of the armor, Or straighten it to make it straight, so that the shape of the black armor is greatly changed.

Now the Queen of Night has put all her body under the protection of the armor. There are six pairs of soul hunter ’s tentacles around her chest, and they are still wriggling. If someone tries to attack from the front, it is inevitable To bear the counterattack of these soul hunters first, as behind the night queen, hundreds of soul hunter tentacles are intertwined and intertwined, and the head of the night queen is the center, swinging in the air towards the surrounding non-stop swing, forming An alternative wing shape.

In this way, the way to bless pseudo-realm on yourself is to release all the combat power of the Queen of Night. Ryan has also used the chain of star collapse spells to have a similar effect, but the power is definitely not as good as the Queen of Night. In this case, if you want to break a plane and then attack the body of the Queen of Night, I am afraid it is an incomplete thing. After all, all the demigod kings on Ryan ’s side have not reached the point of forming their own pseudo-divine domain, according to the Titans ’ According to historical records, the demigod king who reached this level is only one step away from igniting the **** fire, so they are also called the super demigod king.

“Huh, Huh.” Prince Mossefeller formed several fist shadows in the air with his punches, and used this as his tentative means. Because of the extremely fast punching speed and the power of his own rules, Prince Mossefeller ’s attack became quite illusory, as if only a shadow flashed in the air.

The Queen of the Night stood motionless in the void, she seemed to trust her defense very much, even though the fist shadows directly bombarded the surface of the armor, but to everyone ’s surprise, the power of Prince Mosazfeller ’s fists was also not It’s not surprising that it wasn’t able to break the armor of the night queen, but it didn’t even show a little ripple or even the sound of impact. This situation is really abnormal.

“Swallowed by that set of armor.” The thought flowed out of Prince Mozart’s mind, which is probably the only statement that could explain the situation at hand. If Prince Mozart’s conjecture is true, this is for It was not a good thing for the demigod kings who fought in close combat, but Prince Mossefeller still had an illusion. He shouted at Ryan, indicating that Ryan would use magic to test.

Ryan nodded slightly towards Prince Mozartfeller, and then raised his hand to blast a series of star missiles. As a result, the magic, which also contains the power of Ryan’s law, disappeared silently on the surface of the armor, and there was still no effect on the night queen. With any effect, Ryan frowned after seeing this result, and summoned the Lava Warhammer with a few taps of his finger. Although this kind of fire magic has almost no threat to the demigod king, it is better than the simple casting method, and it can be used. Different types of magic to continue the temptation.

This time Ryan saw some clues. The moment when the lava hammer that burned the flames hit the armor of the night queen, the phantom set of armor was as if a calm lake was thrown into a stone, and it quickly rushed on the lava hammer The location of the contact caused a slight ripple to oscillate around, and then the entire magic weapon seemed to be thrown into the black armor like a lake, and soon lost contact with Ryan as a caster. This situation made Ryan There is a strange feeling in my heart, because the whole process is not like the attack launched is swallowed, it is more like Ryan is using the spell to activate the pre-stored magic, that is to say, those attacks that do not enter the armor still exist, only because of the 殮 灵Magic like a singularity travels through space to reach other planes, but the spiritual power of the caster is impossible to do this, and only then has the spell disappeared and the queen of night is safe.

Engulfing and storing are two different situations. If the Queen of Night can devour enemy attacks at will, then she can completely merge the power of others into her own, that is, the harder you hit her, the more the Queen of Night will be promoted. If you store it, you just draw a space for temporary storage. It ca n’t absorb the enemy ’s attack, and it must consume the necessary power to maintain the existence of the entire space. Both can make a judgment without much explanation.

Since it is only storage, there must be a limit to the space created by the Queen of Night. She ca n’t use the entire Shadow Plane to do this thing. The power of the Queen of Night will definitely not be able to do everything, because all that can be done is real. God, even so, they must rely on creating, formulating, and perfecting the laws of the plane to achieve this goal, and the disorderly acceptance of the power of other laws will also have an indescribable effect on the shadow plane of the Queen of Night, perhaps for many years. It will be all right, maybe several forces cancel each other out to greatly weaken the law of the plane, or even the plane may collapse due to the contradiction of the law.

Ryan thought about it as quickly as possible, and then decided on a simple plan. He first communicated a few words with Mother Hearst. The two sides used the secret words used during the adventure of the Mist Cave. The Queen of Night was smarter. It was impossible to guess the meaning in advance. Just when she guessed what Ryan wanted to do, she found out that there were more than a dozen lava warhammers of similar sizes and shapes in front of her.

These spells activate the released magic, because it was stored in the time segment by Ryan in advance. Of course, the power can only be maintained when the spell is cast, that is, the level of Ryan as a strong player in the advanced field. If Ryan spends more time, It may be possible to use the re-stored demigod-level spells in the next battle, but now you can only continue to use these minimal magics, there is no useless magic, only useless magicians, Lion said this sentence many years ago. As one of his mottos, he will naturally maximize the magic activated by those spells.

Under the control of Ryan, the first lava hammer was locked on the right rib of the Queen of the Night and smashed down. Once there was a hit by Slachan, Ryan planned to seize this part with possible scars and fight for it. To find a way to defeat the defense of the Queen of Night, the first lava warhammer hardly played any role. It was absorbed by the black armor on the body, but this process does not mean failure, because Ryan has basically mastered it through it. The rhythm of the black armor starts from the second lava warhammer. Each time Ryan will grab the magic black armor before swallowing his spells, control them to explode immediately, so that the energy contained therein continuously strikes the same space node. The first lava warhammer disappeared from this node.

The Queen of Night immediately understood Ryan ’s strategy, and her body protected by the Transmog Armor finally moved. A soul hunter forcibly drilled out of that space node, allowing dozens of tentacles to spread like flowers. Resist the attack wave caused by Ryan detonating the Lava Warhammer.

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