Chasing Tides

Chapter 73

When eating out at night, Ning Lan’s ears were still hot.

Both Lu Xiaochuan and Fang Yu drove, and Sui Yang also had a car, and more than seven people were more than enough.

Fang Yu was still sulking, and he was arrogantly refused to let him in. However, he had the most space in the back seat of the car, so he had to shut his mouth first in order to sit comfortably with her mother-in-law.

I went to the Wangjiang Tower in the city center. Ning Lan devoted himself to making pickled fish for Fang Yu, ran to the front desk and asked if he could borrow the kitchen, and was dragged back by Fang Yu: “Ah, there is a chance in the future. Today, my brother brought you to enjoy!”

Ning Lanxi: “I am older than you.”

Fang Yu squeezed his face back and forced him to give a smile: “No matter how old, it’s my baby.”

Sui Yue heard their conversation and occasionally remembered what Ning Lan once said to him: “You are also older than me, can you be better to me.”

Ning Lan rarely gave in to him, saying it once. Unfortunately, at that time, he didn’t know what Ning Lan really wanted. He heard his grievances, but didn’t realize his pain.

Seven people gathered together at a small round table. Ning Lan was Granny Zhang on the left and Fang Yu was on the right. He did n’t have to go to the bathroom to change the seat.

During the meal, Fang Yu hummed angrily to Sui Yan who grabbed his seat: “The table is full of dishes, do you know what Lan Lan likes to eat?”

Sui Yang was asked, and Ning Lan had never shown a clear preference before him. He humbly asked for advice: “I don’t know, what is it?”

Fang Yu pointed to the most inconspicuous plate of green vegetables in the middle of a pile of chopsticks with chopsticks: “He loves green beans.”

Sui Yan stared at the dish for a while, then stretched out her chopsticks. He didn’t clip it directly into the Ning Lan bowl, but took a clean plate to hold it, and separated the pods with two chopsticks, and picked out the dimly-dried beans inside.

Ning Lan’s attention was focused on her mother-in-law, only to add water to her vegetables, listened to Fang Yu’s answer and laughed at him naughty, did not expect Sui Yang will really get him “green beans”.

When a little butterfly and little beans were placed in front of him, he was startled. At the same time, his ears began to turn red, and the hot iron that was pressed down finally came up again.

Gu Yankai biting his chopsticks and shouted, “Well, this treatment, in the future, I should be called Xunzi, or should I be called baby?”

Lu Xiaozhou was stunned by drinking water, turned his head and coughed desperately. Sui Yan stretched his face, and the frost in his eyes condensed: “My baby is called by myself, and you are not allowed to call him that.”

AOW has been solo for more than two years. The captain is in a solid position and his majesty is still there.

After returning, Fang Yu secretly poked and texted Ning Lan: [Baby, wouldn’t you accept him because of today’s “baby” and a dish of green beans? 】

Ning Lan didn’t know how to return, Fang Yu was impatient, and then said: [Just accept him like this, I’m not willing to do it for you. Grind him for a while, and let him eat all the hardships you had! 】

Ning Lan couldn’t help crying and laughing. Fang Yu’s remarks coincided with what Sui Yan said that night.

But he was still confused. Maybe love should be a close draw, is it the same? Knowing that the dark world was not caused by him alone, knowing that he had a reason, just because he opened his arms to himself, he intensively transferred all the artillery to him. Is this really correct?

Ning Lan raised her hand and covered her eyes, afraid to think again.

Before going to bed, I received a text message with an unknown number again: [What do you want tomorrow? 】

Ning Lan was tense at the moment, and he was a bit stubborn, and the shame of dinner was swept away, replaced by a boulder-like heavy feeling on his chest.

Man’s greed is endless. He tastes a little sweetness and thinks about everything. This inferiority has taken root in him for a long time and cannot be removed so far.

He felt like he couldn’t go on like this, he had to let this person go.

[Are you enough? ] This is Ning Lan’s first reply to an unknown number.

The other party responded quickly: [No]

Righteousness is scary.

Ning Lan’s fingers on the keyboard seemed to be frozen by ice and snow, and a key could not be pressed.

Reason told him that it was time to push him away and keep him away from this dark world.

