Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v3 Chapter 13 - Lich Sandro (1)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Ryan just cast a dozen magics just now, but this is far less than the amount he usually trains. As long as he takes a break, his mental power will be continuously converted into magical power. This is the secret technique that Mr. Draenei gave him. Now it seems that Faras and the vast majority of magicians don’t know this.

Lane was full of doubts about Teacher Draenei and Mr. Caleb, and Lane guessed that these two teachers must have their stories, but unfortunately they didn’t know.

Ryan quickly regained his thoughts. He didn’t dare to be interested in being the focus of others. In order to divert everyone’s goals, he deliberately said to Reid: “What kind of magic did you just have? More powerful than fireball! It is possible to blow up the monster’s half body. After that we take risks and won’t you win as long as you shoot? “

Reid smiled bitterly and said, “Do you think this magic is invincible? It belongs to the sacred system, and can only deal with evil creatures such as undead and demon. If it is thrown on people, it will have no effect.”

Ryan said: “It turns out like this.”

Red also said: “My priest, besides being able to cast some auxiliary magic, is also the best at dealing with evil creatures. If I leave the squad, I am basically a waste, can I still give myself like you Bless the power of the bull to fight with others? “

Faras also said: “Yeah, don’t look at me as a fire and water magician. When you cast a magic, you still have to stand there to condense the mana. If you don’t have teammates to fight for me, my magic will not be released. Yes. This is the sorrow of the caster, the air has a powerful destructive power, but it is very weak, and it just falls down at once. Ryan, do you think everyone is like you? “

Elena said: “Do n’t complain there, I ’m just following you behind, and I can only live in the shadows. Which legend do you see, a thief will become the protagonist of the story? Those protagonists or names Those who care about Qianqiu are not all magicians like Ryan. “

Lane wanted to cry without tears. He wanted to change the subject, but everyone pointed his finger at himself. Is it wrong for a magician to know martial arts? Is n’t it right for a magician to cast magic soon?

Ryan moved in his heart, and he suddenly understood why Dranai and Caleb would train him like this. The martial arts he learned can be completely self-protected, and Dranai’s unique magic teaching imparts Ryan the ability to quickly cast spells, move spells and other magicians’ dreams.

Although Ryan gave up a lot of things for this, almost 90% of the magic will not be able to even obtain the title of any magician, maybe he can only be a magic apprentice forever. But his gains are enough to offset those lost. The present self is a mixture of a warrior and a magician. It not only has the characteristics of a magician ’s strong attack, but also uses the warrior ’s martial arts to make up for the weakness of the magician ’s body. Obviously, this situation gave Ryan the ability to adapt beyond ordinary people and the ability to take risks alone. Hasn’t his experience along the way proved all this?

Ryan suddenly felt that he understood the meaning of the inadvertent smile on Dranai’s face: “A real magician is a person who can fully control his own power, not a madman who chases infinite power. Having an unmatched spell ban attack, but was killed in a sneak attack by an unknown thief, it is better to use only the most common fireball technique, but you can completely control the power of the flame explosion. When you can one day be under your feet If you cast fireball and do n’t hurt yourself, it ’s an entry. “

Lane remembered that he could barely do this now, remembering what Vladimir and Gillian ’s brothers said while testing in Alfa City, as well as the performance of the dual junior magician Faras in front of him, it seems His strength is quite good among his peers, but in the heart of Mr. Dranai, it turns out that he is just getting started. The title of this magic apprentice really matches his own. I don’t know when I will be as good as Mr. Draenei.

Since learning magic, Ryan has been attracted by the immense world of magic. He once imagined that he could cast a powerful forbidden magic on thousands of enemies, but Draene said something that made him remember: “Before you cast any magic, try to save your own life.” For this, instead of stopping martial arts training, Ryan has developed a combination of martial arts and martial arts under the guidance of Caleb and Dranai. Magical way of fighting. During his time out of his hometown, Lane’s years of practice finally played a huge role.

After a short break, under the repeated urging of Ryan, the team of Lace moved forward again. Ryan believes that such a huge magic explosion and the strong vibration of the fire element when casting magic must have made the other party aware of his arrival. For this purpose, he can only break through quickly, hoping to hit the other party by surprise.

Elena, who walked at the front, felt her vision widen at once, and she walked into the huge cave where the altar of Sandro was located. Immediately afterwards, other members of the Rex team also came in. Seeing the strange scene in front of him, Reid first blessed everyone with a “Holy Blessing” magic in case.

Sandro, who was wearing a black cloak on the altar, suddenly spoke, his voice still so lifeless, full of ice-cold cold: “A group of flies, just took you to sacrifice.”

The members of Team Lace spread out and stared at Sandro sitting on the altar.

Faras said: “Are you Sandro? The host of this evil ceremony? Hermidado’s behind-the-scenes indictment?”

Reid said aloud: “Sandrew, I declare here with the will of the gods of light that you are an evil heretic and will be judged by light!”

There was a trace of disdain in Sandro’s icy voice: “It’s an old line. Have the people of the Bright Church said it hasn’t changed for hundreds of years? Let me think about it, when was the last time I heard this Alright? “

Reid listened to Sandro’s words and suddenly reminded his companion aloud: “Be careful, this guy is probably the Lich of the Undead Legion!”

The lich Sandro stood up slowly, his cloak trembling violently, revealing the black lich robe wearing Sandro, embroidered with various mysterious magic symbols .

A dark force was released from Sandro. This powerful dark force spread all around, and the flames in the braziers around the altar were struck by this force, and it suddenly dimmed. The dark flames dragged the figure of Lei Si on the ground for a long, long time.

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