Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v3 Chapter 14 - Lich Sandro (2)

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The empty mine echoed Sandrew ’s laughter, which was totally beyond human ability, and made the members of the Rex team dizzy and almost untenable. Reid hurriedly blessed everyone with a protection against evil magic, before reluctantly resisting the spiritual impact of Sandro on the Rex team.

Sandro said: “Let me see, the humanity hundreds of years later, still have the power of that year?”

Sandro immediately stretched out his hands, revealing a pair of boneless arms, and said in his mouth a language that is absolutely not human. His bone arm also matched the language in gestures that people could not understand. .

A shocking force rushed out of Sandro.

Almost at the same time, Ellendo and Oz rushed toward Sandro, and Ryan sent a magic missile, intending to interfere with Sandro’s magic.

A black halo shrouded Sandro’s side. Ryan’s magic missile seemed to be an edeloid rabbit who wanted to shake the dragon. The black halo bounced away and did not have any impact on Sandro. .

The magic of Sandro was completed, a huge skull appeared on the way to the altar, and when Oz and Ellen stepped into the area where the skull was, the huge skull shattered and released a powerful Dark power.

Oz and Ellendo were immediately struck by this force and hit the wall. Oz’s head hit the wall very badly, and he fainted. Ellendo turned his side when the skull exploded, avoiding the point. Then Allendo turned over in the air, adjusted his position a little, and slammed the wall with his feet, dissolving most of the power of the skull explosion.

Sandru ’s magic was never seen by Reid. He was helpless and did n’t know how to prevent it. He simply gave up his protection and cast a “Justice Wrath” magic to increase his partners ’killing of evil creatures. force.

Ryan saw Sandro’s protective magic power was amazing, his magic missile was easily bounced off, he was really shocked, but he did not stay in his hand. Since one magic does not work, then come 10 or 20, I will consume your protective magic!

A flame gathered in the hands of Ryan, and Ryan cast a fireball. The fireball whistled towards Sandro. Sandro pointed his bones at the fireball cast by Lane. A series of spells quickly sounded, and a black ray shot from Sandro’s finger.

The black light and the red fireball met in the air. The light and fireball suddenly exploded. The diffused flame hit Sandro’s protective halo and was completely bounced away.

Sandro suddenly made a scream, which sounded like the words from Jiuyou Wrong Soul, which caused the negative emotions of the world to appear in the brains of the members of the Rex team: grief, helplessness, pain … . This terrible dark force hit everyone’s brain as if to tear them apart. The protective evil magic blessed by Reid for everyone is completely unable to resist this terrible dark force.

Elena is very young and very poor in willpower. In her mind, she recalled the tragic situation in her childhood, and she unconsciously showed a painful expression on her face. Elena couldn’t seem to face the memory that appeared in her mind. She clutched her head and screamed and ran around in the cave.

Lei Deqiang endured the pain that seemed to be torn in his mind, blessing himself and Faras with a “soothing mind” magic, barely controlling his thinking.

Alan Duo kneeled halfway on the ground. He stretched his neck and raised a whistle in the sky, fighting against Sandro’s “Mind Blast”. His face was getting red, as if he was bleeding from his skin. The two wind wolves who followed Ellendo couldn’t resist this powerful dark magic. They wailed and fell to the ground with a wailing cry.

Only Oz, who was unconscious, was not attacked by this dark magic. Sometimes coma is also a kind of luck, it can make people do not have to face reality.

With his perseverance in practicing martial arts for many years, Ryan stiffly resisted the dark magic “mind burst” of Sandro.

With a “wow,” Ryan spit out a gulp of blood. Ryan took a deep breath, and he knew clearly in his heart that if he could not defeat the lich in front of him, the entire team of Reis would stay here today.

In order to protect Ryan and his mother, Ryan ’s father could bluntly carry a wild boar pig in front of him, and insert this boar wild boar into the ground with a hunting fork in his hand. His father’s fierceness, his mind was empty at this time, without thinking about anything else, there was only one thought in his mind: “offense, attack, attack again!”

While releasing magic at high speed, Ryan slowly moved towards the altar where Sandro was. In order to interfere with Sandro’s magic, Ryan chose the fastest magic missile he cast.

One, two, three … A large number of magic missiles flew towards Sandro like raindrops, and were bounced off by the black halo that shrouded Sandro.

Lion accurately manipulated all the magic missiles he fired, focusing them on the same position that protected Sandro ’s black halo.

Sandro, in a black halo, saw Ryan attacking himself uncontrollably by casting magic missiles, and even stopped the magic he was casting.

Sandro seems to be preparing to laugh at Ryan in vain in this way. How can a level one magic break its own level seven protective magic?

Just when Sandro looked forward to seeing that futile expression on Ryan’s face, something that surprised Sandro happened. After experiencing the impact of dozens of magic missiles, the black halo protecting it appeared A crack!

At this time, Ryan also approached the altar. He saw his magic missile finally tore up Sandro’s defensive magic, cracked, shouted, and jumped to the altar where Sandro was.

Sandro did not expect that Ryan actually broke his seventh-level defensive magic with first-level magic. It saw that Ryan had jumped on the altar to get close to himself. He screamed at Ryan’s screams, and all kinds of negative people in the world Emotions: Grief, helplessness, and pain were brought together by Sandro with a terrifying dark power, and once again forced against Ryan’s brain.

The brazier around the altar was also oppressed by this powerful dark force. The flame was immediately pressed tightly to the bottom of the brazier. The entire cave suddenly went out of the light. The dark and empty cave only had the sound of Sandro The vibration is non-stop.

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