The other party immediately said: [If you think this is trouble, then I will trouble you for a lifetime]

Ning Lan took a deep breath, but eventually he couldn’t hold back, stretched out his thumb and stroked the last three words.

He didn’t know how long his life would be. He often thought that he would die in the next second, but still lived to the present.

He only knew that the layer that blocked himself was hit by foreign objects and cracked numerous seams, and it seemed like the sky was breaking. He wrapped his quilt tightly, curled up to hide in, but the light was already shining on him, burning his skin.

He vaguely remembered that it was this person that made him feel alive for the first time, with blood between his flesh and heartbeat in his chest.

So, he couldn’t resist in the past, but still can’t do it now.

Sui Yan did not wait for Ning Lan’s reply.

What has been done recently is tricky and unpredictable, which runs counter to his cautious habits. Although it is not enjoyable, at least you can treat it with your heart.

It doesn’t matter whether he is troublesome or stupid. He always has to try to know if it works.

After spending another night in the lounge, Sui Yan rubbed his sore neck and went to the vending machine downstairs of the hospital to buy coffee. On the way, he received a call from the teacher.

“Listen to Dr. Zhao that you are still sleeping in the lounge? Don’t hesitate to arrange the room for you, and go live.”

Sui Cheng went to see a doctor here before. During the hospitalization, he also talked with this hospital about the cooperation of staff medical examination.

Sui Yan opened the coffee and slammed a large mouthful, saying, “No need, the lounge is close and it is not easy to be found. I don’t want him to be burdened.”

“Well, I find that you and your son really look like each other,” the teacher sighed.

Sui Yan frowned: “Where is it?”

“Everyone loves bitterness.”

Sui Yan’s face turned black: “This is not a bitter scheme.”

“Okay, it’s full of love and sincerity.” The teacher laughed: “If you need help, please feel free to contact, call your dad, and you can also exchange ideas.”

Sui Yang did not call Sui Cheng, but instead called his agent Wang Xu.

“Wang, please help me apply for another half-year leave.”

Wang Xu has been idle recently. He is still sleeping, and he just rolled down from the bed after hearing the words: “Half and a half and a half and a half? You might as well retreat!”

Sui Yun thought about it seriously and said, “No, I have to make money.”

Wang Xu patted his heart, but it couldn’t be slower: “Oh my God, sooner or later, you will be scared of my heart by the young master.”

After some bargaining, Wang Xu promised to help him try his best, provided that at least three advertisements were received in this half year, endorsement activities and major festivals at the end of the year must be attended, and a TV drama filmed in the first half of the year was broadcast in September. He As a man, you have to attend at least the first press conference.

“I’ve also found a few movie scripts for you here, all of which will be filmed in the first half of next year. See if you like it. The movie is no better than a TV series. The sooner you prepare, the greater your grasp.”

Sui Yun agreed.

Wang Xu was very impatient. He hung up the phone and sent a script file. Sui Yue turned over as he walked. He now hangs on Ning Lan with all his heart. He has no mood to watch any script. He should come down only to delay time.

After drinking the last sip of coffee and throwing the empty can into the trash can, Sui Yue turned into the lounge and met an unexpected person.

Ning Lan held the blanket in his hands and looked at him unpreparedly. Within two seconds, he hurriedly looked away and squeezed out sideways.

Sui Yang didn’t expect Ning Lan to appear here, and after catching up, he caught up immediately: “Did you come to me?”

Ning Lan didn’t answer, Wu Wu walked fast, Sui Yan thought he didn’t hear it, and shouted “baby” behind him.

The nurse passing by turned around and looked at them both with a strange look. Ning Lan couldn’t find a hole to drill down, turned around and entered the ward, and he had to throw the door up. Sui Yue reached out to pull him in a hurry. No one caught him, his arm was clamped by the door.

Five minutes later, Ning Lan took Yunnan Baiyao and sprayed it on Sui Yu’s arm, and habitually blew twice against the wound after spraying.

Closing the bottle cap, Sui Yan’s hand was still raised, and Ning Lan asked, “Does it hurt?”

In fact, it doesn’t hurt so much, Sui Yan nodded against his will.

Ning Lan was worried: “Go and take a look at it, in case you hurt your bones.”

“No, the bones are fine.” Sui Yang was not good at lying, and almost flashed to her tongue. “Just spray some medicine, just fine.”

Ning Lan was suspicious, opened the bottle cap again, sprayed him a few more times, and then lowered his head carefully.

Sui Yue was content with a thick skin, and she never saw the disgust and drive of her mother-in-law. The mother-in-law took the temperature, he helped to keep track of time, the mother-in-law walked out of bed, he helped to take the salt water bottle, and Ning Lan had nothing to do.

In the evening, the mother-in-law pulled the curtain up and out of sight. Ning Lan came out of the bath and saw Sui Yan dozing off on the sofa and pushing him up: “Wake up, don’t sleep here.”

Sui Yan supported her head, stood up swaying, and squinted half-eyed and said, “I’m leaving now, good night.”

“Well.” Ning Lan called him.

I couldn’t sleep well these days, Sui Yue was still confused, and the movements of turning his head were two beats slower than usual.

He saw Ning Lan pointing to the family lounge: “There’s a folding bed in it, if you don’t mind …”

Sui Yang not only didn’t mind, but also lived for a week.

On the day of the operation, he and Ning Lan pushed his mother-in-law to the door of the operating room, and the accompanying nurse said, “My grandmother is so happy, two grandchildren are taking care of each other sadly.”

The mother-in-law listened with laughter, and rarely did not run on Sui Yang, patting Ning Lan’s hand and said, “Don’t be afraid, baby, come out soon.”

Ning Lan was amazed at her mother-in-law’s learning ability. When the operating room door closed, Sui Yan was unprepared and gave him a stern glance in revenge.

Four hours later, her mother-in-law wearing an oxygen mask was pushed out of it.

The surgeon said that the operation was very successful, and most of the lesions have been removed. Then rest assured that if the cancer cells do not spread quickly, chemotherapy can be used as an aid instead of having to open the stomach.

That night, her mother-in-law took off the oxygen mask. On the third day after the operation, she said she wanted to go downstairs. She was not allowed to move on the bed on the ground that “the wound was not fully healed.”

Mother-in-law recovered well, and Ning Lan’s mood followed.

On this day, Sui Yang had a problem. She put on a mask and went out in the morning. Ning Lan gave her mother-in-law to the nurse and took time to return to Quanxi.

The store did not open for half a month. The residents of the street remembered the old and young Zhang family. When they heard that her mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, they came to visit her with her stuff. Ning Lan couldn’t hold their enthusiasm and collected a basket of eggs and one The old hen, Jiang Yan next door also brought the vegetables grown in his yard, and gave him a music sheet by the way: “This is the guy who left here, I don’t understand, I’m afraid he will be in urgent use. Ningning you give him Come on. “

“That guy” naturally refers to Sui Yang.

Only then did Ning Lan know that he actually rented a room at Jiang Yan’s house. Staying in the bathhouse for a while, and lying on a bench for a while, really feels like being swept out of the house.

Taking advantage of the time to finish the goods, Ning Lan packed up the ledger and purchase slip.

When he was ready to close the door, he hesitated for a moment, went into the house and stuffed the incomprehensible sheet music into the piano case, then held the thermos barrel in his left hand, held the piano case in his right hand, and got into the city bus.

At the hospital, I happened to run into Sui Yun in the elevator.

When Ning Lan handed the piano case over, Sui Yan was all blue, thinking that Ning Lan would drive him away again.

“Now my mother-in-law’s physical condition is still stable. Starting tomorrow, I will return to Quanxi to see the store during the day, and return to guard my mother-in-law at night.”

It took Sui Yan a long time to understand Ning Lan’s meaning, and he raised his hand to ask for pick up and drop off. Ning Lan said that it was very convenient to take a bus back and forth, and he immediately stunned, smashed his lips, and looked like an abandoned innocent.

Entering the ward, Ning Lan opened the insulated bucket and filled two bowls of chicken soup, one bowl for her mother-in-law and one bowl for Sui Yang.

Sui Yang took it over and heard Ning Lan say to him, “If, I said, if you are free during the day, your mother-in-law will take care of you.”

Since then, the two have lived in the morning and evening shifts.

Ning Lan took a ride to Quanxi every morning, and returned to the hospital in the dark. Sui Yun was distressed and tired, and proposed various solutions, including finding someone to look at the store, hiring a driver, and finding a reliable carer. Lan rejected it.

On the bus that day, Ning Lan saw Sui Yang’s new proposal to drive the car, and replied: [I do n’t have a driving license]

Because Ning Lan came out early and returned home late, she returned to the ward every day to sleep, and Sui Yang also had to go out to work for a few days a week. The time between the two was greatly reduced, and often they could only communicate through text messages.

Sui Yan: [I will be your driver]

Ning Lan couldn’t help crying and laughing, and went back to the origin. He reasoned and enumerated the inconveniences of doing so. Sui Yang now almost obeyed him, and soon compromised. At the end, he added unwillingly: “Tomorrow I will go to a foreign country. Can I pick you up today? 】

Ning Lan tried to sort out the acceptance relationship between “going abroad tomorrow” and “coming to pick you up”, and Sui Yang sent another one: “If you don’t reply, you should be the default”

Ning Lan stared at the line for a while, then exhaled softly.

As soon as it was dark, the black SUV stopped at the outlet.

Along the way, Ning Lan found that Sui Yue pinched countless times, and the exhaustion on his face was clear at a glance. Even if he was so tired, he still tried to tell Ning Lan in detail the results of today’s mother-in-law.

After having dinner in the ward, Ning Lan picked up the chopsticks and got up. When he looked back, he saw Sui Yue asleep on the sofa. He turned back and made a “hush” gesture to his mother-in-law, and found that her mother-in-law also put her forefinger to her mouth.

“To get back, I didn’t sleep all night yesterday.” The mother-in-law whispered in Ning Lan’s ear, “Don’t wake him up, cover him with a blanket.”

The two thought coincided. The sofa was quite spacious. Ning Lan moved Sui Yang’s legs to the sofa and laid it flat, covered him with a blanket, turned off the lights, and then crept back to the lounge to sleep.

In the middle of the night and half awake, Ning Lan only felt that his left ankle was hot, as if something had been posted.

When he heard the movement of the cricket approaching, he sat up abruptly, hitting a hard object with a loud “bang”, and just about to shout, a warm hand covered his lips.

“Shh, it’s me.”

Soon after opening his eyes, he adapted to the darkness, and Ning Lan recognized the familiar outline in front of him and nodded stiffly. For two adults, hitting the forehead is really awkward.

Sui Yue knelt on the bed with one leg, and the other was on the ground, supporting the bed with one hand, and her lower body almost enveloped Ning Lan in her arms.

It wasn’t until the hand covering her mouth was loosened that Ning Lan realized what Sui Yun’s posture might be doing.

“You … what did you put on my feet?” The question turned a corner.

Sui Yan had a dry throat and replied, “Pills are said to be useful for traumatic arthritis.”

“Oh.” Ning Lan didn’t know what to say, and the dim and quiet atmosphere made him inexplicably nervous.

“I put the rest on the bedside, remember to use it every day.”

Ning Lan said “Oh” again, and later realized that she hadn’t told Sui Yue about her foot pain.

Sui Yue was even more unsuited to the current environment than Ning Lan. His heartbeat was like a drum. He could only see Ning Lan’s clear eyes in the dark. His dark pupil was covered with a layer of water and light, and his heart shook Jump again.

The two were silent face to face for a long time, Sui Su suddenly asked, “Does it hurt?”

Ning Lan moved his ankle: “It doesn’t hurt.”

“I mean, forehead, does it hurt?”

This conversation seems to have met.

There was a strange numbness in Ning Lan’s heart, as if something that was decaying and festering was gradually pulled away, and another lively thing filled in.

He was occasionally given courage and chose to follow his heart: “It hurts … it hurts.”

Sui Yan didn’t speak. He slowly leaned over, his big hand around the side of the face, and landed on Ning Lan’s neck accurately. Without being refused, he moved forward again until his lips pressed against Ning Lan’s smooth forehead.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I won’t let the baby hurt anymore.”

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